Ca' Foscari statute

Adopted pursuant to Law No. 240 of 30/12/2010.
Issued through Rector's Decree No. 750 on 8/09/2011 (published in the Official Gazette No. 217 on 17/09/2011), and amended by Rector's Decree No. 718 on 4/10/2013 (published in the Official Gazette No. 243 on 16/10/2013) and by Rector's Decree No. 272 on 13/03/2023 (published in the Official Gazette No. 69 on 22/03/2023).
In effect as of 6/04/2023.

This is a courtesy translation from the Italian original. In all matters of interpretation, the original Italian version is the sole version to have legal value.

Title I - Fundamental principles

Article 1 - Nature and role of the University

  1. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, hereinafter referred to as the “University”, is a public institution that is the primary site of free scientific research and higher education. It has legal personality and full capacity under public and private law.
  2. The University affirms its secular, pluralistic nature free from all ideological, confessional, political or economic influences.
  3. The University recognises its membership in the European Higher Education Area and adopts its principles and instruments.
  4. The University enjoys statutory, regulatory, scientific, didactic, organisational, financial and accounting autonomy in accordance with the Italian Constitution and within the limits established by law.
  5. The University has its seat in Venice and may establish seats and branches throughout Italy and abroad, within the limits established by the legislation in force.

Article 2 - Mission of the University

  1. In its pursuit of excellence in the various fields of study, the University promotes, guarantees, and coordinates free research activities of teachers, providing the necessary tools and offering appropriate incentives.
  2. Through the publication of scientific achievements and the free exchange of ideas, the University contributes to the civil, cultural, and scientific development of the local, national and international community.
  3. The University promotes technological progress and the transmission of knowledge, helping to design and construct scientific and professional skills meeting society’s development needs.
  4. The university pursues the highest quality of education and the formation of the individual, guarantees the students' right to open and critical knowledge and to adequate preparation for their social and professional integration. To this end, it also organises study periods abroad.
  5. The University promotes its members professionalism and expertise.
  6. The University promotes access to and completion of the highest levels of study for capable and deserving students even if underprivileged and strives to remove any hinderance to equal opportunities.
  7. The University provides orientation for University enrolment, organises tutoring activities and activities designed to help graduates enter the world of work.
  8. The University promotes cultural, sporting and recreational activities for students and staff and supports training activities organised by students.
  9. The University promotes students and staff residency, in harmony with the peculiarities of the Venetian urban context.
  10. Internationally, the University pursues all forms of cooperation that foster mutual knowledge and cross-cultural exchange, the circulation of knowledge and exchanges of students and staff.
  11. The University fosters relations with public and private institutions, with businesses and other productive forces, actively participating in the definition of policies related to the development of research and of the region and promoting the inclusion of its students in society and in the world of work.
  12. The University promotes relationships with its former students (alumni) to create a broad Ca’ Foscari community that favours the University’s growth, promotes its name around the world and strengthens bonds with the University.

