Digital impact is pervasive.
Therefore, the Bliss’ research perimeter is not fixed once and for all, but it adapts to the research topics of our members.
Some major areas are listed below together with a sample of our fellows’ publications.

Ethical implication of data and AI
- Scantamburlo, T., Cortés, A., Schacht, M., "Progressing Towards Responsible AI", 1st International Workshop on Evaluating Progress in Artificial Intelligence, European Conference in Artificial Intelligence - ECAI 2020
- Cristianini, N., Scantamburlo, T. "On social machines for algorithmic regulation". AI & Soc (2019), doi: 10.1007/s00146-019-00917-8
- Scantamburlo T., Charlesworth A. and Cristianini N. (2019). "Machine decisions and human consequences". In K. Yeung & M. Lodge (eds) Algorithmic Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press (the draft accepted for publication is available on arXiv: 1811.06747)
- Zicari, R. V.. (2018). "Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Ethical and Societal Implications [PDF]". In Wolff, B. (Ed.), In Whither artificial intelligence? Debating the policy challenges of the upcoming transformation (pp. 68). Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programme
- Helbing, D., Frey, B. S., Gigerenzer, G., Hafen, E., Hagner, M., Hofstetter, Y., van den Hoven, J., Zicari, R. V., & Zwitter, A.. (2017). "Will Democracy Survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence?". Scientific American (February 25, 2017)
Digital platforms and online communities
- Lars Bo Jeppesen, Francesco Rullani and Nicolai Foss (2020). "How Context and Attention Shape Behaviors in Online Communities: a Modified Garbage Can Model", Industrial and Corporate Change, forthcoming
- Nuccio, M., & Guerzoni, M. (2019). "Big data: Hell or heaven? Digital platforms and market power in the data-driven economy". Competition & Change, 23(3), 312-328, doi: 10.1177/1024529418816525
- Paolo Giordani, Francesco Rullani and Lorenzo Zirulia (2018). "Endogenous Growth of Open Collaborative Innovation Communities", Industrial and Corporate Change, 27:4, 745–762
- Lanzolla, G., Giudici, A. 2017. "Pioneering strategies in the digital world. Insights from the Axel Springer’s case". Business History, 59(5): 744-777
- Nicolai Foss, Lars Frederiksen and Francesco Rullani (2016). "Problem-formulation and problem-solving in self-organized communities: how modes of communication shape project behaviors in the free open source software community". Strategic Management Journal, 37(13), 2589–2610

Social network and media
- Bellio E., Checchinato F. (2019). "The Power Of Instagram In Tourism: Visual Content Categories In Small Destinations", 35th IBIMA Conference
- Buccoliero, L., Bellio, E., Crestini, G., & Arkoudas, A. (2018). "Twitter and politics: evidence from the US presidential elections 2016". Journal of marketing communications 1-27, published on line July 20th 2018
- Buccoliero, L., Bellio, E., Mazzola, M., Solinas, E. (2016). "A marketing perspective to "delight" the "patient 2.0": new and challenging expectations for the healthcare provider". BMC Health Services Research 16(47), doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1285-x
- Checchinato F., Procidano I., Pisani M. (2016). "How People Evaluate a Product in an Online Environment: The Role of Uncertainty and Liking Feeling". In: Petruzzellis L., Winer R. (eds) Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Springer, Cham, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-29877-1_58
- Checchinato F., Disegna M, Gazzola P. (2015). "Content and Feedback Analysis of YouTube Videos: Football Clubs and Fans as Brand Communities", Journal Of Creative Communications, vol. 10, pp. 71-88, doi: 10.1177/0973258615569954
- Buccoliero L., Bellio E., Ishmatova D. (2013). "Silver Technology Acceptance Model: A First Research Framework". Ageing Society and ICT. T. Obi, J.-P. Auffret e N. Iwasaki. Amsterdam, IOS PRESS: 137-147
Consumer behaviour and decision making
- Chiara Grosso and Cipriano Forza (2019). "Users’ social interaction needs while shopping via online sales configurators [PDF]". International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2019
- Knudsen, T., Marchiori, D., & Warglien, M. (2018). "Hierarchical decision-making produces persistent differences in learning performance". Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-12
- Chiara Grosso, Cipriano Forza, Alessio Trentin (2017). "Supporting the social dimension of shopping for personalized products through online sales configurators". Journal of intelligent Information Systems, vol. 1, p. 9-35, ISSN: 0925-9902, doi:10.1007/s10844-016-0429-0
- Sandrin Enrico, Alessio Trentin , Chiara Grosso, Cipriano Forza (2017). "Enhancing the consumer-perceived benefits of a mass-customized product through its online sales configurator: An empirical examination". Industrial Management & Data Systems, vol. 117, p. 1295-1315, ISSN: 0263-5577, doi: 10.1108/IMDS-05-2016-0185
- Warglien, M., Gavetti, G. (2015). "A model of collective interpretation" in Organization Science, vol. 26(5), pp. 1263-1283 (ISSN 1047-7039)

