Supervisors and partners


The role of the supervisor is to integrate the researcher within the selected Institute of the Research Hub for Global Challenges, in order for all parties gain the maximum knowledge and skills from the G@V fellowship. This includes ensuring that the foreseen training-through-research takes place, as well as providing support and guidance to the fellow's professional career development.
Supervisors and co-supervisors, the latter selected from a non-academic partner, play a specific role in monitoring and supporting fellows carrying out their research project. The supervisor(s) also support in drafting a Personal Career Development Plan, which serves as a guide for monitoring research and training progresses and achievements during the postdoctoral Programme.

Applicants must contact a potential supervisor, who has to agree on the project they plan to submit. Supervisors can neither be involved in the validation of the proposal, nor in the selection process. However, they can provide the applicant with additional information on ongoing and upcoming research projects at Ca’ Foscari, both in and outside their and the applicant’s research field, that may be of interest and strengthen the interdisciplinary aspect of the proposal.

All supervisors are high-profile active researchers in areas relevant to G@V, and with extensive experience in supervising fellows, a top track record and a rich research portfolio.

Below you can find a list of possible supervisors, grouped by the European Research Area.

file pdfDavide Zanchettin - a) Climate change b) Paleoclimatology c) Food choice201 K
file pdfFabio Aricò - a) Green Chemistry; b) Biorefinery 359 K
file pdfEleonora Balliana - Topics: a) Degradation processes of Heritage materials; b) Implementation of consolidant and protective for construction materials; c) Non-invasive and/or micro-destructive techniques for artworks characterization365 K
file pdfCarlo Barbante - Topics: a) Single Particle ICP-MS; b) Ice core analysis361 K
file pdfAlessandro Maria Bruni - a) Manuscript Studies; b) Raman Spectroscopy; c) X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF); d) physical-chemical analysis of iron gall inks of medieval manuscripts150 K
file pdfGuido Caldarelli - a) Modelling of Complex Networks; b) Study of the topology of social systems as that of producers and consumers of fake news; c) Study of the interplay of different mobility networks and their impact in life of cities195 K
file pdfStefano Calzavara - a) Web security; b) Formal methods for computer security; c) Adversarial machine learning364 K
file pdfPatrizia Canton - a) Studies on self-assembly of nano objects; b) Characterization of innovative (bio- and nano-) materials; c) Modelling methods for Transmission electron Microscopy367 K
file pdfCristina Cavinato - a) Biological Organic waste treatment for biofuel and high added-value compounds recovery; b) Microalgae-based processes for wastewaters treatment361 K
file pdfAgostino Cortesi - a) Requirement specification models for Robotic Systems; b) Verification of Software for Robotic Systems372 K
file pdfClaudia Crestini - Design and development: a) of natural polyphenols derived nanomaterials and hybrid nanostructures; b) of photoactive bionanomaterials; c) Development of lignin/tannin hybrid hydrogels363 K
file pdfAndrea Critto - a) Climate change multi-risk assessment; b) Risk based machine learning models; c) Environmental risk/vulnerability assessment in coastal and marine environments366 K
file pdfPietro Ferrara - a) Static Analysis; b) Software Engineering; c) Cybersecurity; d) Formal Methods374 K
file pdfMatteo Gigli - a) Lignin valorization; b) Biopolymers; c) Enzymatic treatments; d) Polymeric membranes; e) Biobased hydrogels365 K
file pdfFrancesco Gonella - a) Systems Thinking; b) Emergy Analysis; c) Complex Systems Modeling; d) Global Challenges364 K
file pdfFrancesca Caterina Izzo - Topics: a) Analysis of modern painting materials; b) Degradation of modern and contemporary paints; c) Diagnostics and Conservation of modern artworks363 K
file pdfClaudio Lucchese - a) Learning to rank for Information retrieval; b) Explainability of Machine Learning models; c) Adversarial Machine Learning 362 K
file pdfFlaminia Luccio - a) Distributed algorithms for mobile agents and Robots; b) Usable security; c) Network security362 K
file pdfLeonardo Maccari - a) Mesh networks; b) 5G; c) IaB; d) IoT; d) Network routing389 K
file pdfElisa Moretti - a) 0-3D nanomaterials; b) Photoactive nanosystems; c) Photocatalysis, d) Drugs photodegradation; e) Photo CO-PROX367 K
file pdfPaolo Musolino - a) Perturbation problems for partial differential equations; b) Asymptotic analysis and homogenization theory; c) Spectral theory for differential operators363 K
file pdfSalvatore Orlando - a) Learning to rank for Information retrieval; b) Explainability of Machine Learning models; c) Adversarial Machine Learning; d) High Performance Algorithms for Big Data363 K