Article 3 - Principles relating to the University’s action

  1. The University guarantees equal opportunities in research, study and work as well as a balanced gender representation in candidacies and in the collegiate bodies, and in any other aspect of academic life. The University endeavours, also through appropriate tools and initiatives, to strengthen a widespread awareness around equal opportunities issues among all members of the university community.
  2. The University Community includes students, professors, researchers, technical and administrative staff, technologists, collaborators, language experts and all those who, for various reasons, spend periods of research, teaching and study at the University.
  3. All offices, professions and titles mentioned in the Statute shall be understood to refer to all genders.
  4. The University has adopted a 'Code of Ethics and Conduct', a 'Code of Conduct for the prevention and combating of bullying' and a 'Code of Conduct against sexual harassment', aimed at avoiding within the University any form of direct or indirect discrimination relating to gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, disability, religion and language, any kind of conflict of interest and any form of nepotism and favouritism, for the prevention of all forms of harassment, for the protection of the dignity of workers and students.
  5. The University is committed to the principles of sustainable development in all areas of its action – teaching, research, public engagement, and management – and shall adopt effective planning, implementation and monitoring tools to reduce its impact on the environment and natural resources to the minimum, to increase social cohesion, reduce inequalities, and to foster cultural growth and sustainable economic progress.
  6. The University considers welfare in the work/study place as a fundamental value and has established prevention strategies to enhance the safety and overall quality of its activities.
  7. Through its advisory and proposal bodies, the University favours the participation of all its members.
  8. The University adjusts the syllabi to the evolution of research and society and undertakes to enrich its cultural and scientific heritage, striving to increase available resources.
  9. The University enables all levels of university training established by the Statute, ensuring the proper use of the structures and their programmed development. The course plan is governed by University rules.
  10. Teaching and tutoring are organised based on students’ learning and training needs.
  11. The University adopts assessment, including by external experts, as a system to measure the quality and scientific value of its educational and research activities, the effectiveness and efficiency of the services offered by its structures and the attainment of the strategic objectives set out by the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors, each according to its competences.
  12. To ensure an effective use of funds, the University establishes research and teaching indicators which are widely shared and disseminated. Such indicators allow to quantify the use of resources by the various university structures, and assess and verify the congruence between goals and results. The assessment system influences the allocation of financial and human resources to research and teaching, as well as to administrative and technical structures.
  13. The University recognises trade unions representatives who are involved in the organisation of work as established by law and by national collective bargaining. The University undertakes to provide a labour relations system marked by transparent conduct by the parties and mutual collaboration.
  14. The University provides and encourages the professional development and continuing education of its technical administrative staff, also by organising specific courses, and by ensuring a functional placement that, in compliance with the regulations in force, recognises their specific professional skills and enhances their contribution.
  15. The University guarantees transparency of procedures and the right of access to administrative documents.
  16. The University ensures that ownership or joint ownership rights and related rights to industrial and intellectual property are consistent with the principle of making the results of scientific research public, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article 4 - Courses and degrees

  1. The University confers the following degrees:

    1. Laurea (L) - Bachelor’s Degree;
    2. Laurea Magistrale (LM) - Master’s Degree;
    3. Diploma di Specializzazione (DS) - Specialisation Degree;
    4. Dottorato di Ricerca (DR) - PhD;
    5. Master Universitario di I e II livello (MU) - Professional Master's Programmes (1st and 2nd level).

  2. The University may issue certificates for other training activities in which it participates.
  3. The academic year begins on the first of October for all legal purposes, including those having repercussions on the legal status of faculty members.

Article 5 - Internationalisation

  1. The University fosters the international nature of research and training activities through exchanges, contacts and agreements with academic institutions or high-profile cultural institutions worldwide, by joining networks and consortia, through various forms of exchange of scientific knowledge and training, and through the recruitment of students, researchers and faculty from other countries.
  2. The University recognises the value of staff mobility as a means of enhancing scientific knowledge and professional development at every career level. For this purpose, it promotes national, international and interdisciplinary mobility, as well as mobility between the public and private sectors.
  3. The University promotes international research and educational programmes in various ways, including the creation of Course Programmes in collaboration with foreign Universities aimed at joint or multiple degrees, the update of educational curricula and the widespread use of languages other than Italian. The University employs appropriate technological tools to facilitate the international dissemination of its educational activities.
  4. The University aims at simplifying administrative procedures to make access to research and educational activities easier for foreign individuals and institutions.

Article 6 - Partnerships and mergers

  1. In accordance with current legislation, the University, or its sectors and structures, may partner or merge with other universities. Partnerships may also take place between the University and Bodies or Institutions operating in the areas of research and higher education, including higher technical institutes.

