Master's Degree Programme in
Comparative International Relations
Enrolment from 2025/2026

Admission and enrolment

This page provides information solely for admission to the first year.
If you have already earned 48 CFU or more and are enrolling, or if you are requesting to be transferred from another programme or another university, information about admission is available on the website of the degree programme in Comparative International Relations - Enrolment until 2024/2025.

Contacts, reservations, FAQs

The Comparative International Relations master's degree programme is an open admission programme taught in Italian and English.

Admission to the programme

To enrol, you must hold one of the following qualifications:

Qualifications obtained in Italy

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Three-year university diploma
  • Italian Bachelor's degree under the regulations prior to Ministerial Decree of 3 November 1999 no. 509
  • First-level academic title issued by institutions belonging to the Italian AFAM sector (Higher Artistic and Musical Education)

Qualifications obtained abroad

Students with qualifications obtained in countries other than Italy must hold at least a three-year bachelor's degree. Admission will vary depending on several factors, including whether you must apply for a student visa to enter Italy. Please follow the procedures outlined on the webpage Admission and enrolment with an international qualification.

Admission requirements

In order for you to be an eligible candidate for this master's degree programme you are required to: 

  • meet specific minimum curricular requirements;
  • possess the necessary personal preparation (including a B1-level knowledge of one of the following langauges: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, German, Chinese, and Japanese);
  • meet the English language requirement.

Enrolment to this master's degree programme is subject to the fulfilment of all the admission requirements.

Candidates must have achieved minimum 36 CFU in the following academic fields and disciplines.

The codes listed below refer to the Italian classification system for academic fields of study. The Ca' Foscari University, according to the European directives that norm the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), recognises equivalence: 1 CFU = 1 ECTS.

First Field: 6 CFU

  • IUS/02 Comparative Private Law
  • IUS/08 Constitutional Law
  • IUS/09 Public law
  • IUS/13 International Law
  • IUS/14 EU Law
  • IUS/21 Public Comparative Law 

Second Field: 6 CFU

  • SECS-P/01 Political Economics
  • SECS P/02 Economic Policy
  • SECS-P/08 Business Economics and Management

Third Field: 6 CFU

  • M-STO/04 Contemporary History
  • L-OR/10 History of Islamic Countries
  • L-OR/23 History of Eastern and South-Eastern Asia
  • SECS-P/12 Economic History 

Fourth Field: 6 CFU

  • SPS/04 History of Economic Thought
  • SPS/05 History and Institutions of America
  • SPS/06 History of International Relations
  • SPS/13 African History and Istitutions
  • SPS/14 Asian History and Istitutions

Fifth Field: 12 CFU

  • IUS/01 Private Law
  • IUS/02 Comparative Private Law
  • IUS/04 Business Law
  • IUS/08 Constitutional Law
  • IUS/09 Public law
  • IUS/10 Administrative Law
  • IUS/13 International Law
  • IUS/14 EU Law
  • IUS/21 Public Comparative Law
  • SECS-P/01 Political Economics
  • SECS P/02 Economic Policy
  • SECS-P/03 Science of Finance
  • SECS-P/06 Applied Economics
  • SECS-P/08 Business Economics and Management
  • SECS-P/12 Economic History
  • SPS/04 History of Economic Thought
  • SPS/05 History and Institutions of America
  • SPS/06 History of International Relations
  • SPS/13 African History and Istitutions
  • SPS/14 Asian History and Istitutions
  • M-STO/02 Modern History
  • M-STO/03 Eastern European History
  • M-STO/04 Contemporary History
  • L-OR/10 History of Islamic Countries
  • L-OR/23 History of Eastern and South-Eastern Asia

If you do not meet the minimum academic requirements, you must fulfill them before enrolment by successfully completing Bachelor's-level single courses at Ca' Foscari University or another accredited institution.

Personal preparation refers to the adequate knowledge in the fields of history, economics and law, or political science, as well as proficiency in a second language at a minimum B1 level in one of the following: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, German, Chinese, or Japanese.

