Events - previous years

Christo at Ca' Foscari

Ca' Foscari University of Venice was happy to welcome famous American Bulgarian born artist whose recent large installation at the Iseo Lake in Italy, “The Floating Piers”, was widely discussed, on Thursday October 19th at the Auditorium S. Margherita.

Vernissage "EARTH due parole sul futuro"

On Tuesday October 10th 2017 the artistic installation “EARTH due parole sul futuro” created by Ornella Ricca and Pietro Spagnoli will be inaugurated.

Tenth season for Teatro Ca’ Foscari

“Alterazioni – Diffrazioni di senso” (Distorsions - Diffractions of meaning) is the title of the 2017/2018 edition of Teatro Ca’ Foscari that will offer sixteen shows and many talks, workshops and artistic residencies from October 19th 2017 to May 16th 2018.

Venetonight, firsthand research

Venetonight was once again a unique opportunity to discover activities and achievements of the most innovative research, with thousands of participants, 70 activities and more than 300 researchers and experts involved.

Research for Global Challenges First Event

As part of the Research for Global Challenges initiative, the First Event, a day dedicated to Strategies for collaborative research funding, will take place on October 2nd from 9.15am to 6pm at Ca’ Dolfin.

Ca' Foscari Tour for the European Heritage Days

On Saturday September 23rd Ca’ Foscari Tour will take part in the European Heritage Days with special guided tours of Ca’ Foscari and Ca’ Giustinian dei Vescovi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice buildings.

Venetonight is back with 70 activites

Ca’ Foscari will open the doors of research to the general public. Visit the website to discover the programme and book activities.

Sixth edition of the international universities rowing palio

The international universities rowing palio will reach its 6th edition this year on September 2nd and 3rd as part of the Historical Regatta between the teams of IUAV, Ca’ Foscari and the universities of Padua, Vienna and Warwick.

“To cross the finish line you need passion” Alex Zanardi at the Graduation Day

On Friday July 21st, the Summer Graduation day of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice took place in St Mark’s Square celebrating the new 917 graduates with guest athlete Alex Zanardi.