Article 7 - University investments in public and private bodies

  1. The University may establish and join bodies, corporations, foundations, consortia or other forms of association under public or private law having purposes consistent with its institutional aims, both in Italy and abroad. The University also promotes collaboration with private and public legal entities, with particular attention to municipalities, provinces, and regions, that pursue purposes of strategic interest to the University.
  2. Investments are decided in accordance with Articles 13 and 15 of this Statute and are subject to the following conditions:

    1. availability of adequate financial and organisational resources;
    2. any profits to be attributed to the University are to be used for institutional, scientific and educational purposes;
    3. the University’s liability, in case of any losses, cannot exceed the University’s participation share;
    4. right of withdrawal if the legal entity’s corporate purpose is modified or if the interest in being part of the associated body ceases. The University may enter into shareholders' agreements to safeguard the University.

  3. The University’s stake may be constituted by the loan of goods, equipment or structures in compliance with the principles set out in paragraph 2 of this article, with charges payable by the borrower.
  4. The user license of the trademark for non-institutional purposes, without prejudice to the prestige of the University, is proposed by the University Rector and authorised by the Board of Governors.
  5. Representation of the University in administrative, technical-scientific and educational bodies of Entities constituted under the provisions of this article may also be assigned to teachers of the University. In any case, such representation is arranged by a decree of the University Rector.
  6. The General Director is responsible for keeping an up-to-date list of all public and private bodies in which the University owns stakes and of the representatives designated by it, and for allowing consultation to interested parties.
  7. University withdrawal from the private and public bodies in which it owns stakes is proposed by the University Rector approved by the Board of Governors.

Title II - University organisation

Chapter I - Bodies and Structures

Article 8 - University Bodies

  1. The University operates as a complex and integrated system, and reflects the distinction between coordination, control and management activities.
  2. Coordination activities are assigned to the following governing Bodies:

    1. the Rector
    2. the Academic Senate;
    3. the Board of Governors;

  3. The University Governing Bodies are assisted by assessment bodies, which are:

    1. for scientific, educational and administrative activities: the Evaluation Unit;
    2. for financial, accounting and asset management: the Audit Committee.

  4. Consultative and supervisory bodies are: the Student Assembly, the Doctoral Student Assembly, the Student Advocate and the Committee for Equal Opportunities, Employee Well-being and Inclusion.
  5. The General Director is entrusted with management, assisted by managers, who are accountable for their results, and by other heads of the various University structures.

Article 9 - University Structures

  1. The University structures are:

    1. Administration;
    2. Departments;
    3. Interdepartmental Schools;
    4. Interdepartmental Research Centres;
    5. University Service Centres;
    6. University Schools;
    7. Specialisation Schools;
    8. Ca' Foscari International College;
    9. Inter-university research centres;

  2. The University avails itself of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Foundation to carry out instrumental activities in support of research and teaching, with particular reference to initiatives with an interdisciplinary and/or international focus.
  3. The University collaborates with other universities, promoting shared research and education initiatives aimed at attaining excellent results in individual areas of interest through the establishment of Course Programmes, Professional Master’s or Inter-university Doctorates and through the promotion of, or membership in, Inter-university centres or other federating structures.
  4. The University’s administrative structures are organised in such a way as to ensure economy, expediency and compliance with the public interest of administrative actions, as well as to always know who is responsible for what task.

Chapter II - Governing Bodies

Section I - Rector

Article 10 - Rector’s Duties

  1. The Rector represents the University and is responsible for the achievement of its purposes according to criteria of quality and in compliance with the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and merit. The Rector is a governing body of the University, ensuring the unity of the guidelines expressed by the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors, and promoting and coordinating their implementation.
  2. In particular, the Rector:

