Master's Degree Programme in
Global Accounting and Finance

Double Degree HEC Management School Liège

By Gc - Own work, Public Domain
Partner University website

Academic coordinator: Prof. Elisa Cavezzali
Co-coordinator: Prof. Laura Cortellazzo
Department of Management - Venice School of Management:
International Office:

The Double Degree between Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and HEC Management School of the University of Liège (Belgium), allows students of the master’s degree in Management - curriculum Accounting and Finance to live an experience abroad and to study in a cosmopolitan and multicultural context. At the end of the study path, students will receive two academic qualifications that are highly valued in the national and international labour market:

  • Master's degree in Global Accounting and Finance from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;
  • Master en Science de Gestion à finalité specialisée en Financial Analysis and Audit from the University of Liège.

Selected the student will have the chance to spend:

  • One semester mobility during the second semester of the first year. In this case students have to reach at least 30ECTS


  • One academic year mobility during the first year of the Master’s Degree. In this case students have to reach at least 60 ECTS

Admission requirements

All recent graduates or students enrolled in the 3rd year of a bachelor’s degree can apply for the programme. All selected students will have to enrol to the first year of the master’s degree in Global Accounting and Finance.

Study period abroad

Students will be contacted by the staff of the Counseling and Welcome Unit for information about the procedures to carry out before, during and after the mobility period, taking place in the second semester of the first academic year.

Information about scholarship possibilities can be found in the annual call for applications.

All students will be required to submit a Learning Agreement, listing all the academic activities they are planning to take abroad which will be recognized in their study plan after the completion of the mobility.


After having graduated at Ca’ Foscari University, it will be possible to start the procedure to request the diploma of the partner University.

Both diplomas will be legally recognized in the countries of issuance.