Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Internship - traineeship

Internships in Italy and/or abroad

Students enrolled in the Linguistic and Cultural Mediation degree program are required to complete a 13 ECTS internship as part of their curriculum. This internship can be conducted either within Italy or abroad and must entail a minimum of 325 hours of work, and it must be conducted during the second semester of the third year to cover up to a maximum of 12 weeks.
For students seeking internships in Italy, detailed information and application instructions can be found in the dedicated section. Additionally, Ca' Foscari actively promotes and organizes international internships worldwide. Opting for an international internship grants students a 2-point bonus towards their final degree grade. At the Internship Sector, students will find the names of entities and companies selected by the Internship Commission in order to further enhance the professional training offered by CdS (non sono sicura come tradurre CDS).
To initiate the internship process, students should reach out to designated faculty members based on the initial letter of their surname. The following teachers are the designated points of contact:

  • A-C Elena Dal Maso
  • D-G Maria Elisa Fina
  • H-M Patrizio Rigobon
  • N-R Linda Rossato
  • S-Z Giuseppe Trovato

Each contact teacher will oversee all aspects of the internship, from project approval to credit recognition, for their respective students.

Internship commission

As an alternative to the names of companies selected by the Internship Commission and visible on the website of the Internship Sector, students can report entities/companies interested in signing a new agreement with the University. In this case, students must submit training projects that will be authorized by the Internship Commission. 

Recognised work activity as a substitute to the internship

The recognition of formative activity, carried out in Italy or abroad, work experience, certified knowledge and skills under the jurisdiction of the educational School, in accordance with local regulations, the University regulations and Lines of guidance on the recognition of credits. The Teaching Committee can approve:

  • Recognition of ECTS for formative action previously carried out in courses at universities, whether Italian or abroad;
  • Recognition of ECTS undertaken abroad in the environment of mobility programmes (study or internship);
  • Recognition of ECTS for knowledge and skills in professional/working activities;
  • Recognition of ECTS for knowledge and skills in formative activities post-secondary level to which the University has contributed to its planning and execution;
  • Recognition of certified knowledge and skills;
  • Recognition of formative courses of integration in the degree programme.

The exemption from the exam of Knowledge of Informatics (2 ECTS) is not possible.