Events - previous years

China's protests against "zero Covid" policy

“Stop Covid-19 testing — we are hungry!,” “Step down, Xi Jinping! Step down, Communist Party!,” “Stop restrictions, we want freedom.” These are some of the slogans chanted by the Chinese people who have taken to the streets in at least seventeen cities to protest against the rigid “zero Covid” policies adopted by the Chinese government.

Graduation Day in St Mark’s Square: photos from 11 November 

Ca’ Foscari celebrated a Graduation Day in St Mark’s Square for over 1,000 Ca’ Foscari students for the autumn session of a.y. 2021/2022. Check out the photo gallery!

Pop Up @ Port Days: emerging musicians will play on 7 October

Pop Up @ Port Days will feature three student music projects that were selected by the Radio Ca’ Foscari team among many applications. The event is free of charge and will be held in San Basilio, between Magazzino 5 and Magazzino 6, close to the classrooms of Ca’ Foscari and IUAV. 

Lovers of literature mourn the passing of Javier Marías

Lovers of literature mourn the passing of Javier Marías, who had been hospitalised in a Clinic in Madrid due to pneumonia. In 2009 he was hosted by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice during the Incroci di Civiltà/Crossroads of Civilizations Literary Festival. Professor Enric Bou Maqueda tells us about the Spanish author and his relationship with Venice.  

Writers in Conversation returns from 15 September

Writers in Conversation returns to Ca’ Foscari in autumn 2022 with a series of conversations featuring key figures in contemporary literature. Starting from 15 September, students and citizens alike will have the chance to meet writers, translators, journalists, and artists, who will reflect on topical social and cultural issues.

Graduation Day in St Mark’s Square: two ceremonies on 13 October

Ca’ Foscari prepares to celebrate 1,104 Ca’ Foscari students for the second extraordinary session of a.y. 2020/2021 and the summer session of a.y. 2021/2022.  Bookings will remain open until Tuesday 27 September at 12:00.

The Ca' Foscari-IUAV team wins the International Universities Rowing Race

The Cus Venezia team made up of Ca’ Foscari and IUAV athletes has won the 18th edition of the International Universities Rowing Race. The University of Warwick placed second, while the third and fourth place went to the University of Vienna and Harvard University respectively.

Vivid Transparencies, Yaozhou ceramics on show as of 7 September

Vivid Transparencies: Yaozhou ceramics from the Shang Shan Tang Collection is a ceramics exhibition curated by Sabrina Rastelli and organised by Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari and MAOV entirely dedicated to the manufactures of Yaozhou, a district about 100 km north of Xi'an, in northern China (where the First Emperor's famous Terracotta Army is located). It will be held at the Venice Museum of Oriental Art from 7 September to 23 October 2022.

Élite of Byzantine studies gather in Venice for 24th International Congress

The 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies was officially inaugurated on 22 August. The Congress, which will continue until the 27th, is organised by the National Association of Byzantine Studies and by the International Association of Byzantine Studies, with the support and collaboration of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the University of Padua.