Events - previous years

Ian McEwan will open this year’s ‘Incroci di civiltà’, April 4th-7th 2018

Ian McEwan, acclaimed British novelist and screenwriter, will inaugurate the 11th edition of the International Festival of Literature in Venice, created and organised by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

8th edition of the Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival from March 21st to 24th

The 8th edition of the Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival, the first European festival entirely conceived, organized and managed by a university, will be held from March 21st to 24th at the Auditorium Santa Margherita in Venice.

Vernissage of the exhibition on Buddhist Art of Dunhuang open until April 8th at Ca’ Foscari

For the first time in Italy, in the exhibition space of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, it is possible to explore the magnificent painted caves of Dunhuang in collaboration with the Dunhuang Academy and the Dunhuang Culture Promotion Foundation.

The Day of Remembrance at Ca’ Foscari

On February 14th in Palazzo Malcanton Marcorà a public meeting will be held on Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia on the occasion of the National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe.

Anna Karenina, a symbol of her time

One of the most interesting characters in Russian literature: Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina will be explored from February 12th at 6pm in the exhibition Anna Karenina come specchio dell’epoca at the exhibition space CFZ.

Buddhist Art of Dunhuang: from 22nd February at Ca’ Foscari

In the Ca Foscari Exhibition Space and for the first time in Italy, it will be possible to “explore” the magnificent cave complex of Dunhuang with The exhibition The Jewel of the Silk Road: Buddhist Art of Dunhuang will take place from 22nd February until 8th April.

On February 2nd, The Spring Welcome Day 2018 at Ca’ Foscari

On Friday February 2nd, the new 300 incoming students about to begin their Semester at Ca’ Foscari were invited to spend a day to discover the university and the support specifically designed for international students.

Stolperstein at Ca’ Foscari to remember Olga Blumenthal

As part of the initiatives organized for the Day of Remembrance 2018 the stumbling stone dedicated to Olga Blumenthal Secrétant was set by artist Gunter Demnig in front of the entrance of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

Ca’ Foscari, 80 years after the Italian racial laws

In 2018 80 years will have passed after the promulgation of the Italian racial laws by the Fascist regime and for the Remembrance Day the University organized the exhibition Ca’ Foscari allo specchio. A 80 anni dalle leggi razziali, from January 9th to 31st at Ca’ Foscari Zattere.