Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Environmental Engineering for the Ecological Transition
Enrolment until 2024/2025


University regulations

Degree programme regulations

Two types of placements are possible:

  • "internal" internship
    which is carried out in the laboratories of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Students should ask a teacher to be their internship tutor and make arrangements about the contents, timing and methods of the internship itself. Regarding the internship, the only contact person is the university tutor, who is responsible for surveying the activity.
  • "external" traineeship
    which is carried out at an institute, research laboratory or a company external to the University (in which case it is necessary that an agreement has been previously stipulated between the host institution and the University itself). The external internship is managed according to the general regulation of the University, stated at the dedicated pages of the website.

1 credit is assigned for every 25 hours documented to the placement.
Internship and final exam are related activities.