Digital skills, competences & capabilities
- Bonesso Sara, Bruni Elena, Gerli Fabrizio, 2020. "Behavioral Competencies of Digital Professionals. Understanding the Role of Emotional Intelligence", Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN 978-3-030-33577-9), doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-33578-6
- Velyka, Anna, and Marco Guerzoni (2020). "The more you ask, the less you get: the negative impact of collaborative overload on performance". arXiv preprint: 2004.13545
- Maiden N., Zachos K., Brown A, Apostolou D. Holm B., Nyre L., Tonheim A. van den Beld A., (2020). "Digital Creativity Support for Original Journalism" Communications of the ACM, August 2020, Vol. 63(8), 46-53: doi: 10.1145/3386526
- Marra, A., Carlei, V., Baldassari, C., 2020. "Exploring networks of proximity for partner selection, firms’ collaboration and knowledge exchange. The case of clean-tech industry." Bus. Strateg. Environ. 29, 1034–1044, doi: 10.1002/bse.2415
- Losurdo, F., Marra, A., Cassetta, E., Monarca, U., Dileo, I., Carlei, V., 2019. "Emerging specializations, competences and firms’ proximity in digital industries: The case of London". Pap. Reg. Sci. 98, 737–753, doi: 10.1111/pirs.12376
- Arkhipova D., Bozzoli C. (2018). "Digital Capabilities". In: Bongiorno G., Rizzo D., Vaia G. (eds) CIOs and the Digital Transformation. Springer, Cham, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-31026-8_8
- Bruni Elena, Bonesso Sara, Gerli Fabrizio, 2018. "What competency profiles are required to handle digitalization? The soft skills that data analysts should possess". Academy of Management Specialized Conference Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy, Conference Proceedings, 18-20 April.
- Bruni Elena, Bonesso Sara, Gerli Fabrizio, Zampieri Rita, 2018. "The emotional, social and cognitive competency profile of data scientist: An exploratory study". Euram2018. Research in Action. Conference Proceedings, European Academy of Management, 19-22 June (ISBN 9782960219500)
- Zachos K., Maiden N.A.M., Pitts K., Jones S., Turner I., Rose M., Pudney K. & MacManus J., (2013). "A Software App to Support Creativity in Dementia Care". Proceedings 9th ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference, 124-131.
Smart & sustainable mobility networks
- Raffaele Pesenti, Daniele Catanzaro, Martin Frohn (2020). "An Information Theory Perspective on the Balanced Minimum Evolution Problem" in OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 48(3), pp. 362-367, doi: 10.1016/j.orl.2020.04.010
- Paola Pellegrini; Raffaele Pesenti; Joaquin Rodriguez (2019). "Efficient train re-routing and rescheduling: valid inequalities and reformulation of RECIFE-MILP" in TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, vol. 120, pp. 33-48, doi: 10.1016/j.trb.2018.12.008
- Pellegrini, Paola; Bolic, Tatjana; Castelli, Lorenzo; Pesenti Raffaele (2017). "SOSTA: an effective model for the Simultaneous Optimisation of airport SloT Allocation" in TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW, vol. 99, pp. 34-53, doi: 10.1016/j.tre.2016.12.006
- Cassetta, E., Marra, A., Pozzi, C., Antonelli, P., 2017. "Emerging technological trajectories and new mobility solutions. A large-scale investigation on transport-related innovative start-ups and implications for policy". Transp. Res. Part A Policy Pract. 106, doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2017.09.009

Digital transformation and industry 4.0
- Corò G. and Volpe M. (2020). "Driving Factors in the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies", in De Propris L. and Bailey D. (ed.), Industry 4.0 and Regional Transformations, Routledge.
- Guerzoni M., Nava R. Consuelo and Nuccio M. (2020). "Start-ups survival through a crisis. Combining machine learning with econometrics to measure innovation", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, doi: 10.1080/10438599.2020.1769810
- Maiden N., Zachos K. & Lockerbie J., 2020. "Evaluating an Information System to provide Creative Guidance about Health-and-Safety in Manufacturing", Behaviour & Information Technology, doi: 10.1080/0144929X.2020.1743756
- Cabigiosu, A. 2019. "Innovation in Knowledge Intensive Business Services: The Digital Era", London, Routledge, doi: 10.4324/9780429324390
- Zirpoli, F., & Cabigiosu, A. (2018). "Digitalization in the Italian Auto Industry". Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, (2), 158-169, doi: 10.4468/2018.2.12cabigiosu.zirpoli
Modeling and algorithms
- Dai Pra, Paolo; Sartori, Elena; Tolotti, Marco (2019). "Climb on the Bandwagon: Consensus and Periodicity in a Lifetime Utility Model with Strategic Interactions" in DYNAMIC GAMES AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 9, pp. 1061-1075 (ISSN 2153-0785), doi: 10.1007/s13235-019-00299-y
- Colapinto Cinzia; Sartori Elena; Tolotti Marco (2014). "Awareness, persuasion, and adoption: Enriching the Bass model" in PHYSICA A, vol. 395, pp. 1-10 (ISSN 0378-4371), doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2013.10.001
- Carlei, V., & Nuccio, M. (2014). "Mapping industrial patterns in spatial agglomeration: A SOM approach to Italian industrial districts". Pattern Recognition Letters, 40, 1-10, doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2013.11.023
- D. Marchiori , M. Warglien (2008). "Predicting Human Interactive Learning by Regret-Driven Neural Networks". Science, 22 February 2008: 1111-1113.