file pdfAlvise Perosa - a) Development of photoactive nanomaterials for water splitting and/or CO2 reduction; 2) Photo- and electro-catalysis for greener organic processes and products; c) Hybrid organic-inorganic nanomaterial synthesis and characterization365 K
file pdfAndrea Pietropolli Charmet - a) Non-covalent interactions and micro-solvation steps b) Ab initio discovery of innovative (bio- and nano-) materials c) Theoretical modelling of molecular systems d) Computational methods for kinetics and spectroscopies369 K
file pdfSabina Rossi - a) Reversibility and Stochastic Networks b) Quantitative security analysis c) Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies d) Quantum Computing382 K
file pdfAlessandro Scarso - Topics: a) Supramolecular catalysis; b) Green chemistry; c) Reactions in water; d) Supramolecular chemistry; e) Micellar catalysis; f) Bisphosphonate synthesis; g) Organic synthesis; h) Biological organic synthesis366 K
file pdfMaurizio Selva - a) Green organic Synthesis; b) Valorisation of biobased chemicals; c) Extraction/upgrading of biowaste; d) Multiphase protocols; e) Flow reactions365 K
file pdfMichela Signoretto, Federica Menegazzo - a) Heterogeneous catalysis; b) New materials: oxides, alloys, composite, organic-inorganic hybrid, nanoparticles; c) Photochemistry370 K
file pdfSebastiano Vascon - a) Semi-supervised and unsupervised learning over graphs; b) Geometric Deep Learning / Graph Neural networks; c) Learning representation for (hyper) graphs in static or dynamic settings56 K
file pdfElisabetta Zendri - Topics: a) Mitigating the impact of climate change on Cultural heritage sites; b) Strategies for the preservation of Built Heritage in coastal areas; c) Solutions for quality conservation and restoration in a green and sustainable way363 K
file pdfC. Baldacci, M. Dalla Gassa, M. De Rosa - a) Film-Festivals and Transcultural Dynamics of Film Circulation; 2) Screen Cultures and the Circulation of Artistic Moving Images; 3) Circulation, Display, and Archival Strategies in Contemporary Art367 K
file pdfEleonora Balliana - a) Degradation processes of Heritage materials; b) Implementation of consolidant and protective for construction materials; c) Non-invasive and/or micro-destructive techniques for artworks characterization365 K
file pdfDuccio Basosi - a) "Cold war" studies; b) International politics of energy; c) International political economy 1970s-1990s362 K
file pdfShaul Bassi - a) Ocean Studies; b) Blue Humanities; c) Water cultures365 K
file pdfMonica Billio - Climate economics; b) Sustainable finance; c) Multi-risk analysis (compound risk)375 K
file pdfValentina Bonifacio - a) Indigenous Rights; b) Latin America363 K
file pdfAlessandro Casellato - Oral History Archives359 K
file pdfMarco Corazza - a) Quantitative Portfolio Theory; b) Artificial Intelligence; c) Machine Learning385 K
file pdfPaola Corò - a) History and epigraphy of the Ancient Near East; b) Relationship between written sources and their material context; c) Akkadian sources: epigraphy, history and ideology74 K
file pdfLaura De Giorgi - a) Chinese modern and contemporary social and cultural history in transnational perspective; b) Contemporary historiography and memory studies in East Asia; c) Sound,culture and society in modern and contemporary China and East Asia378 K
file pdfFlorencio del Barrio de la Rosa - a) Native languages; b) Current or vernacular language and its literature; c) Living or dead languages and their literature367 K
file pdfFrancesco Della Puppa - a) Globalization; b) International and Internal Migration; c) Social Inequalities; d) Marxism367 K
file pdfRoberta Dreon - a) Connections between action, perception and language; b) Linguistic, perceptive and affective habits and their mutual conditioning; c) Philosophy of affectivity and emotions; d) Socio-cultural development of the human natural environment364 K
file pdfFranz Fischer, Holger Essler - a) Digital Textual Scholarship; b) Digital and Public History; c) Digital Art History; d) Digital Cultural Heritage; e) Digital and Public Archaeology386 K
file pdfFabrizio Gerli, Sara Bonesso - a) Emotional, social and cognitive competencies; b) Leadership373 K
file pdfJasenka Gudelj - a) History of art and architecture of the Eastern Adriatic coast; b) Historiography on the Eastern Adriatic cultural heritage; c) History of migrations and exchange and related infrastructures364 K
file pdfFrancesca Caterina Izzo - a) Analysis of modern painting materials; b) Degradation of modern and contemporary paints; c) Diagnostics and Conservation of modern artworks363 K
file pdfMatteo Legrenzi - a) International Relations; b) Area Studies; c) Middle Eastern Studies362 K
file pdfSabrina Marchetti - a) Migration, gender and the environment; b) Social movements, labour rights and minorities’ rights; c) Care, intimacy and social relationships362 K
