Events - previous years

The Musicafoscari/San Servolo Jazz Festival opens on November 30th

Musicafoscari / San Servolo Jazz Fest returns on November 30th 2016, spanning across five days from November 30th- December 4th 2016, Jazz Fest will be entirely dedicated to free music, contributing to a cross-cultural growth of students and citizenship

A day with scientists to discover Antarctica and the North Pole

The main international scientific organizations that deal with Antarctica devote December 1st to the seventh continent

What it means to live well? The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia at Ca’ Dolfin

On Monday, November 28th at 11am at Ca' Dolfin, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia, David Choquehuanca Cespedes, will talk about "Living well and integration"

'When Alice meets Pinocchio'. Two different ways of interpreting the fable

International scholars discuss children's literature classics, comparing Italy and England. 'When Alice meets Pinocchio' will be held on Thursday, November 24th at 9:30am in Ca’ Bernardo room B. Amongst the topics will also be Dahl and Rodari: how and why some children’s classics find fortune abroad, and some do not

Underage refugees in Italy, the point with Iside Gjergji

Among the 153,000 asylum seekers that have made the crossing to Italian shores in 2015, over 16,000 were underage and 12,630 of these were unaccompanied: our interview with Iside Gjergji in conjunction with the conference “The condition of foreign minors seeking asylum" at the Santa Margherita Auditorium

Access to culture beyond the barriers of disability

Museums and culture accessible to all, beyond the barriers of disability. This will be theme of the conference entitled ‘Accessibility for sensory disabilities in museums and the cultural sphere’ on Friday November 18th at Ca' Bernardo, Classroom B, bringing together cultural institutions and companies engaged in the issue

The Chinese Traditional Culture and Arts Week

From 14th-18th November Ca' Foscari University celebrates the Chinese culture and traditional arts week with several events

Festival for the Earth: Art and Science for a Sustainable Future

From November 16th to 18th at Ca' Foscari international guests from the academic and public realm will spend three days discussing and reflecting on achievable models for a responsible-living on Earth

Conference in Memory of Valeria Solesin: gender inequality and the role of women in society

Ca' Foscari remembers Valeria Solesin with a conference on Friday November 11th at Ca' Dolfin, a joint initiative with French universities and the University of Trento