University - previous years

International College: applications for postgraduate students are open

Would you like to join Ca' Foscari's International College for your postgraduate studies? You can submit your application until 8 July. 

Graduation Day online on 26 June. The guest is Katia Figini

Katia Figini, atleta e allenatrice sportiva, sarà l'ospite della Cerimonia del Graduation Day che si terrà online il 26 giugno sul canale YouTube di Ca' Foscari. La cerimonia è riservata ai laureati della sessione di laurea autunnale 2019/2020 e alle sessioni di laurea straordinarie (compresa la seconda finestra). 

Ca’ Foscari School for International Education: everything you need to know

Are you an international student coming to Ca’ Foscari on an exchange programme? Are you considering moving to Venice to pursue an undergraduate degree? Our School for International Education might have exactly what you are looking for.

Ca' Foscari first Italian university to offer CALI Arabic certificate

Ca’ Foscari is the first university in Italy to offer a certificate in Arabic and it is currently the only CALI certification centre in Italy. On 28 May at 4 p.m., Andrea Facchin, a researcher at Ca’ Foscari, and Dr. Todd Drummon, of the American Councils for International Education, explain the aims and characteristics of this certificate in an online presentation. 

Living in Venice: a guide for students  

If you’re looking for some advice regarding the advantages of being a student, look no further! Read on to discover all you need to know about museums, theatres, cinemas, music, and sport in Venice.

Learn Italian online with CFSIE's summer intensive courses

Do you want to start learning Italian before moving here? Are you interested in improving your language skills from wherever you are? Do you want to know more about art and history in Venice? Then the Ca Foscari School for International Education has the right programme for you!

C-MIMUN 2021: two honourable mentions for Ca’ Foscari’s delegation

From 18 to 23 April 2021, a delegation from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice participated in Churkin Moscow International Model United Nations (C-MIMUN), a simulation of the UN organised by MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Two students, Anush Zakharyan and Anca Alexandra David, received an honourable mention.

Let the chess courses begin! An interview with Grandmaster Kenny Solomon

Ca’ Foscari's chess courses start on 20 May 2021. The courses are for players at all levels (beginners to advanced) and are open to Ca’ Foscari students, teaching staff, alumni and former personnel, as well as to IUAV’s students and teaching staff. The most advanced chess players will be supervised by the Chess Grandmaster Kenneth Terence Solomon, the first South African Grandmaster, whom we interviewed. 



New European Bauhaus: Venice is a candidate with Ca’ Foscari and IUAV

With the two Venetian universities, Venice stands as a candidate city in the run for 5 pilot projects that the European Commission will select and finance across the European Union, as announced by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.