
Stefano Paganelli
Associate Professor
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His main research activity is based on the study of catalytic processes for the preparation of fine chemicals, such as intermediates for fragrances, pharmaceuticals and pesticides. In particular, chemo-and regioselective hydrogenation, hydroformylation, carbonylation and other carbon-carbon bond formation reactions are studied. In view of a green and sustainable chemistry these reactions are preferably conducted in water or in water-organic solvent biphasic system using water-soluble catalysts, readily separable from the reaction products and recycled. Moreover, mono-, bi- and polymetallic heterogeneous catalytic species with a low metal content of metal have been recently prepared and employed in the preparations of fine chemicals. In the view of a circular economy, polymetallic mixtures used for the preparation of these catalysts have been recovered from waste materials as exhausted converters and WEEE.

Valentina Beghetto
Associate Professor
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Her research interests are mainly devoted to the development of innovative products & Processes within the principles of Green Organic Chemistry and Circular Economy. Main topics regard the synthesis and functionalization of bio-based polymers, catalytic transformation of bio-mass in high value chemicals, modification of surfaces with antimicrobial coatings. She has a deep knowledge of the Leather industry and the development of low impact processes and products, as documented by the many EU funded projects and publications. She has over 100 among publications, patents and congress communications. Responsible of the third mission for DSMN is coordinator and partner of various National and European projects dealing with environmentally friendly technologies from biomass products and Circular Economy Best Practices.
She teaches Chemistry for the Leather Industry, Polymer Chemistry, Flavor and Fragrances for undergraduates in Sustainable Chemistry. Coordinator of a research group of 10 people, collaborates with National and International Partners.
Since 2014 founder of Crossing Ltd Winner of many awards specialized in innovative products/processes for sustainable manufacturing.

Barbara Vicentini
Technical Administrative Staff
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She is a laboratory technician and her activity consists in assisting the experimental tests of the research group she collaborates with. In addition, she provides assistance to educational workshops and also takes care of the Third Mission of the Department by organizing and participating in activities concerning relations with local schools.

Roberto Sole
Research Grant Holder
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His research interests focus on the development of catalytic processes for sustainable catalysis and valorisation of biomass derived platform chemicals. More in detail, homogenous reactions such as carbonylation and hydrogenation are routinely investigated. This field also involves the synthesis of new ligands and the study of their coordination with transition metals. His interests also deal with the synthesis and characterization of biopolymers. He obtained PhD in Chemistry in March 2020 and he is currently working as post-doc researcher.

Manuela Facchin
Research Grant Holder
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She works as R&D specialist for European and National funded projects. Her research is focused on the study of re-valorization of agri-food waste. Expert in organic synthesis and physico-chemical analysis, she achieved the PhD in Chemical Science in 2016 and he is currently working as post-doc researcher.
Research fellows
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Her research is focused on the study of new chemical treatments for personal protective equipment as a research fellow. She is expert in organic synthesis and characterization of organic and complex materials. She works as R&D specialist for European and National funded projects. She achieved the Master’s Degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies in March 2015 (cum laude).
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Her research is focused on the characterization and crosslinking of biopolymers for the development of bio-based and biodegradable film for packaging applications. She obtained master’s degree in Chemistry in October 2019 and she is currently working as research fellow.
Subject experts

Noemi Bardella
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Her research is focused on the valorisation of recovered/recycled materials for the replacement of fossil raw materials. She is expert in organic synthesis and characterization of organic and complex materials. She achieved the Master’s Degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies in October 2018 (cum laude).
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Her research is focused on the development of new reagents of "cross-linking activators" or "ACL", capable of cross-linking a variety of materials of natural and/or synthetic origin. She is expert in organic synthesis and characterization of organic and complex materials. She achieved the Master’s Degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies in October 2015 (cum laude).