Events - previous years

Bernardine Evaristo and Maaza Mengiste in conversation - Afropean Bridges 3

Read a preview of the conversation between authors Bernardine Evaristo and Maaza Mengiste and Professor Shaul Bassi that will be streamed online on Thursday, 15th April 2021 at 6:00 p.m. The event is part of the Afropean Bridges international workshop, now at its third edition.

Incroci di Civiltà returns November 2021: an interview with Flavio Gregori

The fourteenth edition of the Incroci di Civiltà international literary festival, organised by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, is scheduled to take place in November 2021. The festival allows participants to meet some of the most interesting writers of our time. We have interviewed professor Flavio Gregori, the newly appointed director. 

Mahsa Mohebali's Iran: an interview with the author of "Tehran Girl"

The Iranian writer Mahsa Mohebali is among the guests of the Center for Studies on Contemporary Middle East (CEM) 2020-21 “Identity and alterity” conference (26 and 30 March 2021). Giacomo Longhi, her translator from Persian, has supported us in this interview. 

Ca’ Foscari inaugurates the 2020/2021 academic year

The ceremony was streamed online on Youcafoscari, the university’s YouTube channel. "Education, research and innovation are the pillars of this renaissance"- stated Rector Lippiello in her address. 

Here are the winners of the 10th Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival

The First Prize for the best short film of the Competition went to Dcera - Daughter by Czech director Daria Kashcheeva. During the ceremony, the 'master of horror' Dario Argento was awarded with a Ca' Foscari Honorary Fellowship. 

The Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival will take place from October 7 to 10

The Film Festival entirely conceived, organized and managed by a university is back for its 10th edition, becoming a widespread event in the city thanks to the participation of the most famous Venetian institutions and in compliance with anti-Covid regulations.

Ca' Foscari inaugurates new Academic Year on February 11th, 2020

The event will take place from 11.00 a.m. at the Carlo Goldoni Theatre (San Marco 4650/B, Venice). All members of the Ca' Foscari community - students, faculty and administrative staff - are welcome to attend, upon online registration. 

Winter Party for International Students on December 12th

The annual Winter Party organized by the Counseling and Welcome Unit will start at 5:00 p.m. inside Ca' Foscari's main building. 

The Ca' Foscari Short Film Festival goes to Baku

From October 26 to 29, 2019, Ca’ Foscari University had the pleasure of presenting the 9th edition of its widely acclaimed Short Film Festival (SFF) in Baku.