Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts Management
Enrolment from 2008/2009

Traineeship and substitute activities

In the field of the aforementioned “Other formative activities”, the study plan assigns 6 Formal University Credits (ECTS) to educational training and orientation.

The ECTS relative to educational training and orientation are firstly acquired through an internship activity. 

ECTS can also be acquired by means of substituted activities for the internship, chosen between the activities that will be indicated from time to time on the website.

Recognition in credits of the internship/placement activities and of the substituted activities are based on the request from the student, according to the principle that 25 hours (comprehensive of one individual work quota) corresponds to 1 ECTS. The representation of the number of credits for the substitute activities for the internship is established and verified by the Didactic College (and is thus indicated and pre-emptively announced to the students in reference to each one of their proposed activity) up to a maximum os 2 ECTS. It is not possible to recognize previous activities.

Part-time students are able to replace the placement with an exam, following a recommendation from the representative scholar.


During their study programme, students can carry out a period of “on the job” training at public or private firms that will have to be agreed upon with Ca’ Foscari. 

The internship activity can be recognised in ECTS (through “Educational training and orientation”), according to however many are expected for the specific study plan.

The Internships Office at the University handles the publications of internship offers in reserved areas and monitor the procedure for the activation of internships and the relative forms and documents [ITA].

The activation period for the internship is carried out first for the start of the activity on behalf of the student. The Didactic College will not take activities into consideration that have already been carried out without previous agreement with the representative scholar. 

Students enrolled in the Egart curriculum should refer to the Humanistic Campus.

Generic Collaborations (150 hours)

According to that already written in article 10 of D.M. 270/2004, and n. 85 deliberated by the Academic Senate on 27th April 2004, the Didactic College can recognize, at request, formative credits to collaborations of 150 hours as an activity substituted in whole or in part for the internship activity.

The recognition is subordinate to the evaluation of the relevance and coherence of the activity in collaboration with the specific formative course of the student. The student, therefore, before beginning the activity, must acquire a recommendation from the representative scholar for their curriculum.

Activities carried out on the internship

For the recognition of the activities substituted for the placement, students must complete the specific module document, available in the Personal Area and deliver the documentation, completed and signed, to the Humanistic Campus to achieve 6 ECTS.

The auto certificated substitute activities will be attentively evaluated and authorized case by case by the Didactic College,  taking into great consideration the relevance of the activity proposed by the student to the curriculum, their development at a recognized entity and the possibility to document the activity carried out.

To consult the substitute activities that are available, visit the Italian page.