    1. is the University’s legal representative;
    2. convenes and chairs the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors, and ensures that their deliberations are implemented;
    3. appoints the members of the Board of Governors in accordance with the procedure established in Article 16, paragraph 2 of this Statute;
    4. appoints the members of the Audit Committee in accordance with the procedure established in Article 18, paragraph 2 of this Statute;
    5. after a consultation with the Academic Senate, the Rector presents the name of the suggested General Director to the Board of Governors
    6. issues appointments to institutional offices;
    7. presents the Board of Governors with the University’s three-year strategic plan, which incorporates suggestions and opinions of the Academic Senate and the Evaluation Board;
    8. submits the budget and balance sheet to the Board of Governors for approval;
    9. guarantees the right of students to an adequate education and a transparent administration;
    10. enters conventions and agreements in educational, scientific and cultural matters
    11. issues the Statute and Regulations, as well as their modifications;
    12. enters contracts relating to teaching activities;
    13. supervises the proper performance of research and teaching, providing guidance, initiative and coordination, and oversees the efficiency and correctness of administrative action, guaranteeing transparency and valuing merit;
    14. initiates disciplinary proceedings against teachers, transmitting documents to the Disciplinary Committee with motivated requests. Initiates measures in the event of a violation of the Code of Ethics and Conduct and proposes the sanction to the Academic Senate in cases where the matter does not fall within the competence of the Disciplinary Committee. Imposes disciplinary measures for any act that might give rise to a penalty not exceeding censure;
    15. uses the findings of the Evaluation Unit in his/her guidance and control action;
    16. performs any other duty entrusted to him/her by the University General Regulations, the Statute and the University Regulations, or not expressly attributed to other bodies by the Statute;
    17. convenes a University meeting at least once each year for the presentation of the University development plan.

  3. If necessary or urgent, the Rector may adopt measures pertaining to the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors, and will submit them for ratification at the first possible meeting.
  4. At the beginning of the academic year, the Rector can opt for a reduced teaching load or to be exempted from teaching, notifying the Academic Senate.

Article 11 - Election of the Rector

  1. The Rector is elected among full professors working full time for an Italian university. The Rector serves for a term of six years and may not be re-elected.
  2. The following have voting rights:

    1. all non-tenured, full and associate professors, and researchers, including those with a fixed-term contract;
    2. the members of the Student Assembly;
    3. technical and administrative staff and Foreign Language Assistants, with weighted vote equal to 25% of that of the voters referred to in letter a).

  3. In the first round of voting, the Rector is elected by an absolute majority of eligible voters. In the second and third rounds, by an absolute majority of voters. In the event the Rector is not elected, a run-off is held between the two candidates with the highest number of votes in the third round of voting. In the event of a tie, further rounds of voting are held.
  4. The Rector is proclaimed elected by the Dean of the University and is appointed by the Minister of University and Research. The Rector is remunerated for the performance of his/her duties as determined by the Board of Governors.
  5. In the event of absence or impediment of the Dean, the election is called by the next professor in order of seniority, who also declares the Rector elected.
  6. The Rector enters office on 1 October of the year in which he/she is elected. In the event of early termination of the previous Rector’s duties, the elected Rector takes office at the time of the proclamation and remains in office for the following six years.

Article 12 - Vice-Rectors and Rector’s Delegates

  1. The Rector appoints a Deputy-Rector among full-time tenured professors of the University and he/she will carry out ordinary administration if the Rector is away or hindered from his/her duties.
  2. The Deputy-Rector also exercises the functions delegated to him/her by the Rector and participates, without a voting right, in the meetings of the Board of Governors and of the Academic Senate.
  3. Serving as Deputy-Rector is incompatible with any other institutional duty of the University and of its auxiliary bodies.
  4. In the exercise of his/her duties, the Rector may rely on Vice-Rectors and Rector’s Delegates, chosen by him/her among the University’s teachers and appointed by his/her own decree defining their tasks and areas of jurisdiction. Vice-Rectors and Rector’s Delegates report directly to the Rector. If proposed by the Rector, the Vice-Rectors and Rector’s Delegates may take part in investigating committees of the University bodies on topics related to their areas of competence, and can be invited to Academic Senate and Board of Governors meetings. The Vice-Rectors may have signing authority for legal instruments relating to their respective areas of competence.
  5. The Vice-Rectors and the Deputy-Rector may ask the Rector for a reduction in their teaching commitment, and will inform their Department Director accordingly.

