
Flaminia Luccio

Let’s talk about you: what is your background, what do you teach, and what are your research interests?
I teach courses in very different areas: Advanced Algorithms and Programming Methods mod I and Cryptography for the Informatics Master’s Degree Programme and a course on Web Technologies for Tourism for the Intercultural Development of Tourism Systems Master’s Degree Programme. My research interests range over different areas of informatics: I trained in algorithms (numerical and distributed) but I am currently also working on computer system security and website usability and accessibility. 

What was your academic career?
My academic career has been quite varied and articulated. I graduated in Informatics at the University of Pisa, did a Master's Degree in Informatics at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and a PhD in Informatics at the University of Milan. Then I won a researcher position at the University of Trieste where I stayed for eight years and then moved to the Department of Economics at Ca' Foscari University. In 2009, I won a position as associate professor and I currently hold this position at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics.

Which is the area you have always wanted to be involved in but have not yet had the opportunity to explore?
I have many interests and there are many new areas of research that fascinate me and that I would like to explore if I had more time. To name just one, I would like to research on topics between informatics and neuroscience.

What is the aspect of your research you are most passionate about?
Currently, I am fascinated by combining theoretical research with practical applications. Recently, for this very reason, I founded, with other colleagues, a university spin-off, 10Sec, which proposes innovative solutions for IoT security.

Can you offer any advice to researchers in the early stages of their career?
Research needs passionate young minds. Researching means making a lot of sacrifices and giving up a lot, but also gaining a lot of satisfaction!

Last update: 28/08/2024