Past projects 
\ Research for Global Challenges

This section presents all past projects related to Ca' Foscari's Global Challenges. To  discover the on-going projects, please visit the page Projects. 

Mental Mapping and Historical Imagination in the Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Region

The Baltic and the Mediterranean Seas are focal areas of regional imagination that have been affected by the new post­-1989 geography.
The project analyses the meanings attached to these areas, their political uses as well as migration, island identities and mental maps.
The program contemplates workshops on area studies, mental maps, conceptual history, and other related topics.
It is a cooperation of Ca’ Foscari University with Södertörn University Stockholm financed by Swedish Östersjöstiftelsen.

Researcher: Rolf Petri
Duration: 01/01/2014 - 01/01/2019

PREFACE - Predicting Tropical Atlantic climate and its impacts

PREFACE - Enhancing prediction of Tropical Atlantic climate and its impacts - is a climate change FP7 project with 28 partners across 18 countries in Europe and Africa, and 3 associate partners directly involved in the sustainable management of the three Eastern boundary large marine ecosystems of the Tropical Atlantic.

Ca’ Foscari leads the work package "Statistical methods to assess and improve forecast of Tropical Atlantic variability (TAV)".

Project website / EU Cordis database
Researcher: Angelo Rubino
Duration: 01/11/2013 - 31/10/2017
Funding: Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

SUN: Safe nanoscale product and process design

SUN – SUSTAINABLE NANOTECHNOLOGIES is a project funded by the FP7.
In the project are involved 35 partners from 13 EU countries.
The concept of SUN is to combine Risk Assessment and Lifecycle Assessment to develop a user­friendly, versatile software- based Decision Support System (DSS) for practical use by industries and regulators.
The industrial partners in the SUN consortium will evaluate and “reality­check” the DSS against real industrial case studies in terms of cost/benefit and insurance risk.
This validation will culminate in guidelines for safe nanoscale product and process design.

Project website / EU Cordis database
Researcher: Antonio Marcomini
Duration: 01/10/2013 - 01/04/2017
Funding: FP7 - Seventh Framework Programme

SYRTO - Linkages and vulnerabilities of the financial system

The FP7 project SYRTO explores the relationships between Sovereigns – Banks and other Financial Intermediaries (BFIs) – Corporations of the European Union the group aims to realize a research center in order to give a formal structure to the mission, objectives and results of the SYRTO project.
This center will use the methodologies developed by the team to produce indicators about the state of the markets, corporates, banks and financial intermediaries, and sovereigns, both through the publication of periodic reports, and through risk indicators.

Project website / EU Cordis database
Researcher: Monica Billio
Duration: 01/03/2013 - 29/02/2016
Funding: Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

Developing mathematical tools of information and dynamic-systems theories

A consortium of six European partners have joined forces to carry out original research on complex systems through a common project that aims to develop a mathematical theory of complex multilevel systems and their dynamics.
In addition to considering systems with respect to a given level structure, as is natural in certain applications or dictated by available data, the MATHEMACS project (FP7) has the unique goal of identifying additional meaningful levels for understanding multi-level systems.
This is achieved through a general formulation based on the mathematical tools of information and dynamic-systems theories.

Researcher: Massimo Warglien
Duration: 02/10/2012 - 30/09/2015