Section II - Academic Senate

Article 13 - Duties of the Academic Senate

  1. The Academic Senate is a governing body of the University. It contributes to develop the University’s strategies; after the necessary approval by the Board of Governors, it approves the Statute; and after necessary consultation with the Board of Governors it approves the University General Regulations; moreover, under Article 48 it also approves the regulations within its competence; and performs programming, coordination and control duties related to research and teaching.
  2. In particular, the Academic Senate:

    1. makes proposals and expresses a compulsory opinion on University multi-year development plans, including the three-year strategic programming document that the Rector submits to the Board of Governors, indicating priorities in the allocation of resources and the criteria for their allocation, in relation to the research and teaching objectives;
    2. expresses a compulsory opinion on the University’s budget and final accounts;
    3. makes proposals and issues compulsory opinions on teaching, research and student services;
    4. approves the Code of Ethics and Conduct after the Board of Governors have expressed their favourable opinion;
    5. expresses a compulsory opinion on the regulations within the competence of the Board of Governors and relevant modifications, in the cases foreseen;
    6. expresses a compulsory opinion on the general criteria for the determination of student tuition and fees and on any other measures intended to guarantee the right to an education;
    7. expresses a compulsory opinion on the establishment, activation, modification and deactivation of Programmes, Seats, Departments, Schools and other educational and research structures, including inter-university structures, approved by the Board of Governors;
    8. expresses an opinion to the Board of Governors on requests for teaching posts approved by the Department Boards, as well as the allocation of resources for the training of University technical administrative staff;
    9. coordinates and serves as a link between Departments, Schools and other University structures, and settles any disputes;
    10. based on a proposal of the Rector, it appoints the Chairman of the Audit Committee and the external members of the Disciplinary Committee;
    11. determines the Bodies and structures whose members may be remunerated for the performance of their duties, and emoluments of the members of the Board of Governors;
    12. expresses opinions on the University’s building programs, in view of Board of Governors deliberations;
    13. applies penalties in the event of a violation of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, based on a proposal by the Rector and whenever the matter does not fall within the competence of the Disciplinary Committee;
    14. it expresses its opinion on the establishment of and membership in strategic joint-stock companies, foundations, consortia or other public or private law entities whose purposes are deemed consistent with the University's institutional aims,
    15. expresses opinions on all other subjects submitted to it by the Rector.

  3. With a majority of at least two-thirds of its members, the Academic Senate may propose a censure motion to the electoral body against the Rector, not before two years have passed since the beginning of his/her term of office. Voters are determined in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 2, of the Statute. The censure motion against the Rector is approved by the electoral body with the favourable vote of the absolute majority of eligible voters.

Article 14 - Membership of the Academic Senate

  1. The Academic Senate consists of:

    1. the Rector;
    2. eight Department directors
    3. four faculty members, including fixed-term researchers, elected by the professors of the University so as to represent the various scientific-disciplinary sectors present in the University
    4. three representatives of technical administrative staff and Foreign Language Assistants, elected by all technical administrative staff, and Foreign Language Assistants;
    5. two student representatives, elected by the students enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's Degree programme at the University.
    6. one representative of the University’s PhD students, elected by the students enrolled in PhD programmes at Ca’ Foscari.

  2. Electoral rules governing the election of the Academic Senate and respecting gender equality are established in the University General Regulations.
  3. The Deputy-Rector, General Director and the Evaluation Unit Coordinator attend Academic Senate meetings without the right to vote.
  4. The Academic Senate is chaired by the Rector. The duties of the secretary are performed by the General Director or by the person appointed by him/her.
  5. The Academic Senate is called by the Rector whenever he/she deems it appropriate or following a duly motivated request from at least one-third of members. The Academic Senate is convened at least once every three months.
  6. The Academic Senate sits for three academic years, with the exception of the student representatives whose term of office is two academic years (see par. 1, letters e and f). All memberships immediately renewable once.

