Quaternary and Anthropocene Geology

The laboratory works on both coastal and deep-sea environments to reconstruct their evolution and assess their vulnerability at different spatial (local to global) and temporal scales (with an emphasis on the Quaternary, including the post-industrial). Active lines of research include the study of:
- Siliciclastic and carbonate systems, and changes induced by changing forcing (e.g. sea-level rise and ocean acidification).
- Hydrodynamics of coastal systems and their evolution over time. Vulnerability assessment and flood risk of coastal areas.
- Evolution (in geological times) of temperature, ocean circulation, ice mass volume, marine productivity and carbon cycle through the study of biogenic sediments (i.e., stable isotopes and trace elements on foraminifera);
- Role of ocean circulation on climate change.
- Denovan Chaveau (Postdoc WARMCOASTS)
- Nikos Georgiou (Postdoc WARMCOASTS)
- Silas Dean (Postdoc WARMCOASTS)
- Flavia Visin (Technical Staff)
- CNR-ISMAR Venezia
- CNR-IAS Oristano
- Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Roma
- Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Trieste
- University of Barcelona, Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics (Spain)
- University of Cambridge, Department of Earth Sciences, the Godwin Laboratory for Palaeoclimate Research (U.K.)
- University of Miami, Miami, FL (USA)
- Bajo, P., Drysdale, R.N., Woodhead, J.D., Hellstrom, J.C., Hodell, D., Ferretti, P., Voelker, A.H.L., Zanchetta, G., Rodrigues, T., Wolff, E., Tyler, J., Frisia, S., Spötl, C., Fallick, A.E. (2020). Persistent influence of obliquity on ice age terminations since the Middle Pleistocene transition. Science, 367(6483), pp. 1235–1239
- De Falco G., Molinaroli E., Conforti A., Simeone S., Tonielli R. 2017. Biogenic sediments from coastal ecosystems to beach-dune systems: implications for the adaptation of mixed and carbonate beaches to future sea level rise. Biogeosciences, 14, 3191-3205
- Harris, D.L., Rovere, A., Casella, E., Power, H., Canavesio, R., Collin, A., Pomeroy, A., Webster, J.M., Parravicini, V., 2018. Coral reef structural complexity provides important coastal protection from waves under rising sea levels. Sci. Adv. 4, eaao4350
- McClelland, H.L.O., Barbarin, N., Beaufort, L., Hermoso, M., Ferretti, P., Greaves, M., Rickaby, R.E.M. (2016). Calcification response of a key phytoplankton family to millennial-scale environmental change. Scientific Reports 6, 34263
- Rovere, A., Casella, E., Harris, D.L., Lorscheid, T., Nandasena, N.A.K., Dyer, B., Sandstrom, M.R., Stocchi, P., D’Andrea, W.J., Raymo, M.E., 2017. Giant boulders and Last Interglacial storm intensity in the North Atlantic. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 114, 201712433
- Simeone S., Molinaroli E., Conforti A., De Falco G. 2019. Impact of ocean acidification on the carbonate sediment budget of a temperate mixed beach. Climatic Change, 227-242
Case studies
- Sea-level changes during Quaternary interglacias.
- Reconstruction of the nature, timing and causes of millennial-scale climate variability during the Quaternary through the analysis of marine sediments.
- Characterisation and effects of dust transport from the Saharan area to the Mediterranean area.
- Case study: the Venice Lagoon. Various environmental issues including the morphological and sedimentological effects of large ships and cargo ships in the Lagoon.
- ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometer) Optima 5300 DV, brand Perkin-Elmer
- ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry) NexION 350X, brand Perkin-Elmer
- Laser Granulometer Mastersizer 3000, brand name Malvern Panalytical
- AS200 control vibro-siever, brand name Retsch
- Microwave oven Ethos UP, brand Milestone
- Microscopes with transmitted and reflected light, brand Zeiss and Leica
Research projects
- WARMCOASTS - Sea level and extreme waves in a warmer world - ERC Starting Grant 802414
- IRIDYA - Integrated Reconstruction of Ice sheet DYnamics during late quaternary Arctic climatic transitions, Ministry of University and Research, Arctic Research Programme
- BIOROSS - Bioconstructional organisms from the Ross Sea under Climate Change: ecosystems and 'oasis' of biodiversity to monitor and protect, Ministry of University and Research - National Research Programme in Antarctica PNRA18_00237 - D
- AMUSED - A MUltidisciplinary Study of past global climatE changes from continental and marine archives in the MeDiterranean region, Dipartimento Ambiente dell'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
- CNR and MIUR - Temporal evolution of the seabed in highly dynamic environments in the northern Adriatic Sea
- Venice Port Authority - Environmental status of the Venice Lagoon and elements for the sustainable planning of port activities
Last update: 12/03/2025