Incroci di civiltà

Festival Internazionale
di Letteratura a Venezia
10 14 aprile 2024

Emmanuel Iduma Nigeria

Friday 12th April - 3.00 pm

Auditorium Santa Margherita - Emanuele Severino

Emmanuel Iduma

Maaza Mengiste (online)

Converse with Lucio De Capitani (Ca' Foscari Unviersity of Venice)

In collaboration with Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati, Wetlands

The conversation will be in English

Born and raised in Nigeria, Emmanuel Iduma is a writer whose widely-published work spans fiction, memoir and criticism. He is the author of two acclaimed works of nonfiction, the travelogue A Stranger’s Pose (2018) and the memoir I Am Still With You (2023). His honors include the Windham-Campbell Prize for Literature, C/O Berlin Prize for Theory, and the Irving Sandler Award for New Voices in Criticism by AICA-USA. He is based in Lagos, Nigeria and Norwich, UK. On the occasion of the festival, the Venetian publishing house Wetlands will release his book, La forma della luce (“The Shape of Light”), which showcases a photographic narrative between Lagos and Venice. The book explores the memories and relationships between these two cities through stunning images.

© Ayobami Adebayo