Section III - Board of Governors

Article 15 - Duties of the Board of Governors

  1. The Board of Governors is a governing body of the University. It advises on strategic policy and oversees the University’s administrative, financial and asset activities.
  2. The favourable opinion of the Board of Governors is compulsory with reference to the University Statute, and its opinion is compulsory concerning the University General Regulations, the Code of Ethics and Conduct and any amendments thereto. It also expresses its opinion on the Regulations referred to in Article 48 in the terms provided therein.
  3. The Board of Governors resolves upon:

    1. the annual and three-year budgets and final accounts, on a proposal by the Rector and after consulting the Academic Senate for the relevant parts, and upon changes in the budget. The budget and the final accounts are submitted to the Ministry of University and Research and to the Ministry of Economy and Finance;
    2. the Regulations within its competence within the meaning of Article 47 and the related changes;
    3. the University’s building programs after consulting the Academic Senate;
    4. measures relating to student tuition and fees after consulting the Academic Senate and the Student Assembly;
    5. annual and three-year financial planning;
    6. annual and three-year staff planning after consulting the Academic Senate;
    7. proposed calls of teachers;
    8. agreements stipulated by the University after consulting the Academic Senate, in cases of relevance to the latter;
    9. financial coverage of initiatives and activities approved by the Academic Senate. If not approved, the topic is submitted for review to the Academic Senate;
    10. activation, modification and deactivation of Programmes, Seats, Departments, Schools and other teaching and research structures (including inter-university), with the compulsory opinion of the Academic Senate;
    11. activation, modification and deactivation of structures and service centres, including inter-university;
    12. approves, upon the opinion of the Academic Senate in the cases provided for, the establishment of and membership in joint-stock companies, foundations, consortia or other public or private law entities that have purposes consistent with the University's institutional aims
    13. in the case of Associations, it approves membership and payment of membership fees when their value exceeds the threshold determined by the Board of Governors;
    14. projects and ways of activating partnerships and mergers provided for by Article 3 of Law 240/2010, upon the opinion of the Academic Senate;
    15. all acts falling within the powers conferred upon it by the law, this Statute and the University regulations.

  4. In the absence of student representatives, the Board of Governors resolves upon matters of disciplinary penalties on teachers, as provided for by Article 19.
  5. The Board of Governors approves multi-year University development plans, including the three-year strategic programming document, after hearing the proposals and the compulsory opinion of the Academic Senate about priorities in the destination and allocation of resources going towards research and teaching objectives.
  6. The Board of Governors also:

    1. appoints the General Director and decides on the revocation and termination of his/her contract;
    2. appoints the members of the Evaluation Unit;
    3. approves all agreements and contracts involving expenses or revenue for the University exceeding a threshold determined by the Board of Governors;
    4. determines the amount of remuneration for the Rector and for the subjects referred to in paragraph 2 m) of Article 13.

  7. The Board of Governors is chaired by the Rector. The duties of the secretary are performed by the General Director or by the person appointed by him/her.

Article 16 - Composition of the Board of Governors

  1. The Board of Governors consists of:

    1. the Rector;
    2. four external members, one of whom must be a teacher.
    3.  a representative of teachers;
    4. an elected representative of the technical administrative staff and Foreign Language Assistants;
    5. two representatives elected by the students enrolled in a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and PhD programme at the University.

    The Deputy-Rector and the General Director participate in meetings without the right to vote.

