Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Language, Civilisation and the Science of Language
Enrolment until 2024/2025


If you hold an international qualification, before starting the application process please make sure you have completed the pre-evaluation procedure and that you have all the requirements for international students.

If you have a disability or an SLD (specific learning disability), you can request support for the admission test (when required) and specific support services during your studies.

Admission to the programme

Contacts, reservations, FAQs

Admission to the degree programme is subject to the possession of one of the following qualifications:

  • five-year high school diploma;
  • four-year high school diploma with supplementary year; in case of absence of the supplementary year, admission to the degree programme is subject to the assessment of the competent Teaching College;
  • European Baccalaureate title (or European high school licence) obtained in European Schools located in Italy

and to the evalutation of the initial preparation believed a student must have to profitably attend a selected degree programme.

For admissions to the Language, Civilization and the Science of Language degree programme, an adequate understanding of Italian language verified with a specific test after the enrolment is required.

Those that have taken the state exam with a grade equal or superior to 85/100 (52/60) and those who have already obtained another degree do not need to verify their understanding of Italian language.

It is also required an understanding of English language at level B1.

Those who have achieved one of the certificates listed on the Language requirements webpage are excluded from the obligation to verify their understanding of English language. In this case, it is necessary to attach a copy of their certification at the moment of enrolment.

Additional Learning Requirements (OFA)

Students that do not fulfil their OFA in B1 English language and Italian language between the exam session in September to enrolment at the following year cannot take exams until the attributed OFAs have been fulfilled.

Students that have enrolled in a subsequent year to their first, such as in cases of transfer, internal paths or matriculation with credit recognition, should have fulfilled the OFA by the time they are enrolled: they cannot take exams until they have fulfilled them nor may they participate in the eligibility tests organized for freshers.

Verifying OFA

Italian language

The process of verifying OFAs, the attendance calendar and provided recovery courses are described on the Study web page.

English or Anglo-American language

In the case in which students choose the study of english or anglo-american studies, the possession of understanding of English language at B2 level is required.

Understanding must be certified, from the moment of matriculation, through the presentation of certificates or possible titles in possession: see the Language requirements web page to consult the list of linguistic certificates and cases of exemption.

In the case in which the certificate is not carried out at the moment of registration, you will not be able to take exams in English and Anglo-American literature and language (SSD LIN/10, LIN/11 e LIN/12) until proof of possession of the required knowledge.


Period: July 1st - September 30th 2024.

An additional admission session will be included from October 1st to October 30th 2024. The enrolment in this session entails the payment of an additional fee of 50 Euros.

The enrolment procedure is carried out completely online.

The following steps must be undertaken:

  1. Registration on the University website: registration consists of filling in your personal data, residence and domicile. You should not carry out registration online if you have already been enrolled at Ca’ Foscari.
  2. Pre-enrolment online: in order to pre-enrol, you must access the Personal Area on the website with your SPID  or CIE (Electronic Identity Card) and select, in the Secretarial section, the function Enrol for courses with no admission test. Once the course has been selected, you must fill out the enrolment form. While filling out the form, you will be asked to upload a photograph (passport sized, full frontal, and clear) in jpg. form as well as the following documents:

    • a valid identity document (front and back);
    • any other documents useful for the enrolment procedure (for example linguistic certificates, records of credit recognition; self-certification etc).

    Once the documents have been uploaded, it will be necessary to confirm all the data entered and proceed to the payment section.

  3. Payment of the first tax installment and tuition fees: the payment must be carried out using the PagoPA system, clicking on the payment button when finishing the pre-enrolment procedure;
  4. Completion of enrolment by the Enrolment Unit: filling out the request for pre-enrolment and payment of the first installment of fees does not automatically lead to the student’s enrolment. Enrolment will be completed within seven working days after receipt of payment and will be communicated via e-mail. Please note: the seven working days begin on the date of payment. Saturday is not considered to be a working day.

Particular cases

Remember that it is possible to enrol in a degree programme requesting again for:

Enrolment with ECTS Credits Recognition

It is possible to enrol in a Bachelor’s degree programme and ask for recognition of educational activities previously carried out for:

  • other bachelor or master’s degrees or professional Master’s diploma already conferred;
  • a university career not completed due to withdrawal, cessation or transfer from another University;
  • single courses;
  • internships/work experience;
  • simultaneous enrolment.

Enrolment with recognized credits is not permitted for students simultaneously registered in another university course and who have requested a interruption of their studies.

While you are filling out the enrolment form online, you must attach, in addition to the documentation requested for registration the recognition of credits sheet approved and with your handwritten signature.

In case of transfer from another University, the enrolment form will be issued by the Enrolment Unit.

Enrolment with ECTS recognition is subjected to the payment of a fee of 300.00 Euros with the exception of enrolments with credit recognition for:

  • single courses or activities previously undertaken at Ca’ Foscari that have the same teaching code as the course of studies in which you plan to enrol. If one or more courses are not included in your study plan but are part of the open unit credits, you will have to pay a 300.00 Euro additional fee;
  • transfer from another University;
  • simultaneous enrolment.

The payment invoice will be issued by the Enrolment Unit when the application will be successfully carried out.

Year of enrolment

The year of enrolment is determined on the basis of the number of University Credits (ECTS) you have been awarded:

  • Up to 47: admission to 1st year;  
  • From 48 to 107: admission to 2nd year;
  • From 108 or more: admission to 3rd year.

Please remember that while choosing your degree courses and your subjects, you will only find courses that are in effect in the 2024/2025 a.y: at the moment of completion of enrolment, we will take into consideration the credit recognition sheet and we will register you in the appropriate year and the program specified in the sheet.

Recognition forms request

The request for credit recognition must be submitted to the Linguistic Campus from May 6th 2024 to September 16th 2024 and, for students who enrol from October 1st 2024 to October 30th 2024, by October 14th 2024.

In case of transfer the deadline is December 3rd 2024.

Requests for accreditation are to be submitted to the Linguistic Campus which will then be subject to evaluation by the Teaching Committee.  Once approved, the Accreditation Form will be sent to you via e-mail. Please remember to sign the form.

You are required to submit:

  • signed self-certification form listing exams. Please indicate for each exam: the name of the Course of study and class, the name of the University, the name of individual exams taken with their scientific area and weight in credits, the mark and the exam date. Please verify if self-certification is available in your University Reserved Area: if it is not available or, if all the required data is not listed, you may use the forms on this page;
  • any exam programmes in your possession.

Recognition forms for previous Ca’ Foscari activities

Should you wish to request accreditation exclusively for previous Ca’ Foscari activities that have the same teaching code you find in the study plan of the course you wish to enrol in (for example, requesting accreditation for individual courses studied at Ca’ Foscari), you may complete the Accreditation Form by yourself and attach it directly during the online Enrollment procedure.

Criteria for ECTS credits recognition

Recognition will be made based on the following criteria:

  • the credits earned in former Bachelor’s courses will be recognized while maintaining the effective number of credits; the exception will be Ca’ Foscari students who have withdrawn/ceased their studies, for whom there are specific incentives;
  • exams already used as entry requirements will not be recognized.

If you already have a Professional Master’s Programme diploma, you can obtain a recognition of maximum 60 credits.

The activities recognized by Master’s/Specialist degrees or Professional Master’s already awarded will have no impact in terms of marks achieved on the total average for the Bachelor’s degree, but it will recognize the single courses and the student’s academic career that was suspended due to withdrawal, cessation or transfers from another university.