Master's programme

You can find here below the FAQs to clarify your doubts; should you not be satisfied after reading them carefully, please open a ticket through the link at the bottom of the page.

Please read also the regulations on Minors and Advanced Courses [ITA].


Are there any open admission Master’s programmes?

No, all the Master’s programmes are subject to admission requirements. You are admitted via selection according to academic qualifications and/or examinations. 

How does the admissions process work for a Master’s programme? 

The admission procedures can be viewed in the Call for Admissions, on the Master’s programme page. Each Master’s programme has its own deadlines and access procedure, which are outlined in the introduction to each Master's programme course.

How do you register on a Master’s programme?

The register procedures can be viewed in the Call for Admissions, on the Master’s programme page.

I am enrolled on an undergraduate degree course. Can I apply for a Master’s programme?

Yes, you can apply and, if accepted, you will have to graduate at least a month before the Master's teaching programme starts in order to be able to enrol.  You will still be required to pre-enrol and pay the full first instalment due by the foreseen deadline.

I am enrolled on an undergraduate degree course. Can I enrol on a Master’s programme at the same time?

No, you cannot enrol on a Master’s programme at the same time as another university course, such as a Bachelor's degree, a Master’s degree, a PhD or another Master’s programme.  However, this does not apply for individual courses. If you are already enrolled on an Undergraduate Degree Course, you may suspend it for the duration of the Master’s programme and later return to your original study course after finishing the Master's.

I would like to fill in the enrolment application but the system displays my previous study courses. What do I have to do?

In order to fill in a new register application, you simply have to choose one of your previous courses. 

I made a mistake when entering information or uploading files in my enrolment application. What do I do?

Until you reach the pre-enrolment deadline, you can change the information you have already entered by logging back in to your personal area.

Can I apply for more than one Master’s programme?

Yes, you can apply for all the courses that interest you; if you are accepted onto more than one Master’s programme, you will have to choose which one to register for during the enrolment stage. 

Is it possible to complete the pre-enrolment process outside of the deadlines indicated in the Master's programme introductions?

No, under no circumstances. Once the deadlines for pre-enrolment and paying the first instalment have passed, the application process is closed and is no longer accessible.

Can I register for individual modules of a Master’s programme?

Some Masters programmes allow registration for individual modules.  In order to be accepted, you must meet the same requirements foreseen for the full programme.   Attendance for individual modules is compulsory and, at the end of the course, you will be given a certificate confirming the number of credits acquired and the relative area of study (SSD). For information, see the Individual Modules page.

Credit recognition

I have a Master's degree and would like to enrol on another Master's programme. Can my credits be transferred?

Yes, you can ask for your credits to be transferred. The previous course is evaluated by the Teaching Board of the Master’s programme in which you want to enrol and transfer of the CFUs (credits) is governed by specific Regulations. 

I was enrolled on a Master’s programme which I didn’t complete, so I wasn't awarded a certificate. Can I re-enrol on the same Master’s programme with recognition of prior attendance and the fees I have already paid?

Previously attended study programmes, even if not completed, are evaluated by the Teaching Board of the Master's programme in which you wish to enrol. Recognising CFUs and fees that have already been paid is governed by specific Regulations.

Fees and subsidies

I’m having difficulty in making the necessary payment. What can I do?

You can find information on the Master's programme page.

Can I pay a reduced fee for the two instalments?

No, there is no reduced fee. However, some Masters programmes may award Scholarships or other financial support. Useful information, in this case, can be found in the introduction of the individual Master’s programmes.

I would like to enrol on a Master's programme. Can I apply for a bank loan?

Yes, Masters’ students are eligible for bank loans.

How do I make fee payments?

Via the PagoPA system only. You can make a payment from your Personal Area by clicking on “Payments”; you can choose whether to pay online with a credit card, via bank transfer or CBILL, or in person, by printing the payment notification to be submitted to a licensed operator or bank that uses the PagoPA system.

Can I make a payment via MAV?

No, you cannot make payments via MAV. 

Can I use Postepay to make a payment?

Yes, because it belongs to the Visa Electron circuit. To make the payment, click on “pay online”, choose from "credit card, debit card, stored value card" and select "Visa Electron". At this point, you will see the PSPs - payment service providers - that accept Visa Electron; select one and proceed with the payment.

Do I need to send the receipt to the office as proof of payment?

No, PagoPA transfers the information directly to our computer system.