To certify this language proficiency, the following are accepted in addition to official certifications:

  • Passing a third-year exam in a bachelor's degree programme;
  • Passing a university exam with a syllabus explicitly stating a B1 exit level;
  • Five years of study in a secondary school;
  • Attendance of language courses that certify a B1 exit level.

The Teaching Committee will assess candidates' knowledge of the study language through the evaluation of their curriculum vitae and studiorum.

Students who meet the following requirements are generally considered to have the necessary personal preparation:

  • possess a second language official certifications;
  • bachelor's degree final grade: 90/110.

If you do not meet both of these requirements, your personal preparation will be assessed through an accurate evaluation of your curriculum vitae and studiorum. The Teaching Committee reserves the right to evaluate candidates' preparation with an additional interview.

A minimum B2-level knowledge of English is mandatory for enrolment. You can demonstrate your English knowledge level by submitting one of the recognised certifications or if you fall within one of the exemption categories listed on the language requirements webpage.

You will not be allowed to enrol if you do not meet the language requirement by the enrolment deadline.

Admission process

The admission process consists on the following steps:

  • Submitting your entry requirements evaluation request;
  • Filling out your enrolment request;
  • Paying the first instalment of the tuition fee.

Ca’ Foscari’s Enrolment Unit will take in charge your enrolment request and process it within 7 working days. 

Graduand candidates

If you participate in the entry requirements evaluation process as a graduand candidate, you need to indicate your weighted average instead of your bachelor's degree final grade. Your signed self-certification of enrolment with exams will replace the signed self-certification of degree with exams.

Access to the application

The procedure is currently unavailable: you can fill out your request during the time periods indicated above.

In order to submit your entry requirements evaluation request, you need to upload your:

  • signed self-certification of degree with exams; or, if you are still a bachelor's degree student, your signed self-certification of enrolment with exams. Please note that your self-certification must include: the University where you achieved the qualification, the class code, the name of the degree programme, your graduation date and mark, the list of the exams you have taken with their academic fields and disciplines sector and relative weight in CFU (ECTS);
  • your curriculum vitae;
  • any additional document useful for the evaluation of your personal preparation, for example the English language certification and second language certification (or certificate of exemption) if you already obtained it.

Graduand candidates

If you participate in the entry requirements evaluation process as a graduand candidate, you need to indicate your weighted average instead of your bachelor's degree final grade. Your signed self-certification of enrolment with exams will replace the signed self-certification of degree with exams.

Access to the application

The procedure is currently unavailable: you can fill out your request during the time periods indicated above.


The enrolment period starts on July 1st 2025 until September 30th 2025.

An additional enrolment period will be opened on October 1st 2025 until December 18th 2025. Enrolling in this period involves the payment of an additional 50.00 Euros fee.

Those who will graduate during the 2024/25 academic year autumn session from a bachelor's degree or a master's programme between October 1st and December 2025 will be able to enrol during the additional period without paying the additional fee.

Only candidates who successfully participated in the entry requirements evaluation process and received a positive feedback will be allowed to enrol.

The following steps must be undertaken:

  • Registration on the University website: consists of filling in your personal data, residence, and domicile. You should not carry out the registration online if you have already been enrolled at Ca’ Foscari.
  • Pre-enrolment online: in order to pre-enrol, you must access the Personal Area on the website with your SPID  or CIE (Electronic Identity Card) and select the function Enrol for courses with no admission test. Once the course has been selected, you must fill out the enrolment form. While filling out the form, you can upload those documents that demonstrate your knowledge and experience  (e.g. recognised language certifications; credit recognition form; self-certification, etc). Once the documents have been uploaded, you must confirm all the data entered and proceed to the payment section. If you particpated in the entry requirements evalutation process as a graduand candidate you must upload your signed self-certification of enrolment with exams. Please note that your self-certification must include: the University where you achieved the qualification, the class code, the name of the degree programme, your graduation date and mark, the list of the exams you have taken with their academic fields and disciplines sector and relative weight in CFU (ECTS).
  • Payment of the first instalment of the tuition fees: the payment must be carried out using the PagoPA system, by clicking on the “payment” button when finishing the pre-enrolment procedure.

