Incroci di civiltà

Festival Internazionale
di Letteratura a Venezia
10 14 aprile 2024

Julio Llamazares Spain

Thursday 11th April  - 10.30 am

Auditorium Santa Margherita - Emanuele Severino

Julio Llamazares

converses with Alessandro Mistrorigo (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) and Elide Pittarello (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

In collaboration with Instituto Cervantes di Milano, Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati, Il Saggiatore

The conversation will be in Spanish

Julio Llamazares was born in León in 1955. One of the most important poets and writers in contemporary Spanish literature, he writes in many different genres: poems, novels, travel books, film scripts, opinion pieces and narrative essays. In 1985 he wrote the novel Luna de Lobos (Wolf Moon), which was made into a film, and in 1988 La Lluvia amarilla (The Yellow Rain); Versos y ortigas (“Verses and nettle”) is a collection of poems he published in 2009, whereas Trás-os-montes (1998) is one among his travel books. He has had a regular column in «El País» since the early 1980s.