
The laboratory studies ecohydrology, a discipline that deals with the interactions between hydrology and ecology. Specifically, the Lab studies hydrological controls on fluvial biodiversity, population dynamics, bio-geochemical cycles and water related diseased. Theoretical, modelling and experimental approaches are developed. The main research topics are:
- Fluvial metabolism;
- Carbon cycle on watersheds and river networks;
- Biodiversity and species interaction models in river network and salt-marshes;
- Modelling of water related diseases;
- Hydrologic modelling and flood forecasting.
- Elisa Stella (Postdoc)
- Alvise Finotello (Postdoc)
- Giulia Grandi (PhD Student)
- École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
- EAWAG: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
- Duke University
- Technical University of Denmark
- Universitat de Barcelona
- Università di Padova
- Enrico Bertuzzo, Damiano Pasetto: The geography of COVID-19 spread in Italy and implications for the relaxation of confinement measures. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 11: (2020)
- Enrico Bertuzzo: The Metabolic Regimes at the Scale of an Entire Stream Network Unveiled Through Sensor Data and Machine Learning. ECOSYSTEMS: (2021)
- Elisa Stella, Jacopo Gabrieli, Carlo Barbante, Enrico Bertuzzo: Mapping environmental suitability for anthrax reemergence in the Arctic. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, vol.16: (2021)
- Enrico Bertuzzo: Scaling of dissolved organic carbon removal in river networks. ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, vol.110: (2017)
- Enrico Bertuzzo: Unexpected large evasion fluxes of carbon dioxide from turbulent streams draining the world’s mountains. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, vol.10: (2019)
Case studies
- Fluvial Metabolism and estimates of carbon dioxide emission from streams
- Publications:
The Metabolic Regimes at the Scale of an Entire Stream Network Unveiled Through Sensor Data and Machine Learning
Modeling the coupled dynamics of stream metabolism and microbial biomass
Climate-Induced Changes in Spring Snowmelt Impact Ecosystem Metabolism and Carbon Fluxes in an Alpine Stream Network
Unexpected large evasion fluxes of carbon dioxide from turbulent streams draining the world’s mountains - In the press:
Il respiro dei torrenti montani: emettono 30% della CO2 fluviale
- Impacts of mobile gates on the geomorphology of the Venice lagoon and on salt-marsh ecosystems
- Development of epidemiological models for forecasting COVID-19 epidemic in Italy
- Publications:
The epidemicity index of recurrent SARS-CoV-2 infections
Range of reproduction number estimates for COVID-19 spread
The geography of COVID-19 spread in Italy and implications for the relaxation of confinement measures
Spread and dynamics of the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy: Effects of emergency containment measures - From the press:
Decreti Covid-19: in marzo evitati almeno 200mila ricoveri
Isolare i casi per frenare Covid-19, studio su Nature Communications
Research projects
- EPIDOC, Data assimilation of epidemiological data and the optimal control for the short term forecast and management of COVID-19, Fondo Integrativo per la Ricerca (FISR 2020), Italian Ministry of University and Research
- NewTechAqua, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture (, Horizon 2020 European framework
- Smart solutions for the monitoring pollutants and environmental impact of highway runoff, European Social Fund, Veneto Region
- Venezia 2021, Research program for a regulated lagoon (, Linea 3.2, Consorzio Ricerche Lagunari
- EUROFLOW, A EUROpean training and research network for environmental FLOW management in river basins (, Role: Partner. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action: European Training Network
- Cholera spreading and migration fluxes around lake Chad: The Niger case study. UNICEF Niger
- SMIRES: Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers & Ephemeral Stream (, COST-action, European Cooperation in Science and Technologies
- Nunataryuk, Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation (, Horizon 2020 European framework
Last update: 27/02/2025