Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Ancient Civilizations for the Contemporary World (inter-university)
Enrollment from 2023/2024

Academic year 2024/2025

Level of qualification

Bachelor’s Degree Programme

Ministerial degree code

L-1 (Cultural Heritage)





Access to the programme

Programmed, 100 places available.
Quota reserved to non-EU students residing outside Italy: 10 seats.

For information please visit the degree programme website.

Admission requirements

In order to be admitted to the Bachelor's programme in Ancient Civilizations for the Contemporary World, prospective students must hold an upper secondary school diploma or equivalent qualification obtained abroad after at least 12 years of schooling.
A sound knowledge of English (level B2 of the European reference framework) is also required to make the best of the programme.

Course overview

The programme aims to provide a basic, solid knowledge and training in the management and promotion of the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage of several civilizations of the past, which flourished in Europe, north Africa, Eastern and Western Asia.

The programme covers four intertwined areas:

  1. Tangible Cultural Heritage: history and interpretation;
  2. Tangible Cultural Heritage: discovering, cataloguing, preserving and archiving;
  3. Intangible Cultural Heritage: history, anthropology, philosophy, history of religions, law;
  4. Intangible Cultural Heritage: languages and literatures.

Examination assessment and graduation

Educational activities include classroom teaching, workshops and internships, in order to acquire wide-ranging skills that can be readily transferable into the world of work.
Knowledge gained by students will be assessed through written and oral exams during their entire university career.
The degree exam consists in writing and discussing a thesis, resulting from a personal and original elaboration based on the methodological knowledge acquired and related to a specific topic in the sphere of religious studies. The thesis will be prepared and written under one or more supervisors’ guidance and discussed with a committee of university professors and experts.

Access to further studies

This Bachelor's programme is designed to provide graduates with the appropriate knowledge and skills to continue their studies, in Italy or abroad, and progress to a Master's Programme in the fields of Cultural Heritage.

In particular, the degree in Ancient Civilizations for the Contemporary World allows graduates to meet the curricular requirements to access most of the master's degree courses in class LM-2 Archaeology in Italy.

Occupational profiles

The Bachelor's programme prepares graduates to find employment as Cultural Operator in charge of multifarious services such as: Responsible for the management and/or implementation of reception services at archaeological sites, museums, exhibitions, cultural associations, foundations, or similar bodies and institutions; Collaborator in the cataloging of cultural heritage in foundations, cultural associations, auction houses, or similar bodies and institutions; Assistant Curator to organize exhibitions and cultural events; Excavation Technician, Excavation Assistant and similar; Technician of museums and similar.

A curricular internship involving a specific initial training may result in further jobs such as: Collaborator of cultural volunteering networks; Art Handler in charge of Fine Arts custom operations; Fine Art Specialist in a logistics company. Furthemore, graduates will be able to find employment as Cultural Communicator and Popularizer or Consultant for the entertainment industry with a historical-cultural setting.

Finally, subject to further qualifying post-graduate training, graduate will be able to find employment as tourist guides.