Environmental Chemistry, Risk Assessment and Sustainability

The Lab’s research activities focus on:
- Study as well as physical-chemical and environmental characterization of priority and emerging contaminants, nutrients and nanomaterials, and of the processes determining their partitioning and transformation in different environmental matrices, ultimately influencing their (eco)toxicity;
- Development and experimental validation of fate and transport models of contaminants in the environment, including also bioaccumulation processes along the trophic chain;
- Environmental impact assessment along the life cycle of products and processes by e.g. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and in general assessment of environmental and integrated sustainability;
- Environmental (ecological and human health) risk assessment for exposure to contaminants, nutrients and nanomaterials, and related risk management and governance;
- Impact assessment of climate change on bio-geo-chemical cycles of organic and inorganic contaminants.
- Cagnato Clarissa (Postdoc Marie Curie)
- Longo Laura (Postdoc)
- Sano Marcello (Postdoc Marie Curie)
- Furlan Elisa (Adjunct Professor)
- Gottardo Stefania (External Collaborator)
- Maraschini Margherita (External Collaborator)
- Bettiol Cinzia (Lab Technologist)
- Bonetto Alessandro (Lab Technologist)
- Brunelli Andrea (Lab Technologist)
- Allegri Elena (PhD Student)
- Asrat Tekle Asresu (PhD Student)
- Calore Francesco (PhD Student)
- Canaletti Vanessa (PhD Student)
- Carlesso Anna (PhD Student)
- Dal Barco Maria Katherina (PhD Student)
- Devecchi Sara (PhD Student)
- Ferrario Davide (PhD Student)
- Guolo Pier Paolo (PhD Student)
- Harris Remi (PhD Student)
- Horneman Fabienne Regina Francina (PhD Student)
- Labella Fonseca Heloisa (PhD Student)
- Livieri Arianna (PhD Student)
- Menegaldo Martina (PhD Student)
- Moftakhari Anasori Movahed Saman (PhD Student)
- Ngoc Diep Nguyen (PhD Student)
- Ozkiper Ozan (PhD Student)
- Rufo Olinda Jack Mariano (PhD Student)
- Sambo Beatrice (PhD Student)
- Sellitri Antonio (PhD Student)
- Simeoni Christian (PhD Student)
- Zennaro Federica (PhD Student)
- Carisi Matteo (Subject Expert)
- Giubilato Elisa (Subject Expert)
- Hristozov Danail (Subject Expert)
- Pizzol Lisa (Subject Expert)
- Rosada Fabio (Subject Expert)
- Torresan Silvia (Subject Expert)
- Zabeo Alex (Subject Expert)
Website: http://www.ecraunit.com
The Lab has several (>50) collaborations with institutes and other universities in the frame of both international and national/local research projects.
As an example, the following are institutes and universities collaborating with the Lab from decades:
- Herriot Watt University e Institute of Occupational Medicine (UK)
- Électricité de France (EDF, Francia)
- EMPA Materials Science and Technology (Svizzera)
- Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spagna)
- US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC, USA)
- Gothenburg University (Svezia)
- Fraunhofer Institutes (Germania)
- Beijing Normal Univeristy, e Sun Yat-sen University (Cina)
- Consorzio per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase (CSGI, Italia)
- Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC, Italia)
- Badetti, E., Brunelli, A., Basei, G., Gallego-Urrea, J.A., Stoll, S., Walch, H., Praetorius, A., von der Kammer, F., Marcomini, A. Novel multimethod approach for the determination of the colloidal stability of nanomaterials in complex environmental mixtures using a global stability index: TiO2 as case study (2021) Science of the Total Environment, 801, art. no. 149607
- Zennaro F, Furlan E, Simeoni C, Torresan S, Aslan S, Critto A, Marcomini A. 2021. Exploring machine learning potential for climate change risk assessment, Earth-Science Reviews, 220, 103752
- Semenzin E.; Subramanian V.; Pizzol L.; Zabeo A.; Fransman W.; Oksel C.; Hristozov D.; Marcomini A., 2019. Controlling the risks of nano-enabled products through the life cycle: The case of nano copper oxide paint for wood protection and nano-pigments used in the automotive industry in ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, vol. 131 (ISSN 0160-4120)
- Fadeel, Bengt; Farcal, Lucian; Hardy, Barry; Vázquez-Campos, Socorro; Hristozov, Danail; Marcomini, Antonio; Lynch, Iseult; Valsami-Jones, Eugenia; Alenius, Harri; Savolainen, Kai*, 2018. Advanced tools for the safety assessment of nanomaterials in NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 13, pp. 537-543 (ISSN 1748-3387)
- Amorim, Mónica J.B.*; Lin, Sijie; Schlich, Karsten; Navas, José M.; Brunelli, Andrea; Neubauer, Nicole; Vilsmeier, Klaus; Costa, Anna L.; Gondikas, Andreas; Xia, Tian; Galbis, Liliana; Badetti, Elena; Marcomini, Antonio; Hristozov, Danail; Kammer, Frank Von Der; Hund-Rinke, Kerstin; Scott-Fordsmand, Janeck J.; Nel, André; Wohlleben, Wendel Environmental, 2018. Impacts by Fragments Released from Nanoenabled Products: A Multiassay, Multimaterial Exploration by the SUN Approach in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, vol. 52, pp. 1514-1524 (ISSN 0013-936X)
Case studies
- Quality of water and sediment of the Venice lagoon;
- PFAS in the groundwater system of the Vicenza province;
- Assessment of human health and environmental risks as well as of environmental (LCA) and economic (LCC) impacts of innovative solutions for the conservation of cultural heritage objects;
- Nano-Cu based coatings for wood treatment;
- Medical devices based on nano-Ag;
- Multi-risk assessment related to climate change;
- Cumulative impact assessment in marine and coastal environments;
- Machine Learning application for risk assessment of climate change;
- Impact assessment of climate change on the “water-energy-food-ecosystem services” nexus;
- Climate change impacts on environmental quality.
- Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
- Electrophoretic Light Scattering (ELS)
- Centrifugal Separation Analysis (CSA)
- Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR)
- Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)/Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
- Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (spICP-MS)
- Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)
- Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
- Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
- Software e database per studi LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) studies
Research projects
- H2020 SUNSHINE (€ 401625) - Coordinator prof. Antonio Marcomini
- H2020 EMERGE (€ 402267.93)
- Agreement CORILA-DAIS, Project Venezia2021 (€ 467000)
- H2020 RISKGONE (€ 180434.90)
- H2020 APACHE (€ 343807.12)
- H2020 BIORIMA (€ 195387.50)
- H2020 CALIBRATE (€ 199150)
- H2020 NANOFASE (€ 121068.75)
- H2020 NANORESTART (€ 324437.50)
- FP7 SUN: Sustainable nanotechnologies (€ 1002374) - Coordinator prof. Antonio Marcomini
- MAECI BRIDGE (€ 100000) - Coordinator prof. Andrea Critto
- H2020 MYRIAD (€ 25000)
- H2020 "Green Deal" REST-COAST (€ 130000)
- HEUROPE EXPEDITE (€ 190000) - Scientific manager prof. Andrea Critto
- Interreg ADRIACLIM (€ 125000)
Last update: 12/03/2025