
Matteo Legrenzi
Political Science

Tell us about your academic path.
I graduated in the United States and after a period of Arabic language study in Cairo I completed an MA in Modern Middle Eastern Studies and a PhD in International Relations at St Antony's College, Oxford University. I am still part of it as an ‘academic visitor’ and, over the years, it has been an essential reference for me, academically speaking. Before coming to Ca' Foscari, I taught in Korea, Kuwait, the Emirates, Jordan and I became a professor in Canada, where I helped found the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa, the first example of a bilingual state school of government. Korea, Canada and the Emirates are still in my heart but all these experiences have enriched me professionally.

What are your professional references?
What fascinates me most, professionally speaking, is the interaction between the so-called "language-based area studies" and individual subjects in social sciences, economics, sociology, political science, etc.  This scientifically fruitful combination is at the centre of European and international research agendas. For instance, interdisciplinary and cross-industry projects are welcomed in European funding programs such as Horizon Europe, and the importance of interdisciplinarity is also gaining ground in Italy with the new format of PRIN projects (Research Project of National Relevance) and the success of the Levi Montalcini program. This emphasis on interdisciplinarity and on research conceived as a response to global challenges is a clear cut from the traditional way of organising knowledge in Italy, where often the academic recruitment fields act as silos where careers rise and fall.

How was coming back to Venice and landing at Ca’ Foscari like?
Coming back to my hometown after travelling the world has given me great joy, as has finding among my colleagues many schoolmates from my beloved high school "Liceo Ginnasio Marco Polo": Professor Shaul Bassi, Professor Vera Costantini, Dr. Franca Pullia, Professor Levi Sullam, Professor Mariangela Priarolo, Professor Lorenzo Calvelli, and many others. I have been very active in institutions, and helped found the Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, International Studies and Economics and the Master's Degree in Strategic Studies and International Security at the Arsenal in partnership with the Italian Navy, as well as reinforcing relations with the Middle East, my area of specialisation.

What is in your professional future?
The job market has become global, so predictions are hard to make, and opportunities can come up at any time, especially in managing or founding new university, cultural or research institutions. Of course, after travelling the world so much, I would like to spend more time in Europe, exploring countries such as Switzerland, Germany, France and the Nordic countries from a professional point of view. At Ca' Foscari I would like to keep helping along the road to internationalisation that I have already taken. Working on European and international research projects, I would like to double, or even triple, my efforts in the field of internationalisation of teaching. After the PISE double degrees with Groningen and Exeter, I would like to conclude further agreements so that up to 20% of students can benefit from a double degree in this and other courses taught in English at our University. There is no lack of commitment, drive and energy.

Last update: 02/07/2024