file pdfMarcella Mariotti - a) Critical Foreign Language Pedagogy (Japanese); b) E-Learning & IT in Language Education (Japanese)450 K
file pdfDario Miccoli - a) Modern Jewish Studies (XX-XXI centuries); b) History and Anthropology of the Modern Mediterranean (XX-XXI centuries); c) Memory Studies364 K
file pdfCarolina Negri - Women’s literature, court culture, women’s history, sexuality and gender, nunhood in medieval period in Japan and other countries, marriage and female inheritance378 K
file pdfStefano Pellò361 K
file pdfLuigi Perissinotto - a) Semantic (and epistemic) contextualism: The Contemporary Debate; b) Wittgenstein and Contemporary Philosophy of Language c) Epistemic Skepticism: The Contemporary Debate360 K
file pdfFabio Perocco - a) Inequalities b) Migration c) Racism d) Transformations of work364 K
file pdfNicoletta Pesaro - a) Sinophone cultural productions; b) Ethnic minorities; c) Transnational studies362 K
file pdfRoberta Raffetà - a) Science & Technology Studies; b) Microbiome; c) Data studies; d) Biosocial conservation and patrimony363 K
file pdfStefano Riccioni - a) Medieval Art History and Architecture; b) Art History in Mediterranean area; c) Art History in Sub Caucasian area; d) Medieval Bestiary365 K
file pdfAngelo Rubino - a) Climate crisis perception; b) Information and disinformation; c) Ethic of science; d) Science and politics; e) Experiments versus modelling365 K
file pdfStefania Sbarra - a) Enlightenment today; b) Times of crisis and rethinking; c) Environment in Realism435 K
file pdfMarco Sgarbi - a) History of Philosophy; b) Renaissance Studies; c) Italian Studies; d) Epistemology361 K
file pdfRenata Soukand - a) Ethnobotany; b) Ethnobiology; c) Biocultural diversity361 K
file pdfFrancesca Tarocco - a) Ecology, landscape and water; b) Health; the body; food; c) Technology and innovation; d) Chinese Studies; e) Buddhist Studies366 K
file pdfFrancesco Vacchiano - a) Migration and borders; b) Medical anthropology; c) Africa and Middle East117 K
file pdfFrancesco Vallerani - a) Cultural Geography and Landscape Analysis; b) Waterscapes as cultural heritage; c) Management of water resources; d) Hydrologic knowledge; e) waters as social tool365 K
file pdfDavide Zanchettin - a) Assessment of climate influences on major historical events during the Common Era; b) Contributions of human influences on regional climate change during the Common Era; c) Food, food system activities and climate change366 K
file pdfElisabetta Zendri - a) Mitigating the impact of climate change on Cultural heritage sites; b) Strategies for the preservation of Built Heritage in coastal areas; c) Solutions for quality conservation and restoration in a green and sustainable way363 K
file pdfMatteo Bertelé - 1) The Cultural Cold War 2) Intertwined Art Histories 3) Exhibition and Biennial Studies 4) Socialist Art and Visual Culture 5) Artistic Diasporas196 K
file pdfAnna Cardinaletti - a) Theoretical linguistics b) Experimental linguistics210 K
file pdfDaniela Cesiri - a) English language b) English linguistics c) corpus linguistics d) discourse studies e) pragmatics f) computer mediated communication55 K
file pdfLuciana Oranges Cezarino - a) sustainability b) supply chains c) systems approach203 K
file pdfDaniela Cottica - a) Palaeoenvironments b) Geomorphology c) Geoarchaeology d) Natural hazards e)Human vulnerability f)Human adaptation g) Environmental vulnerability h)(Palaeo)Anthropocene64 K

G@V Partners

G@V Programme has an innovation ecosystem of 28 strategic partners, including spin-off companies, SMEs, large companies & research organisations, where as a G@V Fellow you will have the opportunity to do secondments or training activities. The Innovation ecosystem will provide you with the opportunity to:

  • build entrepreneurship being connected to relevant stakeholders
  • increase synergies at EU level in order to address emerging opportunities and market developments.

A partnership agreement will define the activity. Please contact your supervisor and the International Research Office for details.

If you foresee secondments and/or short visits for your project, this should be included at the application stage and should be agreed, in principle, with the relevant partner. We expect candidates to discuss this with the proposed supervisor, contact the relevant partners or institutions before the deadline, and check whether there is mutual interest and benefit in the proposed secondment/short visit.

Secondments or short visits cannot be longer than 8 months in total, as we expect Fellows to spend the majority of their Fellowship at Ca’ Foscari in Venice.

Secondments are not mandatory and they depend on the nature of the project. They can be added at a later stage, should an opportunity arise.

Strategic research centres

Foreign universities


SMEs and large companies

Last update: 20/03/2025