
Conference schedule
The conference will start on the evening of Sunday September 4th, with a Nobel Lecture by Prof. Albert Fert. The programme will then start on Monday September 5th in the morning, and will end on Friday September 9th at lunch time.
The conference will have a structure similar to the one of a Gordon Research Conference, with invited talks and ample time for discussion moderated by a leader in the field. Contributed participation is in the form of poster presentations with the invited speakers and discussion leaders actively participating to the poster sessions.
- 09.00-10.00 Axel Hoffmann
- 10.00-10.30 Coffee break
Antiferromagnetic materials I
- 10.30-11.00 speaker 1: Nicholas Kioussis
- 11.00-11.30 speaker 2: Lucia Aballe
- 11.30-12.00 speaker 3: Helena Reichlova
- 12.00-12.30 discussion leader: Olivier Klein
- 12.30-15.30 Free time
Poster session
- 15.30-16.30 Poster session I
Dynamics in antiferromagnets I
- 16.30-17.00 speaker 1: Peng Yan
- 17.00-17.30 speaker 2: Takahiro Moriyama
- 17.30-18.00 speaker 3: Jean-Eric Wegrowe
- 18.00-18.30 discussion leader: Andrei Slavin
20.30 Visit - groups A&B
- 09.00-10.00 Alessandra Lanzara
- 10.00-10.30 Coffee break
Ultrafast light sources
- 10.30-11.00 speaker 1: Laura Foglia
- 11.00-11.30 speaker 2: Myrta Gruening
- 11.30-12.00 speaker 3: Daniele Brida
- 12.00-12.30 discussion leader: Paolo Vavassori
- 12.30-15.30 Free time
Poster session
- 15.30-16.30 Poster session II
Dynamics in antiferromagnets II
- 16.30-17.00 speaker 1: Davide Bossini
- 17.00-17.30 speaker 2: Jean-Y. Chauleau
- 17.30-18.00 speaker 3: Michael Först
- 18.00-18.30 discussion leader: Alexey Kimel
21.30 Visit - group C
- 09.00-10.00 Alice Mizrahi
- 10.00-10.30 Coffee break
Unconventional computing
- 10.30-11.00 speaker 1: Shunsuke Fukami
- 11.00-11.30 speaker 2: Philipp Pirro
- 11.30-12.00 speaker 3: Giovanni Finocchio
- 12.00-12.30 discussion leader: Burkard Hillebrands
- 12.30-15.30 Free time
Poster session
- 15.30-16.30 Poster session III
Magnetism and correlated systems I
- 16.30-17.00 speaker 1: Romain Lebrun
- 17.00-17.30 speaker 2: Fiona Forte
- 17.30-18.00 speaker 3: Chiara Ciccarelli
- 18.00-18.30 discussion leader: Gaspare Varvaro
19.00 Social dinner
- 09.00-10.00 keynote: Tomas Jungwirth
- 10.00-10.30 Coffee break
Antiferromagnetic materials II
- 10.30-11.00 speaker 1: Antonio Caretta
- 11.00-11.30 speaker 2: Andy Kent
- 11.30-12.00 speaker 3: Matthias Althämmer
- 12.00-12.30 discussion leader: Mathias Kläui
- 12.30-15.30 Free time
Poster session
- 15.30-16.30 Poster session IV
Magnetic X-ray imaging
- 16.30-17.00 speaker 1: Peter Fischer
- 17.00-17.30 speaker 2: Claire Donnelly
- 17.30-18.00 speaker 3: Lucas Caretta
- 18.00-18.30 speaker 4: Erick Burgos-Parra
- 18.30-19.00 discussion leader: Nicolas Jaouen
Magnetism and correlated systems II
- 09.00-09.30 speaker 1: Yuriy Mokrousov
- 09.30-10.00 speaker 2: Yves Acremann
- 10.00-10.30 Coffee break
- 10.30-11.00 speaker 3: Özhan Özatay
- 11.00-11.30 speaker 4: Franca Albertini
- 11.30-12.00 discussion leader: Pallavi Dhagat
Awards and closing
- 12.00-12.30 TMAG 2022 awards and closing

IUPAP policy statements followed
Free circulation of scientists
IUPAP Conference Policies - Section 1: Implement the IUPAP Policy on Free Circulation of Scientists
The principle of the Universality of Science is fundamental to scientific progress. This principle embodies freedom of movement, association, expression and communication for scientists, as well as equitable access to data, information and research materials.
In pursuing its objectives with respect to the rights and responsibilities of scientists, the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) actively upholds this principle, and, in so doing, opposes any discrimination on the basis of such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, or age. IUPAP should only sponsor conferences and events at institutions and in countries that uphold this principle. If scientists are excluded from attending IUPAP-sponsored international conferences by a host institution or country on the basis of any of these factors, IUPAP should register its concern at the highest level of that institution or country, and should not sponsor any future events in that country until such exclusions have been eliminated.
Harassment at conferences
IUPAP Conference Policies - Section 4: Harassment
It is the policy of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) that all participants at an IUPAP-supported Conference will enjoy a comfortable experience, and that they will treat each other with respect at all times. The conference organisers will appoint two advisors at the conference who will consult with those who have suffered from harassment and who will suggest ways of redressing their problems, and an advisor who will counsel those accused of harassment.