I tried to log in to see how the system worked, but now I the payment buttons are no longer displayed. What should I do?

After each log-in, the system will not let you log back in for 60 minutes; after this time has elapsed, the payment buttons will be available again.

Payment is not successful or I see the message "FAULT received from the Payment Hub". Why is this?

Check the terms specified by the PSP (payment service provider) you have chosen to make the payment. The amount you have to pay is probably higher than the amount permitted by the payment method you have chosen.  After each log-in, the system will not let you log back in for 60 minutes; after this time has elapsed, the payment buttons will be available again.

My bank is not on the list of credit institutions that use the PagoPA system. How can I pay?

For all payment methods, with the exception of homebanking, you can use any of the banks shown in the list of PagoPA system users.

I received an email saying “following your request for payment made through PagoPA for the IUV code 00000000xxxxxxx of € xxxx.00 expiring on xx/xx/xxxx, we inform you that the transaction had the following outcome: The transaction was completed with the following status: "RPT accepted by the Payment Hub”. Does this mean that I have been charged?

No, the message you received is sent automatically when the payment request is accepted by the payment hub, even if you have only viewed the payment system. At that time, no charge is made. Subsequently, if you complete the transaction, you will receive another email telling you that the payment was successful. 

I have to make a payment of €1000 but, as I do not have a credit card, I am unable to make the payment at a tobacconist’s or an authorised bank. What can I do?

You can use the CartaConto issued by Friuladria which belongs to MasterCard, which is sent to all students (you need to activate it first). Alternatively, you can pay the first instalment at a Sisalpay point using a debit card, or via a bank ATM (Bancomat).

I have a credit card issued by a bank that is not listed. Can I use it to pay online?

Yes; the card simply has to belong to Mastercard or Visa.  To make the payment, click on “pay online”, choose from "credit card, debit card, stored value card" and select "Mastercard/Visa". At this point, you will see the PSPs - payment service providers - that accept Mastercard/Visa (even if it is not the bank that has issued the credit card); select one and proceed with the payment. 

Suspension and resumption

I am enrolled on a Master’s programme. Can I request a suspension?

No, suspension is not permitted for students enrolled on Master’s programmes.

Withdrawal and loss of student status

I am enrolled on a Master's programme. Can I withdraw?

Yes, however, please note that, once registered, any amounts already paid will not be refunded in the event of withdrawal. Furthermore, you must be up to date with payment of both instalments in order to withdraw from a Master’s programme.  

I would like to withdraw from the Master’s programme I am enrolled on. Is there a particular time frame or can you withdraw at any time?

No, you can withdraw from a Master’s programme at any time, as long as you are up to date with the fee payments.

I enrolled on a Master's programme and I stopped going. Have I been disqualified?

Yes, each Master's programme can include up to two final exam sessions. If you have not graduated within the scheduled sessions, your place will be closed due to disqualification. 

Final exam and diploma

I'm enrolled on a Master's programme that I’m about to finish. Do I have to fill out an application in order to take the final exam?

Yes, in the same way as for Undergraduate Degree courses, a final exam application must also be completed for Master’s programmes.  An email with instructions on how to complete your final exam application for the Master’s programme will be sent to you a fortnight before the scheduled date for the thesis discussion. 

I am filling out the final exam application for a Master’s programme, but I can't upload my thesis. What should I do?

For the Master’s programmes, presenting your final thesis and anti-plagiarism checks are not required. 

Can you send me my degree certificate? What should I do?

You can find all information on the Master's programme page.

I lost my master's programme certificate, can I ask for a copy?

You can find all information on the Master's programme page.


I need to send a certificate to a public authority. What do I need to do?

According to the law 183/2011, certificates cannot be presented to public authorities. In this case, you will need to present self-certification. 

Which certificates can I be issued?

You can request both the enrolment certificate and the degree award certificate.

In which language are certificates issued?

The University only issues certificates in Italian or English.

I need to have a certificate translated into a specific foreign language. Can I ask the university directly for the official translation?

No, in order to obtain the translation of the certificate into another foreign language, you must refer to professional translators registered with the specific Court Register, or diplomatic and consular representatives from the country in question.

I need to change some of my personal details. How can I let you know about this?

You can log in to your Personal Area and change your personal details.

You have not found the answer to your question, or you need further information?
Submit a support request specifying the category of your problem and including a short description.

Last update: 27/02/2025