
SIELE is the Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española which certifies a level of knowledge of the Spanish language through the means of digital platforms.

It is aimed at students and professionals on a worldwide.

It is designed, managed and promoted by the Instituto Cervantes, by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, by the Universidad de Salamanca and by the Universidad de Buenos Aires, all of which firstly ensure both the scientific nature and quality of the exam and on the other guarantee the employment and promotion of the different language varieties in the Spanish-speaking world.

SIELE involves more than 60 associated universities in 19 countries.

As a SIELE examination centre , the CLA offers everyone the opportunity to reserve a place on SIELE Global, which covers

  • Comprensiòn del lectura
  • Comprensiòn auditiva
  • Expresiòn e interacciòn escritas
  • Expresiòn e interacciòn orales


June 2024 - Test registration from 25/10/2023 to 08/06/2024

Test Date Times Available places
Thursday 13/06/2024 09.00 24 places

July 2024 - Test registration from 25/10/2023 to 13/07/2024

Test Date Times Available places
Thursday 18/07/2024 09.00 24 places

September 2024 - Test registration from 25/10/2023 to 20/09/2024

Test Date Times Available places
Wednesday 25/09/2024 09.00 24 places

Enrolment and fees

Registration for the SIELE test at the following link: SIELE Globabl [SPA]

Fees 2024

  • Students enrolled at Ca' Foscari and External candidates: 165€

SIELE: Test structure and mock exam

The SIELE test evaluates four abilities: listening, reading writing and conversation.

All relevant information can be found at the following links:

The tests run by the CLA are completed by computer and are held in the offices of Palazzina Briati in the multimedia room.

Last update: 02/07/2024