Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Language, Civilisation and the Science of Language
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Faculty, bodies and student representatives

List of professors

List of all professors of the degree programme with office hours, teaching hours, notices etc.

Teaching committee

  • RUVOLETTO Luisa (Coordinator) Slavic-Balkan area coordinator
  • BORDIN Elisa Area coordinator for English and Anglo-American studies
  • CAMPANINI Magda Frances area coordinator
  • CAON Fabio Language Teaching Research internships coordinator
  • CARDINALETTI Anna Linguistics and language disorders area coordinator
  • CAROLI Rosa International Politics plans of study coordinator
  • DE BASTIANI Chiara Referente area di Germanistica, Referente percorso filologico Curriculum Linguistico-filologico-glottodidattico
  • DURYAGIN Pavel International Politics internships coordinator (students' surnames A-E)
  • FAVARO Alice The Iberian and Spanish-American area coordinator
  • GIUSTI Giuliana Linguistics, Philology and Language Teaching Research plans of study coordinator, Linguistics, Philology and Language Teaching Research coordinator
  • INFURNA Marco Philological area internships coordinator
  • LUISE Maria Cecilia Referente percorso glottodidattico Curriculum Linguistico-filologico-glottodidattico | Language teaching path contact person Linguistic-philological-glottodidactic curriculum
  • SCARSELLA Alessandro Literatures and Culture plans of study coordinator
  • SDEGNO Emma Literatures and Culture internships coordinator
  • TOCCHINI Gerardo International Politics internships coordinator (students' surnames F-O)
  • TRAMPUS Antonio International Politics internships coordinator (students' surnames P-Z)

Quality assurance group

Committees, commissions and student representatives