Bliss benefits from very heterogeneous research competences and capabilities, including expertise in the different disciplines of management, economics, mathematics and statistics. Although researchers are mainly based at the Department of Management, Bliss can boast the exceptional contribution of associate fellows from other universities and the best international research centers on wide range of topics, including the social, ethical and legal aspects of data analytics and management. Bliss is keen to welcome students and early career researchers (Ph.D. and postdoc fellows) and willing to actively involve them in its current projects.

Scientific Director
Massimiliano Nuccio
Associate Professor
Massimiliano's main research interests include digital transformation, data-driven innovation and advanced manufacturing technologies both at the regional and firm level. He teaches business analytics and its applications to marketing intelligence and consumer behaviour.
Keywords: digital economy, digital innovation, business analytics, machine learning
Faculty fellows
Marisa Agostini
Associate professor
Marisa's research interests focus on accounting reporting. Specifically, they include accounting fraud analysis, accounting history, integrated reporting and CSR, big data in accounting. Specifically, she is working on the impact of Big Data (BD) and Analytics (BDA) on accounting according to two main perspectives. First, the analysis of the relationship between BD-BDA and firm performance requires to consider both opportunities and challenges for several involved stakeholders. Second, the impact of the digital transformation on corporate non-financial disclosure is strictly related to sustainability issues.
Daria Arkhipova
Assistant professor
Daria's current research interests include sustainability of technology companies, algorithmic accountability, ethical and societal implications of big data, algorithms and AI.
Sara Bonesso
Associate professor
Deputy director fo the Ca' Foscari Competency Center
Digitalization is dramatically changing organizational workplace by adding new professional roles, modifying the individual competency profiles as well as radically changing the way leaders interact with their followers. Adopting a micro perspective, her research interests primarily lie in: the analysis of the emotional and social intelligence competency profiles of the emerging digital role and their impact on the individual performance; the understanding of how leader’s characteristics and the leadership process is influenced by the digitalization process.

Luciana Oranges Cezarino
Assistant professor
She is a researcher in the Department of Management at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Her research approaches systems methodologies to wicked problems. In the frame of applied social sciences, I scrutinize the behavior of society and organizations facing the grand societal challenges in the current digital transformation context.
Francesca Checchinato
Associate professor
Francesca's research focuses on how social networks and website contents affect consumer behaviours and how companies approach digital marketing activities. In particular, she is studying the role of visual contents in the marketing strategy and the features able to generate engagement and new brand associations. Moreover, her research is trying to measure how user generated contents and branded generated contents impact on firm performance.
Fabrizio Gerli
Full professor
Director of Ca' Foscari Competency Centre
Adopting a micro perspective, his research interests primarily lie in: the analysis of the emotional and social intelligence competency profiles of the emerging digital role and their impact on the individual performance; the understanding of how leader’s characteristics and the leadership process is influenced by the digitalization process.
Claudio Giachetti
Full professor
Claudio's primary research interests concern competitive dynamics and product innovation in rapidly changing technological and institutional environments. Claudio has primarily used the mobile phone industry, at all levels of the value chain, as research setting for his analyses, with a particular focus on competitive strategies of handset vendors and digital platform businesses.
Raffaele Pesenti
Full professor
Raffaelle's research interests are in the field of operations research and optimization. They can be framed within the prespective analytics (development of optimization models) and in the prespective automation (development of algorithms). Specifically, Raffaele’s research is focused on complex systems where multiple decision makers manage flows of both physical entities and information, e.g., transportation systems, supply chains, biological systems. Both the theoretical and practical aspects are considered. He has been involved in different third mission projects dealing with transportation systems, supply chains, and public administration decision making.
Ugo Rigoni
Full professor
Ugo's research interests lie in the impact of digital transformation on financial services (fintech). Among them, I am especially interested in financial advisory (for instance roboadvisory) and digital lending, for instance peer to peer lending, crowdfunding and invoice trading.
Francesco Rullani
Full professor
Francesco's research explores self-organized digital innovation, social innovation and social entrepreneurship, mainly by means of big data analytics, but also by formal modeling, and theoretical and qualitative methods. He has led and/or participated in projects financed by the European Union (e.g., H2020), National and Regional Authorities (e.g., PRIN; POR FSE), companies and their associations (e.g., RetImpresa) and NGO's (e.g., ActionAid). He published in Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, Industrial and Corporate Change, and others.

Carlo R. M. A. Santagiustina
Assistant Professor
Carlo R. M. A. Santagiustina is currently Assistant Professor of Research Methods at the Venice School of Management. He has obtained his PhD in Economics at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in 2018. His main research interests are digital methods for management and economic research, online impression and reputation management (with respect to remote work, WFH, WFA), media studies (social media data analysis and analytics), behavioural economics (risk perception, uncertainty and related biases), applied statistics (ML, Prob. Graph. Models) and computational linguistics (NLP, IE, text mining).
Marco Tolotti
Associate professor
Marco's primary interest is the development of probabilistic models of interaction (interacting agents) and therefore I research in the field of social interactions and their mainly economic applications.
His key topics include: Complex systems and interacting agents, diffusion of innovation, decision theory, optimal control, social interactions, opinion dynamics, data-driven inventory management.
Massimo Warglien
Full professor
Massimo has held visiting positions in numerous international universities and research centers. His main current research interests concern applications of Natural Language Processing and machine learning to social sciences and history, culture language and interaction, the emergence of organization.
Francesco Zirpoli
Full professor
Scientific director of CAMI, Center for Automotive and Mobility Innovation
Coordinator of the PhD in Management
Fesearch associate of the Program on Vehicle and Mobility Innovation, Mack Institute for Innovation Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA and of Istituto di Ricerche sulle Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo (IRISS), Italian National Research Council (CNR).
Francesco’s interests include strategy and organization design with a specific focus on organization boundary decisions, network governance and the organization of innovation processes.
Associate fellows
Giancarlo Corò
Full professor, Department of Economics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Giancarlo's research topics are the Regional Innovation Systems and the study of Economic complexity as structural condition for long run growth. He is director of the School of Economics, Languages, and Entrepreneurship for International Trade at Ca’ Foscari University, and coordinator of The Competitiveness and Global Markets Centre at Fondazione Nord Est.

