PhD degrees
You can find here below the FAQs to clarify your doubts; should you not be satisfied after reading them carefully, please open a ticket through the link at the bottom of the page.
Please read also the regulations on Minors and Advanced Courses [ITA].
I have completed the registration application. How long does it take to receive confirmation?
You will receive confirmation via an email containing the credentials to log in (matriculation number and password) to the University’s online services.
I have completed the registration application within the deadline. Can I pay later?
Payment must also be made within the prescribed deadlines, under penalty of exclusion.
I am a successful PhD candidate and I am about to graduate. Do I still have to accept my place or can I wait until I have received my degree classification?
All successful candidates, including those about to graduate, must, under penalty of exclusion, accept the place by completing the online enrolment application and paying the stamp duty and regional tax for the right to education within the prescribed deadline.
I won a place on an industrial PhD programme. Do I have to pay any taxes?
Yes, all PhD students are required to pay stamp duty and regional tax for the right to education.
I would like to accept the place, but I am currently enrolled on another university course. What should I do?
It is forbidden to be enrolled simultaneously on another PhD programme, at Postgraduate Schools or on other university courses, even at foreign Universities. If your university allows it, you can request suspension from your course you are attending or you will have to withdraw from your studies.
I am a former student at Ca’ Foscari. I would like to complete the enrolment application for a PhD but the system displays a list of my previous study courses. What do I have to do?
In order to complete the enrolment application, you simply have to choose one of your previous courses of study and then proceed by selecting > courses with an admissions test > PhD.
When I fill in the registration application, I get a failure notice. What should I do next?
Go back to the enrolment procedure and select and cancel any pending processes. If the problem persists, report it to the offices by clicking on the Send a Request button at the bottom of the page.
I am a research fellow, can I accept a position with a scholarship?
A PhD scholarship cannot be combined with a research grant, therefore the grant must end before the first instalment of the scholarship is issued, i.e. by 31 August.
How much is the total PhD scholarship?
The total scholarship is €15,343.28 per year, including social security charges to be paid by the scholarship holder.
Fees and subsidies
I am a scholarship holder. Do I have to pay any fees?
All doctorate students are required to pay stamp duty and the regional tax.
Do I have to pay fees every year?
Yes. In order to enrol for subsequent years, you must pay the tax and enrolment fees within the deadline established by the University, even if the Teaching Board has not yet decided on your admission. If you are not accepted for the following year, any fees paid for the year in question will be refunded.
I have to enrol for the new academic year: what is the deadline for the first instalment?
You can find all the information you need on the fee payment page.
What if I don't pay the fees by the deadline?
In addition to the fees due, you will have to pay a penalty fee.
Can I be granted a reduction?
Yes, you are eligible for a reduction in regional tax if you fall under Band 1 or 2. For this purpose, you have to submit, within the deadline, a concession request, which must be filled in and sent online via your personal area, and an ISEE (equivalent financial situation index) certificate for concessions to services for the right to education.
How can I check my payment situation?
By logging in to your Personal Area of the website (click on Student Secretary Services > Payments).
I am on an extension for a cotutelle PhD programme. Do I have to pay the taxes for the new year?
Yes, you must pay stamp duty and regional tax for the right to education.
How do I make fee payments?
Through the PagoPA system. You can pay in your personal area under "Payments" and you can choose to pay online or in person.
Can I make a payment via MAV?
No, you cannot make payments via MAV.
Can I use Postepay to make payments?
Yes, because it belongs to the Visa Electron circuit. To make the payment, click on "pay online", choose from “credit card, debit card, stored value card” and select “Visa Electron”. At this point, the PSPs - payment service providers - that accept Visa Electron will be displayed; select one and proceed with the payment.
Do I need to send the receipt to the office as proof of payment?
No, PagoPA transfers the information to our computer system.
I tried to log in to see how the system worked, but now I the payment buttons are no longer displayed. What do I need to do?
After each log-in, the system will not let you log back in for 60 minutes, after this time has elapsed, the payment buttons will be available again.
I tried to log in to see how the system worked, but now I the payment buttons are no longer displayed. What do I need to do?
Payment is not successful or I see the message "FAULT received from the Payment Hub". Why is this? Check the terms specified by the PSP (payment service provider) you have chosen to make the payment. The amount you have to pay is probably higher than the amount permitted by the payment method you have chosen.
My bank is not on the list of credit institutions that use the PagoPA system. How can I pay?
For all payment methods, with the exception of homebanking, you can use any of the banks shown in the list of PagoPA system users.
I received an email saying “following your request for payment made through PagoPA for the IUV code 00000000xxxxxxx of € xxxx.00 expiring on xx/xx/xxxx, we inform you that the transaction had the following outcome: The transaction was completed with the following status: "RPT accepted by the Payment Hub”. Does this mean that I have been charged?
No, the message you received is sent automatically when the payment request is accepted by the payment hub, even if you have only viewed the payment system. At that time, no charge is made. Subsequently, if you complete the transaction, you will receive another email telling you that the payment was successful.
I have to make a payment of €1000 but, as I do not have a credit card, I am unable to make the payment at a tobacconist’s or an authorised bank. What can I do?
You can use the CartaConto issued by Friuladria which belongs to MasterCard, which is sent to all students (you need to activate it first). Alternatively, you can pay the first instalment at a Sisalpay point using a debit card, or via a bank ATM (Bancomat).
I have a credit card issued by a bank that is not listed. Can I use it to pay online?
