Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Philosophy, International and Economic Studies

Double Degree with University of Groningen

Students enrolled to the Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy, International and Economic Studies (PISE) have the opportunity to obtain an international double degree, thanks to the agreement between Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, which is a prestigious institution, especially in the philosophical, political and economic disciplines.

The agreement leads to the award of:

  • Laurea Triennale in Philosophy, International and Economic Studies (PISE) from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;
  • Bachelor Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Major Specialisation, Philosophy, Politics and Economics) from University of Groningen.
Website of the partner University

Academic Coordinator: prof. Francesca Masi (PISE coordinator) and prof. Eleonora Montuschi (Internationalisation coordinator)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage:
International Office:

The programme lasts four academic years and offers the opportunity to live an international experience. It allows students to:

  • find international job opportunities in an increasingly globalised world;
  • study in a cosmopolitan and multicultural context;
  • carry out internships in international organizations.

Students will have to spend the first two years at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and, after having obtained 132 credits, they will have access to the third and fourth year at the University of Groningen.

How to apply

To be able to participate in the selection process, it is necessary to apply following the procedures and deadlines reported in the call for applications, published annually.

Double/joint degree selection results will be published on this webpage according to the specific timeline mentioned in the Annex A.

Calls and forms
file pdf Call for applications 2024
The link to fill out the application form is reported in the call.
270 KB
file pdf Annex A 2 MB
file pdf Corrigendum annex a 191 KB
file pdf Annex B 142 KB

Study period abroad

Students will be contacted by the staff of the Counseling and Welcome Unit for information about the procedures to carry out before, during and after the mobility period, taking place in the third and fourth academic year.

Information about scholarship possibilities can be found in the annual call for applications.

All students will be required to submit a Learning Agreement, listing all the academic activities they are planning to take abroad which will be recognized in their study plan after the completion of the mobility.


After having graduated at the partner University, it will be possible to request the diploma of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Both degrees will be legally recognized in the countries of issuance.