Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts Management
Enrolment from 2008/2009

Academic year 2025/2026

Level of qualification

Bachelor's Degree Programme

Ministerial Degree Code

L-1 (Cultural Heritage)






Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Malcanton Marcorà, Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venice (Italy).
For further information please contact the Humanistic Campus:

Head of studies

Prof. Stefania Portinari (Teaching Committee Coordinator,

Access to the programme

Open admission.

Quota reserved to non-EU students residing outside Italy: 23 seats.

Admission requirements

To access the course, a previous suitable background is required. Each curriculum requires specific knowledge, which the student should have before enrolling the university in order to attend the course successfully. This knowledge may be verified before enrolling.

If the result of the test is negative, the student can enroll, but they receive a supplementary required exam (OFA), which means that the student must fill any gaps in their background through specific activities organized by the University.

More information on OFA for this programme is available on the webpage dedicated to the admission requirements.

Admission with international qualification

Applicants with international qualification must have obtained a secondary school diploma after having completed at least 12 years of schooling. The preliminary evaluation of the qualification is mandatory. Procedures and deadlines are available on the online platform Apply.
Further details in the webpage dedicated to admission and enrolment with an international qualification.

Course overview

Through the articulation of its study plans into four curricula, the Degree Programme provides basic knowledge related to the history and culture of the ancient and medieval world, art history, archaeology, the techniques underlying the organisation of artistic productions and performance and audio-visual arts. It also provides fundamental knowledge on methodological issues and on the main research and analysis tools in these cultural fields, the legislation of cultural heritage, and the management and organisation of cultural events. In relation to the diversification of topics, the course is divided into the following curricula:

  • Archaeology
  • Art History
  • Economics and Management of the Arts
  • Performance Arts Techniques

for which both a cross-section basis and the possibility of deepening the individual paths are guaranteed.

Graduates will be able to find employment as operators in state administrations and in public and private bodies responsible not only for the study, cataloguing, protection, conservation and management of archaeological and historical-artistic heritage, but also for the management and promotion of the cultural industry and of artistic and entertainment events.


  • Archaeology
  • Art History
  • Economics and Management of Arts and Cultural Activities
  • Performing Arts and Media Studies

Examination assessment and graduation

The educational activities include classroom teaching, workshops (including archaeological excavations) and internships in order to acquire wide-ranging skills that can be readily transferable into the world of work.

Knowledge acquired by students will be assessed through written and oral exams during the entire university career.

The degree exam consists in a paper/thesis that will be evaluated by the supervisor. Should the supervisor deem the oral discussion of the thesis to be necessary, they may require it.

Access to further studies

Professional Master’s Programmes (1st level) and Master's Degree Programmes

Occupational profiles

Bachelor's degree graduates in Conservation of the Cultural Heritage and Management of Cultural Activities may be employed within the local government and in public or private bodies in charge of the protection, conservation and management of the archaeological, historical-artistic heritage and also of the promotion of artistic events, performing arts and cultural industry.