
On 22-27 August 2022 Emiliano Fiori and Bishara Ebeid participated in the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies at the Universities of Venice and Padua. Emiliano Fiori talked on “Syriac Patristic Florilegia: The Inculturation of an Early Byzantine Genre” and Bishara Ebeid on “The Divine Substance as Aristotle’s Substantia Prima: Yaḥyā b. ʿAdī and His Trinitarian Doctrine”

On 4-9 July 2022, the FLOS team (Emiliano Fiori, Bishara Ebeid, Claudia Simonelli, Guido Venturini and Emanuele Zimbardi) took part in the international Symposium Syriacum in Paris with a whole panel on “The Transformation of the Greek Fathers: Between Patristic Florilegia and West Syriac Literature”. Bishara Ebeid also contributed to the Congress of Christian Arabic Studies in the same days with a paper on “Yaḥyā b. ʿAdī and his Trinitarian Doctrine: New Considerations”.
Programme of the congress

On 20 April 2022, Emiliano Fiori was invited by Prof. Marie-Odile Boulnois to give a class on Syriac Florilegia at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris, chair of Histoire des dogmes

On 7 April 2022, Emiliano Fiori gave an invited talk on “Homer against Origen: Two Neglected Letters in Syriac of the 6th Century” in the series “Text and Transmission Joint Research Seminar” of the Universities of Leuven and Gent

On 17 March 2022 Emiliano Fiori was invited to speak on “The Incurable Wound. The Controversy around Probus as a Permanent Disquiet in Miaphysite History” at the international workshop “Documenter les défis de l’Église miaphysite tardo-antique”, which was held at the University of Angers, France
Previous activities
- Between March and July 2021, the FLOS team organized and hosted the FLOS Lectures, a series of online lectures on topics related to themes of relevance to our project. The programme and concept of the series is attached to the announcement of the first lecture. Almost all the lectures can be found on the Youtube channel of the project
- On 8 February 2021 Emiliano Fiori lectured on “Producing Born-digital Editions of Syriac Texts: The Challenge of Syriac Florilegia” within the context of the webinars series “Euporia” organized by the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities
- On 15 January 2021, Emanuele Zimbardi gave a paper at the 11th Deutscher Syrologentag on the topic “First Soundings of an Unedited Work by Anton of Tagrit: the Hellenic and Rhetorical Background of the First Mēmrā on God’s Providence”
- October 2020 - collaboration with the project "GREgORI"
In October 2020, FLOS started a collaboration with the project "GREgORI" [FRA] based at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, for the lemmatization and the grammatical analysis of Syriac patristic florilegia. - June 2020 - report publication of the conference "Florilegia Syriaca"
In June 2020, Emiliano Fiori published a detailed report of the workshop "Florilegia Syriaca" held at Ca' Foscari University on 30 January - 1 February 2020. The publication appeared in the COMSt bulletin 6:1. - March 2020 - collaboration with Dr Matthew Crawford's project
In March 2020, FLOS established a collaboration with the project "The Bishop versus the Emperor: Social Imagination and Intellectual Formation in Late Antique Alexandria" led by Dr. Matthew Crawford of the Australian Catholic University at Melbourne and funded by the Australian Research Council. - 30/01/2020 - Florilegia Syriaca, Mapping a Knowledge-Organizing Practice in the Syriac World
On January 30 - February 1 2020 the first international workshop of the FLOS project took place at Ca' Foscari University.
- 19-24/08/2019 - 18th Patristic Conference
On August 19-24 2019 Emiliano Fiori attended the 18th Patristic Conference, Oxford and presented some further results of the project - 16-19/06/2019 - 8th North American Syriac Symposium
On June 16-19 2019 Emiliano Fiori and Claudia Simonelli attended the 8th North American Syriac Symposium at Brown University, Providence, USA and presented the first collective results of the project. - 30-31/05/2019 - The Neoplatonic-Aristotelian Tradition in the Jewish-Christian-Muslim Kalam
On May 30-31 2019 Emiliano Fiori was invited to Mexico City to present some results of his own FLOS-related research at the Universidad Panamericana
Programme - 25/03/2019 - Project presentation
On March 25 2019 Emiliano Fiori, Bishara Ebeid, and Claudia Simonelli presented the project [ITA] at Ca' Foscari University
- 12-15/06/2018 - symposium celebrating the 80th birthday of Sebastian Brock
On June 12-15 2018 Emiliano Fiori presented FLOS at the symposium celebrating the 80th birthday of Sebastian Brock in Sigtuna, Sweden, Sankt Ignatios College.
Programme - Photogallery