Yes, you must check that the card belongs to Mastercard or Visa in order to make the payment: Click on “pay online”, choose from “credit card, debit card, stored value card” and select “Mastercard/Visa”. At this point, the PSPs - payment service providers - that accept Mastercard/Visa will be displayed (even if it is not the bank which has issued the credit card); select one of them and proceed with the payment.
Suspension and resumption
Can I request a suspension?
Yes, you can request, not more than twice within your course of studies, suspension from the PhD course for up to one year for specific reasons, which are outlined on the Interruption page.
What does the suspension involve?
During the suspension period, you cannot perform any academic act (sitting exams, research periods in Italy or abroad, etc.) The administrative deadlines, as with the final exam, will be deferred for one semester if the suspension has been requested for a period of 1 to 6 months, or two semesters if the suspension covers a period of 7 to 12 months.
Will my scholarship be paid during the suspension period?
No, your scholarship is suspended. Payment will resume once the suspension period has finished.
What do I have to do in order to restart my studies?
In order to resume your studies after the suspension period, you must fill in the request form paying €16 of stamp duty and, for the suspension of teacher training courses only, you will have to pay a fee of €100, in addition to the enrolment fees due for the current year.
Withdrawal and loss of student status
Is there a particular time frame or can you withdraw at any time?
You can withdraw can be done at any time as long as you are up to date with the payment of fees for the last year in which you registered.
I am a scholarship holder and have decided to withdraw from my studies. Do I have to return the scholarship money?
You will not have to return the scholarship instalments you have already received, except for any instalments collected after the date of withdrawal from your studies.
What is the difference between withdrawal and loss of student status?
Withdrawal is a voluntary act in which a student decides to end his studies; loss of student status is instead automatically applied to PhD students who fail to graduate 3 years after their study cycle has ended. Loss of student status is also applied to PhD students who, within the terms established by the call for applications, fail to achieve Level B2 English language proficiency.
Final Exam and diploma
What are the deadlines for the final exam?
Check the deadlines on the Final Exam page.
Is it compulsory to attach the Almalaurea questionnaire to the final exam application?
Yes, it is compulsory. You must attach the receipt of successful completion of the questionnaire (in PDF format) when completing the final exam application.
If I have already completed the questionnaire for a previous course of study, do I have to do it again?
Yes. In this case, in order to fill in the questionnaire, you must log in to your personal area of the Almalaurea website using the credentials that you were given when you first registered. Once you have accessed the CV, you must add a new qualification (PhD), indicating an estimated date of graduation. The questionnaire icon will appear next to the new course. Once completed, the receipt icon will be activated. Download and attach this receipt to the final exam application.
I have lost the credentials for logging in to Almalaurea. What should I do?
You can request username and password recovery using the dedicated link. New credentials are usually sent within a maximum of 2 days.
My thesis supervisor is not a professor at the university. What should I do?
The application procedure includes a specific page where you have to enter your Supervisor’s last name. Enter “external party” to see a list of professors who satisfy the research criteria entered. Select the name of your Supervisor from the list. If you do not see it, contact us.
I have two or more thesis supervisors; can I enter all of them?
No, only the person the Board has identified as your thesis supervisor should be indicated.
How many characters long should the Abstract be? Up until what point can I change it?
The Abstract may include up to 1500 characters. You can change it until the day before the final thesis is submitted.
I have to upload my thesis for evaluation but I can't find any option to do this in my personal area. Why not?
There are two different uploads to be done on different dates: one for the evaluation, one for thesis submission. For evaluation, you have to upload your thesis by logging in to the specific software with your credentials (matriculation number and password). The final upload your thesis (thesis submission), is done in your personal area according to the following pathway: Students Area - ESSE3 > Final exam > Thesis upload and acceptance by referee/supervisor.
My thesis file is bigger than 10MB. What should I do?
You can use the PDF compression software provided by the University. If the file still exceeds the permitted size, you will have to upload a text-only version and send the full version to the email addresses and (in CC)
Can I view the results of the checks for similarity with other sources?
Yes, the results of the checks will be available in the Students Area - ESSE3> Final exam > Thesis upload and acceptance by referee/supervisor.
Does the title page have a standard format?
Yes, for the title page, you must use the format shown on the Thesis page and follow the instructions given.
For how long can I request for my thesis to be non-accessible online (embargo)?
You can request a maximum of 12 months' embargo, starting from the date you are awarded your PhD.
Can you send me my degree certificate? What should I do?
You can find all information on the PhD's Certificate page.
I lost my degree certificate, can I ask for a copy?
You can find all information on the PhD's Certificate page.
I need to send a certificate to a public authority. What do I need to do?
According to the law 183/2011, certificates cannot be presented to public authorities. In this case, you will need to present self-certification.
Which certificates can I be issued?
You can request both the enrolment certificate and degree award certificate showing the details of your course of study: scholarship, any cotutelle PhD programme, thesis title, etc.
I have to apply for the INPS DIS-COLL monthly unemployment allowance. Can I request a certificate confirming the scholarship?
You should be required to self-certify this information, but if you have specifically requested it, we can issue a certificate with an apostille.
In which language are certificates issued?
The University only issues certificates in Italian or English.
I need to have a certificate translated into a specific foreign language. Can I ask the university directly for the official translation?
No, in order to obtain the translation of the certificate into another foreign language, you must refer to professional translators registered with the specific Court Register, or diplomatic and consular representatives from the country in question.
I need to change some of my personal details. How can I let you know about this?
You can log in to your Personal Area and change your personal details.
Submit a support request specifying the category of your problem and including a short description.
Last update: 27/02/2025