Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems (DSMN), Scientific Campus, via Torino 155, 30170 Venezia Mestre (Italy).
For further information please contact the Scientific Campus
The teaching regulations of the study course depend on the following organisational aspects: educational goals, access methods, study plan, exams, final exam, job opportunities, etc. Throughout their university career, students must refer to the teaching regulations enforced from their matriculation.
Limited admission, 90 seats available.
Quota reserved to non-EU students residing outside Italy: 10 seats, of which 3 are reserved for Chinese students living in China, under the Marco Polo Project.
To access the course, a previous suitable background is required. Each programme requires specific knowledge, which the student should have before enrolling the university in order to attend the course successfully. This knowledge may be verified before enrolling.
If the result of the test is negative, the student can enroll, but they receive a supplementary required exam (OFA), which means that the student must fill any gaps in their background through specific activities organized by the University.
More information on OFA for this programme is available on the webpage dedicated to the admission test.
Applicants with international qualification must have obtained a secondary school diploma after having completed at least 12 years of schooling. The preliminary evaluation of the qualification is mandatory. Procedures and deadlines are available on the dedicated online platform.
Further details in the webpage dedicated to Degree-seeking students.
The Degree Programme aims at producing three-year graduates who, in addition to possessing adequate basic mathematical, physical and chemical knowledge, are also able to fluently use the chemical language in all its aspects, acquire technological skills, sustainably manage resources and processes underlying the transformation and enhancement of raw materials and their products and understand the principles governing the properties of materials.
The course is structured in two curricula:
Both provide students with a solid theoretical background in inorganic, organic, physical and analytical chemistry. The first year is common to both curricula and includes basic mathematics, physics, chemistry and biochemistry. The courses begin to differentiate in the second year: in the 'Chemical Science and Technology' curriculum, the more specific areas of green chemistry, industrial chemistry, formulations, polymers, instrumental analytical chemistry and inorganic chemistry are explored; in the 'Bio and Nanomaterial Science and Technology' curriculum, more attention is paid to biology, materials (both nanostructured and not) and optical, electrical and chemical-physical properties. For both curricula, the study plan provides for 20 educational activities, 15 of which are compulsory, 3 are to be chosen from a list of related-supplemental activities, and 2 are free-choice; an English language proficiency test, a safety course, an internship period and the writing of the dissertation are also included.
The Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies degree programme enables students to understand and predict the composition, structure, transformations and behaviour of matter at the molecular level. In addition to this indispensable basic knowledge, new topics have been consolidated over time, specifically derived from the research of the professors of the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems. The degree programme differs from other chemistry courses in that it focuses on the development of green and environmentally sustainable chemistry, industrial technologies, nanotechnologies and bio- and nanomaterials. Particular attention is paid to student tutoring, from the first basic activities to the internship and thesis. Many of the courses include laboratory sessions where students apply and experience the theoretical topics covered in the classroom. Students will be supported by tutors (master and/or PhD students) for the most critical subjects or laboratory activities.
At the end of their training, students will carry out a research internship on topical scientific subjects under the direction of a supervisor, to be carried out either internally at the university or with companies/research organisations, thus leading to the writing of their dissertation.
Learning activities comprise taught courses, workshop-based projects and training/internships so that students can acquire a broad range of competencies, both theoretical and practical, that are transferable to the world of work, as well as life-long learning skills.
Learning outcomes are verified by means of written exams, oral exams, assignments, project reports, presentations, and group as well as student-teacher discussions.
The final exam involves the discussion of a paper drawn up by students under the guidance of of their supervisor. The Final Examination Board comprises a supervisor and advisor appointed by the Faculty Board.
Professional Master’s Programmes (1st level) and Master's Degree Programmes
Graduates in Sustainable Chemistry and Technology represent an ideal professional figure to profitably act as an interface with two cultures: sustainable production and development. Their knowledge may be successfully applied in producing, transforming and selling – both traditional and advanced - products and materials, thus contributing to developing a ‘green and sustainable’ chemical industry in laboratories and companies.
Graduates may register on the chemists’ Italian roll (section B), once the relevant professional licensing examination has been passed.