  2. The members of the Board of Governors are appointed by a decree of the Rector.
    Applications for the members referred to in paragraph 1 b), c) and d) are collected by public tender procedures. They are screened for compliance with the requirements established in paragraph 4 below by a selection committee composed of a Chair, three internal experts and three experts from outside the university representing the economic, social and cultural worlds.
    The Selection Committee is appointed by the Rector after consulting the Academic Senate on the internal and external experts.
    The members referred to in the previous paragraph 1 b) are appointed by the Selection Committee.
    The member referred to in the previous paragraph 1 c) is elected by the Academic Senate from among candidates considered suitable by the Selection Committee.
    The member referred to in the previous paragraph 1 d) is elected from among candidates considered suitable by the Selection Committee by technical administrative staff. The election of the member referred to in paragraph 1 (d) above is regulated by the University General Regulations.
  3. The external members of the Board of Governors may not have held a position with the University for at least three years prior to their appointment and may not hold a University position for the duration of their assignment. They may also not be students of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
  4. All members, except for the student representatives must be chosen among:

    1. persons having acquired their experience through the exercise of administrative, direction or supervision tasks at public or private companies or institutions, or having held executive positions in public or private administrations, and who are also representative of local economic, institutional, cultural and production organisations;
    2. persons of high international scientific renown.

    Members of the Board of Governors are selected in respect of the constitutional principle of equal opportunities between men and women in access to public offices.

  5. The term of office of the Board of Governors is three years, except for the student representatives whose term of office lasts two years. Its members may be immediately re-elected only once.
  6. An ordinary meeting of the Board of Governors must be called by the Rector at least once every three months. It may be convened at any time by the Rector, or when requested by at least one-third of members.

Chapter III - Supervisory, advisory and guarantee bodies

Section I - Supervisory bodies

Article 17 - Evaluation Unit

  1. The Evaluation Unit is responsible for verifying the quality and effectiveness of the educational offering, including on the basis of indicators identified by the Joint Teaching Affairs Committees. It also verifies the research activities performed by the departments and the appropriateness of the scientific or professional curriculum of the those granted the teaching contracts referred to in Article 23 paragraph 1 of Law 240 of 30 December 2010. The Unit is also assigned the duties related to the activity of ANVUR, provided by Article 14 of Legislative Decree 150 of 27 October 2009, on procedures for the evaluation of staff and structures in order to promote merit and improve organisational and individual performance in universities, in full autonomy and with their own organisational arrangements.
  2. The Unit performs all duties assigned to it by law, by this Statute and by University Regulations, operating in accordance with the provisions contained therein.
  3. The University Evaluation Unit is composed of five members, including a student representative. Its members, except for the student representative, must have high professional qualifications and include at least two evaluation experts. The members must be primarily from outside the University and be selected considering the different scientific and disciplinary areas present in the University. The Unit’s term is three years, and its members may be immediately renewed only once. Members of the Evaluation Unit are designated according to the procedure described in the University General Regulations.
  4. The Evaluation Unit is granted by the University operational autonomy, the right of access to necessary data and information, as well as the right to publication and sharing of documents, in the respect of the confidentiality protection laws.

Article 18 - Audit Committee

  1. Oversight of administrative-accounting, financial and asset management is entrusted to an Audit Committee.
    The Audit Committee examines the University’s accounts and records, reporting to the Board of Governors.
    It also verifies the proper keeping of the books and accounting records.
  2. The Committee is composed of:

    1. one statutory member who serves as President, appointed by the Academic Senate on a proposal of the Rector, from among the administrative and accounting magistrates and ”Avvocati dello Stato”.
    2. one statutory member and one alternate member appointed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance;
    3. one statutory member and one alternate chosen by the Ministry of University and Research;

    At least two members of the Committee must be Statutory Auditors.

  3. The members of the Audit Committee are appointed with a Rector's decree, hold office for three years and may be renewed only once. Committee members may not be employees of the University.

Article 19 - Disciplinary Committee

  1. The Disciplinary Committee investigates in disciplinary proceedings against faculty and researchers, and issues a final opinion in such cases.
  2. The Disciplinary Committee is appointed by the Rector, after consultation with the Academic Senate, and is composed of 7 full members, including the President, and 3 alternate members, all of whom are full-time and have a seniority of 5 years in the role, namely

    • one full professor, one associate professor and one tenured researcher in service at the University, elected in accordance with the procedures defined by the University General Regulations, which allocate the active electorate to full professors, associate professors and tenured researchers in service at the University;
    • two full professors, one associate professor and one researcher from outside the University, appointed by the Academic Senate from among the candidates deemed suitable following public notice.

