Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Hospitality Innovation and e-Tourism
Enrollment until 2024/2025

Internship - traineeship

The term internship (used in the Italian legislation currently in force) and the French term internship, as well as the English translations internship or traineeship, are synonyms and can be used interchangeably in web pages, regulations, forms and University documents.

An internship is a training period “on-the-job” carried out at hospitality companies, allowing students to acquire professional skills useful fo a quick placement in the labour market.

The study plan includes 50 internship training credits: 15 of which gained during the first year, 15 during the second and 20 during the third. An internship credit corresponds to 25 hours. First-year internships and second-year ones (15 ECTS) have a duration of at least 375 hours each; Third-year internships (20 ECTS) must go at least 500 hours.

  1. The first-year internship has mainly an operative value inside companies belonging to the hospitality sector and allows students (under the supervision of a company tutor) to start interacting with customers and to learn about the dynamics of work.
  2. The second-year internship sees an increase in the level of functions compared to the first-year ones, covering training roles and / or coordination of functions.
  3. During the third-year internship students will ideally perform roles of assistance to a management position.

The 'learning by doing' method typical of international hotel schools as well as the alternation between lessons and work experience allow the learning process to be promoted as much as possible.

Internships can be carried out in Italy or abroad, depending on the availability and language skills of each individual.

Access to internships is subject to the following requirements:

  • first-year internship: having passed a number of exams for at least 12 CFU/ECTS
  • second-year internship: having passed the first-year internship and having passed a number of exams for at least 30 CFU/ECTS
  • third-year internship: having passed the second-year internship and having passed a number of exams for at least 48 CFU/ECTS

The internship activity is associated with an evaluation in thirtieths (0/30) (plus honours, if applicable) established by the academic supervisor following the evaluation of the company tutor.
The following criteria apply in the evaluation:

  1. ability to learn and apply tasks on the job
  2. collaborative attitude and teamwork
  3. punctuality and image
  4. sensitivity and proactivity in dealing with the host institution.

The internship activity evaluation contributes to the final degree grade.

How to activate an internship

Internships require the presence of an internal supervisor (a teacher belonging to the faculty board) as well as an external supervisor (representative of the company where the internship takes place). Before starting the internship, an agreement must be drawn up between the University and the host institution.

For any information on how to find/propose an internship and how to activate it, please have a look at the following pages: Internship in Italy and Internship abroad.