Master's Degree Programme in
Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology, Anthropological Linguistics (inter-university)
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Academic year 2024/2025

Level of qualification

Master's Degree Programme

Ministerial degree code

LM-1 (Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology)






Department of Humanities, Palazzo Malcanton Marcorà, Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venice.
For further information please contact the Humanistic Campus

Head of studies

Prof. Franca Tamisari (Teaching Committee Coordinator,

Prof. Donatella Schmidt (Vice-Coordinator and Head of Studies for the University of Padova,


The teaching regulations of the study course depend on the following organisational aspects: educational goals, access methods, study plan, exams, final exam, job opportunities, etc. Throughout their university career, students must refer to the teaching regulations enforced from their matriculation.

Access to the programme

Open admission subject to assessment of minimum requirements.
Quota reserved to non-EU students residing outside Italy: 5 seats, of which 2 are reserved for Chinese students living in China, under the Marco Polo Project.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to this Master's Degree Programme students must possess a proper individual educational background and the minimum curricular requirements. A certified knowledge of English at minimum level B2 is also required.
Details about the assessment procedures are available in the webpage dedicated to admission requirements.

Admission with international qualification

Applicants with international qualification must have obtained a bachelor’s degree that is the result of at least 3 years of study. The preliminary evaluation of the qualification is mandatory. Procedures and deadlines are available on the dedicated online platform.
International qualification will be evaluated by the designated teaching committee after the pre-evaluation procedure carried out on the online platform.

Course overview

The Master's Degree Programme, which has been activated in agreement with the University of Padua, aims at providing tools for analysing the current phase of rapid cultural transformation (contemporary cultural phenomena: conflicts, migrations, ethnicity, environmental sustainability, tourism, inter-species ethnography, post-colonial and neo-colonial situations, resulting new cultural syntheses) through the acquisition of an ethnographic and ethnolinguistic background and the ability to reflect on professional figures and the role of the anthropologist, with particular attention to ethical issues, modes of intervention and the related consequences.

The training is divided into three curricula:

  • Cultural Anthropology;
  • Anthropology of Asia;
  • Environmental Anthropology.

The course provides skills that are increasingly necessary in multi-ethnic societies located in local contexts that are undergoing significant processes of functional redefinition (urbanisation, migration, impoverishment) and subsequent defence, claim and redemption movements (recovery of direct management of the land, local economies, traditional knowledge).

Curricula available

  • Cultural Anthropology;
  • Anthropology of Asia;
  • Environmental Anthropology.

Examination assessment and graduation

Educational activities include classroom teaching, workshops and internships, in order to acquire wide-ranging skills that can be readily transferable into the world of work.
Knowledge gained by students will be assessed through written and oral exams during their entire university career.
The final exam consists in writing a thesis, which must possess the characters of originality, exhaustive documentation and scientific investigation and which will be discussed with a committee of university professors and experts.

Access to further studies

Professional Master's Programmes (1st and 2nd level) and PhD programmes.

Occupational profiles

Graduates may hold positions of high responsibility in local government as well as in international organisations and NGOs; in structures in charge of the cultural heritage enhancement, of social, educational, healthcare and school services, of regional planning, of co-operation and development, with a special focus on immigration issues. Graduates who obtain a sufficient number of ECTS in appropriate disciplinary sectors will also be able to participate in the selections for teaching in secondary schools, according to current legislation.