Failure to comply with the deadline specified above results in the loss of the right to enrol: if you encounter any problems, please submit a request by accessing this link: before the deadline.

Submitting the enrolment application and paying the first instalment does not guarantee automatic enrolment. The Enrolment Unit will review each request and complete the process within 7 working days. Once finalised, newly enrolled students will be notified via email.

Exceptional cases

Remember that it is possible to enrol in a degree programme requesting:

Credit recognition procedure

The procedure for enrolment with credit recognition from a previous academic career, intra-university or inter-university transfer, involves the evaluation of your previously completed exams and the subsequent issuance of a credit recognition form.

The Ca' Foscari University, according to the European directives that norm the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), recognises equivalence: 1 CFU = 1 ECTS.

Academic year of enrolment

The year of enrolment is determined based on the number of University Credits (CFU) you have been awarded:

  • Up to 47 CFU: admission to the 1st year. You are required to partipate in the entry requirements evaluation process and fill out the enrolment application. You will refer to the study plan for the a.y. 2025/2026;
  • From 48 CFU: you can get admitted to the 2nd year of this master's degree programme. Therefore, consult the communication at the top of this webpage. You will refer ot the study plan for the a.y. 2024/2025.

Candidates who request the inter-university transfer do not need to fill out the enrolment application, it will be arranged by the Enrolment Unit.

Credit recognition form request

The credit recognition form request must be submitted to the relevant Campus as part of the entry requirements evaluation process.

You are required to upload the following documents:

  • signed self-certification form listing exams. Please indicate for each exam: the name of the Course of study and class code, the name of the University, the name of the courses taken with their academic fields and disciplines sector and relative weight in CFU (ECTS), the mark and the exam date. This document might be available in your University Reserved Area: if it is not available or, if all the required data is not listed, you may use the forms on this page;
  • any exam syllabus in your possession.

Requests for credit recognition are to be submitted to the Campus. The Teaching Committee will evaluate your request. Once approved, the credit recognition form will be sent to you via e-mail. Please remember to sign the form.

You can request credits recognition for the activites carried out in:

  • Master's Degrees, or Master's Diplomas;
  • incomplete University studies as a result of withdrawal or lapsed status;
  • single courses;
  • Internship/traineeships/previous employment;
  • simultaneous enrolment.

Credits will be recognised according to the Linee guida per riconoscimento CFU [ITA] (CFU Recognition Guidelines).

Activities recognised through a completed Master's degrees or Master's diplomas will not affect the final grade. However, activities recognised from single courses or from an incomplete university career resulting from withdrawal, expiration, or transfer will be taken into account for grade point average.

Enrolment with credit recognition is subject to the fee payment of 300.00 euros: the payment invoice will be provided upon confirmation of enrolment.

You are not obliged to pay if you request credit recognition:

  • from activities undertaken previously at Ca' Foscari (for example single courses) if the code of the lectures corresponds to that required by the study plan. In the case that some lectures do not fall among those included in the study plan, and consequently are listed among those that can be chosen by the student, you will have to pay the 300.00 euros fee;
  • from inter-university transfer;
  • from simultaneous enrolment.

Enrolment with credit recognition is not allowed to students concurrently enrolled in another University degree programme and for which suspension has been requested.

Credit recognition forms for Ca’ Foscari activities

Candidates who wish to request credit recognition exclusively for activities carried out at Ca' Foscari, with the same course code as in their current study plan (e.g., single courses attended at Ca' Foscari), can fill in the recognition form themselves and attach it, duly signed, during the enrolment procedure.

Credit recognition forms for activities completed at Ca’ Foscari will be available by April 7, 2025.