Events - previous years

Pop Up @ Port Days: play your music with Ca’ Foscari

Pop Up is back! This year, Ca' Foscari is collaborating with the Port of Venice to bring music to the heart of student life. Would you like to play in a unique setting on the Venetian waterfront? If you’re studying at a Venetian university and have an original musical project, you might be just who we’re looking for. Check out the call!




Art Night 2022: check out the photo gallery

The 11th edition of Art Night Venezia was held on Saturday 18 June. 119 local entities and institutions gave visitors the opportunity to participate in tours and see shows and events that animated the evening.

EUTOPIA Week in Brussels: participate online!

From 27 June to 1 July, the representatives of the EUTOPIA alliance will meet in Brussels at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) for EUTOPIA Week. Discover the events you can participate in online!

Incroci di civiltà 2022: photos and videos

The 15th edition of Incroci di Civiltà ended on 28 May. The festival hosted 31 authors from all over the world and focussed on international relations and culture, and on environmental, economic and social sustainability.

International literary festival Incroci di Civlità held from 25 to 28 May

The 15th edition of “Incroci di Civiltà” took place from 25 to 28 May. This year, the festival featured 31 authors from 22 countries around the world. The authors met the public in person and were hosted in various historical buildings.

Art Night Venezia scheduled for Saturday 18 June 2022

The 11th edition of Art Night Venezia has been scheduled for Saturday 18 June. As usual, Art Night will be inaugurated at 18:00 in Ca’ Foscari’s courtyard. Check out the programme at

'Io combatto' (I fight): a performance to promote disarmament

On 12 May at 11:00, Ca' Foscari hosted a performance by artist Sarah Revoltella, with the aim to promote disarmament and to discourage gun culture. ESU and about 10 students collaborated on the performance.

Witness/Testimone: the faces of Ukraine at war on show in Venice

In this dramatic moment for Europe, Venice prepares to host an exhibition of one of the leading contemporary photographers in Ukraine, Oleksandr Chekmenyov, currently covering the war on the ground. The Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice is promoting the initiative, which will take place from May 5 to 15 at Santa Maria Ausiliatrice. 

Graduation Day in St Mark’s Square: next ceremonies on 4 May

The next Graduation Day in Piazza San Marco (St Mark’s Square) will take place on Wednesday 4 May 2022. Two sessions will be held to celebrate the graduation of 805 Ca’ Foscari students in the extraordinary session for a.y. 2020/2021.