Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Hospitality Innovation and e-Tourism

Tuition fees a.y. 2023/2024
Hospitality Innovation and e-Tourism

The Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Hospitality Innovation and e-Tourism requires a maximum contribution equal to 6,601 EUR for each academic year, without any distinction between Italian/EU students and non EU students.

If you possess an economic/financial condition (ISEE for financial aid for the right to study) of less than 30,000€ you may be within the subsidy provided by the “Student Act”.

If you have a Non-EU citizenship you can benefit from the ISEE discount only if you possess the equivalent requirements applying to Italian/EU citizens and you send the fiscal domicile declaration.

Below you can find the information by selecting the category that you fall under:

If you have not submitted your ISEE certification and benefits request or if your ISEE is more than 30,000 EUR, or you haven't all the requirements for obtaining the reduction of fees, you will be required to pay the amount of tuition fees established for the course.

For the Degree programme in Hospitality Innovation and e-Tourism you will not able to benefit from the reductions indicated on the page Further financial assistance

You can apply for scholarships for the right to study.

To pay the instalment, you must use one of the paying methods established for all students.

The first instalment is equal to 2,400.00 EUR (2.384,00 for students enrolled in subsequent years) and it must be paid in accordance with the call for admissions for the first year student, and by 2 October 2023 for the student enrolled to subsequent year.

Late payment with regards to the deadlines is permitted, but includes a penalty fee of:

  • 50.00 EUR for payment of the first instalment from 3 October - 1 November 2023;
  • 100.00 EUR for payment of the first instalment from 2 November 2023 onwards.

The second instalment is equal to 2,101.00 EUR and must be paid by 11 December 2023

Late payment with regards to the deadlines is permitted, but includes a penalty fee of:

  • 50.00 EUR for payment of the third instalment from 12 December - 21 December 2023;
  • 100.00 EUR for payment of the third instalment from 22 December 2023 onwards.

The third instalment is equal to 2,100.00 EUR and is the difference between the total amount to be paid and the total paid in the first and the second instalment. The calculations will be processed in April 2024 and at the end of the activity a specific announcement will be published on the University homepage. The payment of the second instalment is expected by 15 May 2024

Late payment with regards to the deadlines is permitted, but includes a penalty fee of:

  • 50.00 EUR for payment of the third instalment from 16 May - 25 May 2024;
  • 100.00 EUR for payment of the third instalment from 26 May 2024 onwards.

If you are a student with a known disability equal or greater to 66% or with a known handicap in line with Article 3 Comma 1 of the Law. 104 5th February 1992, you have the right to be excluded from tax payment.