Incroci di civiltà

Festival Internazionale
di Letteratura a Venezia
10 14 aprile 2024

Marilena Umuhoza Delli Italy Rwanda

Thursday 11th April - 3.00 pm

Auditorium Santa Margherita- Emanuele Severino

Marilena Umuhoza Delli

Ibrahima Lo

Converse with Carlotta Giucastro and Francesco Vacchiano (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

In collaboration with Casa editrice People, Casa editrice Villaggio Maori

The meeting is part of the project "Celebrations of the 700 years since the death of Marco Polo"

The conversation will be in Italian

Marilena Umuhoza Delli is a journalist, filmmaker and writer. She was born in Italy to a Bergamasque father and a Rwandan mother. She grew up in Bergamo and studied at UCLA in Los Angeles. In 2009 she directed the documentary film Rwanda' Mama, which was nominated at the South African Film Festival. Since 2009, she has attracted international media attention for her work with street musicians from some of the world's least represented countries, including Rwanda, Sudan, Pakistan and Cambodia. The album 'Zomba Prison Project', which she also produced, was nominated for a Grammy in 2016. She has been an active campaigner for the rights of foreigners in Italy and is the author of a memoir, Razzismo all'italiana (“Italian racism”), and a novel for young adults. From 2021 she was the presenter of a programme on 'Afrodescendent Excellence' on Radio Radicale. In January 2022, she was a co-founder of the first anti-racism academy. Her Lettera di una madre afrodiscendente alla scuola italiana. Per un’educazione decoloniale, antirazzista e intersezionale ( “Letter from an Afro-descendant mother to the Italian school. For a decolonial, anti-racist and intersectional education”; People, 2023) gives an uncomfortable portrait of the Italian schools today.