Events - previous years

Ca’ Foscari Agenda: January

Ca’ Foscari will organize several events in January for its community and beyond, and in particular exhibitions and conferences. The university will re-open after its Winter Break on January 8th 2018.

Towards a new Silk Route: first step in Kazakhstan

On January 8th 2018 at 4.30pm in the Aula Baratto, Kazakhstan, the country from which this New Silk Road will start, will be explored with exceptional guests.

Retracing ideas and history. Maaza Mengiste shared her vision and experience at Ca’ Foscari

Maaza Mengiste, American-Ethiopian writer, was a special guest of Ca’ Foscari International College within the Waterlines: writers in conversation project.

Women at the centre and in charge of their career with LEI - Center for Women’s Leadership

On December 15th 2017 at the Auditorium Santa Margherita the launch of the LEI - Center for women’s leadership inaugurated a series of initiatives to support and encourage women’s leadership.

On Monday December 4th, Ca’ Foscari celebrated the 30th anniversary of the ERASMUS program

On Monday December 4th, the ESN (Erasmus Students Network) Venezia with the support of the International Relation Office celebrated the Erasmus program at 3pm at the Auditorium Santa Margherita.

JALEA: manga and ‘pop’ music to learn Japanese with an App

JALEA (JApanese LEArning system) is an innovative hypermedia project for tablets, computers and smartphones based on research at Ca’ Foscari to facilitate Japanese learning.

Ca’ Foscari Agenda: December

Ca’ Foscari will organize several events in December for its community and beyond, including the vernissage of the first historical photography exhibition of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice on the occasion of the presentation of the initiatives designed for the 150th anniversary of the university in 2018 on December 12th.

From Raquel Lourenço to women's exile. Ca’ Foscari talks about women

On November 27th, 29th and 30th the international symposium Donne in fuga / Mujeres en fuga / Femmes en fuite will be held at Ca’ Foscari with the participation of Raquel Lourenço and introduced by Susanna Regazzoni and Ricciarda Ricorda with whom we talked.

African memories. Colonial traces in Italian culture

Eastern Africa prevailed in the Italian imaginary for sixty years. Liberal and then fascist Italy saw the construction of a brief but brutal colonialism. This will be the topic of the symposium Memories of Africa. Colonial traces in Italian culture, held at Ca’ Foscari on Friday November 24th.