Lisa Crosato
Associate professor, Economics Department, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Lisa works on the statistical analysis of data in economics and business. Her current research focuses on SMEs' default prediction. Ongoing projects in this area include the interpretability of machine learning methods and the use of corporate website scraping to improve classification.
Keywords: Statistical Learning, Machine Learning, webscraping
Alessandro Giudici
Senior Lecturer - City University Business School
Alessandro's research investigates the processes through which innovation can be facilitated in entrepreneurial ecosystems mainly from the perspective of 'pro-social' intermediary organizations such as incubators, accelerators, venture associations, government agencies, etc. He is particularly interested in business model innovation, particularly if digitally-enabled and/or for social innovation. Current research projects include work on a) the orchestration of impact innovation in sub-Saharan Africa; b) institutional rejuvenation in a large league of cooperatives via open innovation initiatives; c) pitching by social entrepreneurs in social incubators; d) faith-based innovation networks in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.

Marco Guerzoni
Associate professor, Bicocca University Milano
Marco is co-founder of "Despina", the big data lab researching on how data generated by the digitization process impact both research and society. He does teaching, research, and consulting in the area of advanced analytics and big data applied to economics, business intelligence, and policy. His main focus is on technology and innovation.
Alessandro Marra
Associate professor, University D'Annunzio Pescara
Alessandro carries out research on high-tech and digital industries, 1) investigating firms’ specializations and clusters, business and technological proximity, networks of coopetition, and 2) exploring innovative trajectories and technological change, knowledge exchange and flows, partner selection. He is co-founder of Explo, an innovative start-up and academic research spin-off at University d’Annunzio of Chieti and Pescara, focusing on data & text analytics and working on innovation mapping & matching. He is Associate research fellow at GRIF, Luiss Guido Carli.
Narmin Nahidi
Associate Professor, Ca' Foscari University
Narmin investigates into the relationship between finance and artificial intelligence, in particular on the impact that AI can have on corporate finance and specifically on mergers and acquisitions.
Teresa Scantamburlo
Assistant Professor, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Teresa worked as research associate at the University of Bristol (UK). She got a master degree in Digital Humanities and a PhD in Computer Science from Ca' Foscari University. Her main research interests lay at the intersection between Computer Science and Philosophy. In particular, her focus areas include the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to human-decision making, the role of data and algorithms in social regulation, the governance and the philosophical roots of AI. Currently, she is working on the AI4EU project where she coordinates the Observatory on Society and AI and the working group on Ethical and Legal AI.
Roberto Zicari
Full Professor - Goethe University Frankfurt
Roberto is leading a team of international experts who defined an assessment process for Trustworthy AI, called Z-Inspection®. He's the editor of the "" web portal and of the "ODBMS Industry Watch Blog". Over the past few years he has been visiting professor at the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology within the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at UC Berkeley (USA). Previously he was professor of Database and Information Systems (DBIS) at the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, where he founded the Frankfurt Big Data Lab.
Junior fellows

Nicola Carta
PhD Student - DMAN - Ca' Foscari
Nicola received his Master Degree in Economics and Finance in March 2019 from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Since September 2019, he is a PhD student with a concentration in Finance within the Department of Management of the same university. He is a member of ADEIMF (Italian Association of University Teachers of Financial Intermediaries and Markets). His research interests broadly concern entrepreneurial finance, fintech innovation, SME financing, sustainable finance and internal governance.
Keywords: entrepreneurial finance, fintech innovation, sustainable finance

Elena Bellio
Post-Doc Ca' Foscari
Elena Bellio is a Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor at Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. She is also an Adjunct Professor at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy. Her research activities and teaching activities focus mainly on the use of digital innovation in service marketing.

Sofia Mogno
Research Fellow
Sofia Mogno holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management and a Master's Degree in Management (Innovation and Marketing) from Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Sofia is a Research Fellow at Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Her research deals with digitization and the creative and cultural industries.
Scientific Board
- Andrea Baronchelli - Reader at City, University of London and Economic Data Science theme lead at The Alan Turing Institute
- Enrica Cornaglia - Change manager, Ashoka Italy
- Mario D'Almo - Intesa San Paolo
- Luciano de Propris - Head of Open Innovation & Sustainability at Consorzio ELIS
- Neil Maiden - Professor of Digital Creativity in the Faculty of Management at the Business Business (formerly Cass), where he is Director of the National Centre for Creativity enabled by AI (CebAI)
- Federico Mento - Ashoka Italy
- Lilla Montagnani - Bocconi
- Davide Nespolo - Head of Sustainability, Wind Tre
- Gabriele Nocco - Lead Data Scientist presso AS Roma and Co-Founder of Italian Association for Machine Learnig
- prof. Marion Poetz - Associate Professor of Innovation Management at the Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI) at Copenhagen Business School