Open Badge

What it is

Open Badges are digital certificates that are a personalised and secure record of a user's achievements and can be shown to the community of interest (organisations, institutions, potential employers, etc.). Open Badges can be included in one's digital curriculum vitae and on social networks to communicate in a clear, concise and certified manner the skills acquired. At Ca' Foscari University, the OB enables automatic and immediate registration of students’ B1 and B2 English passes in their university records.

How to access it

To share your badge with others you must retrieve it: after passing the test, the recipient will receive an email from with an invitation to access the Bestr platform and to collect and activate their Open Badge. For access to use your University credentials or, for non Ca’ Foscari students, the credentials provided during registration on the site.

Our badges

The University Language Centre (CLA) issues B1 and B2 English Open Badges for those who pass OFAB1 and CLAB2 respectively, in addition to the various badges awarded at the end of the Language Centre's 75-hour language courses. Writing Skills and Speaking Skills badges are also available, for which it is necessary to attend - in the same or different sessions, but within two years of completion of the first module - a module defined as "basic" (Improve your writing or Advanced Conversation) + 2 additional modules of your choice.

The CLA also issues certificates of registration and of attendance and achievement to learners who attend 80% of the language course hours and pass the final test, where required.

The Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (Ca’ Foscari Language Centre) issues the following Open Badges:

  • English B1 (on passing OFA B1)
  • English B2 (on passing CLA B2)
  • 75 hour language courses

    • French levels A1, A2 and B1
    • English from level A1 to C2
    • Portuguese level A1
    • Russian levels A1 and A2
    • Spanish levels A2 and B1
    • German levels A1, A2 and B1

  • "Writing Skills" set
  • "Speaking Skills" set
  • OB for the CLA Certificate of English language level from A1 to C2

How Open Badges are used

Open Badges can be included in digital curriculum vitae and on social networks to communicate in a clear, concise and certified manner the language skills acquired.

How to insert an Open Badge into a CV
How to add an Open Badge to Linkedin

Other certificates issued

For all other courses and modules not included in the Open Badge list, the following certificates can be downloaded from ClaOnline:

  • certificate of enrolment
  • certificate of attendance and achievement – issued to learners who have attended 80% of a course and passed the final test, where applicable

The levels indicated on the certificates of attendance and of attendance and achievement are those of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe).

Last update: 19/06/2024