University - previous years

Ca' Foscari receives award for HR Excellence in Research

Ca' Foscari was successfully assessed by the European evaluators of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), and it can remain listed among the "HR Recognized Institutions" in Italy on the EURAXESS website.

'Partecipa Ca' Foscari', your ideas can make a difference

"Partecipa Ca' Foscari" is a new online platform dedicated to collecting suggestions and ideas from the Ca' Foscari community with the goal of improving people's well-being and protecting the environment.

Israel-Hamas war: There are no military shortcuts for political problems

We asked Matteo Legrenzi, professor of International Relations at the Department of Philosophy andCultural Heritage, to comment on the international situation, a few days after the violent Hamas attack on Israel.

Israel and Hamas: Ca' Foscari condemns war and expresses condolences

The Ca' Foscari community expresses its outrage at the Hamas attack and its aftermath. Our thoughts go out to victims, civilians and their families. The message of the Rector. 

Ca' Foscari and Fudan University sign agreement on mobility

The agreement focuses on student, faculty and staff mobility, and falls within the Memorandum of Understanding that was entered by Ca’ Foscari during the Rector’s visit to China last April.

EUTOPIA signs new Statute at the European Parliament

On Friday 29 September, Ca’ Foscari signed the new EUTOPIA Statute, together with the other 9 universities in the European alliance. In the coming months, the document will help establish EUTOPIA as an international legal entity under Belgian law, after the approval by all the relevant authorities of each country.

QS Europe: Ca' Foscari scores top results for outbound student mobility

Ca' Foscari University of Venice ranks fourth in Europe and first among Italian universities for outbound exchange students in the new 2024 QS Europe University Rankings. The new data, which is linked to the QS World University Rankings, one of the most influential surveys of its kind, compares institutions from member states of the Council of Europe.

Academic Senate and Disciplinary Board: election results

On Tuesday, 12 September 2023, elections were held for the representatives in the Academic Senate and the Disciplinary Board for the three-year period 2023-2024/2025-2026.

Morocco earthquake: Ca' Foscari's message to the affected population

The Ca' Foscari community expresses sympathy to the people of Morocco in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake of 8 September. At Ca’ Foscari the cultures of North Africa have long be studied and taught, and we feel particularly affected by this terrible tragedy. Our solidarity goes out to the entire Moroccan population and academic community.