    The alternate members (one full professor, one associate professor and one researcher) are elected in accordance with the procedures governed by the University General Regulations. The Rector appoints the President of the Disciplinary Committee from among the full professors. The College remains in office for three academic years and is immediately renewable once.

  3. The Disciplinary Committee operates according to the principle of judgement between equals, (meaning that the teacher who is subject to disciplinary action will be judged by teachers of the same, or higher, academic level), and respecting the adversarial process. If the violation is allegedly committed by the Rector, the power to initiate disciplinary action and the powers normally conferred on the Rector in the procedure are exercised by the Dean of the University.
  4. If the disciplinary procedure is such that it may result in a penalty greater than censure, or at the Rector’s request, the Disciplinary Committee conducts an investigation phase launched by the Rector according to Article 10, paragraph 2 p), having heard the Rector or his/her delegate and the teacher subject to disciplinary action, who may be assisted by counsel. The Disciplinary Committee issues a binding final opinion within 30 days from the start of the process, submitting it to the Board of Governors
  5. The Board of Governors imposes the penalty in the absence of student representatives, or archives the proceedings within 30 days of receipt of the Disciplinary Committee’s opinion, in accordance with the binding opinion.
  6. The proceeding expires if the decision referred to in the preceding paragraph is not taken within 180 days from the date of the transmission of documents to the Board of Governors.
    The term is suspended until the Disciplinary Committee is formed, or until the Board of Governors is formed, in the event that these bodies are undergoing the necessary procedures leading to their formation and therefore cannot perform their regular functions. The term is also suspended, for no more than two times and for a period not exceeding sixty days for each suspension, if the Committee deems it necessary to acquire further evidence or investigative documents. The Rector is bound to execute the Committee's requests for preliminary enquiries.
  7. Participation in the Disciplinary Committee does not give rise to the payment of fees, emoluments, indemnities.

Section II - Advisory and guarantee bodies

Article 20 - Student Assembly

  1. The Student Assembly is a collegiate body representing the students enrolled in Bachelor's and Master's Degree programmes. It has an advisory role and is a consultative body of the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors.
  2. The Student Assembly is composed of the student representatives in the Academic Senate, the Board of Governors, the Department Boards, the Interdepartmental School Board Committees and the Interdepartmental School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship
  3. The Student Assembly appoints its representatives in the designated bodies (as described in the specific regulations that are approved by the Academic Senate). It also expresses an opinion on:

    1. the University General Regulation, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, for the parts falling under its competence, the Regulations of educational activities managed by students and the University Educational Regulations;
    2. tuition and fees paid by students;
    3. interventions implementing the right to an education;
    4. how students can collaborate in service activities.

  4. The Student Assembly drafts proposals on all matters of interest to students. and it performs any other duties assigned to it by the University regulations, this Statute and the Regulations.
  5. The Student Assembly elects the Assembly President from among its representatives in the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors, for a term of two academic years.
  6. Assembly members are guaranteed access to the data necessary for the performance of their institutional tasks, in compliance with the legislation in force.

Article 21 - The Doctoral Student Assembly

  1. The Doctoral Student Assembly is a collegiate body representing doctoral students. It has an advisory role and is a consultative body of the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors.
  2. The Doctoral Student Assembly is composed of doctoral student representatives elected in the Academic Senate, Board of Governors, Departmental Board, Doctoral School Boards and Doctoral Teaching’ Committee.
  3. The Doctoral Student Assembly:

    1. adopts its own rules of procedure in accordance with the University regulations;
    2. expresses an opinion on:

      1. the University General Regulation and the Code of Ethics and Conduct and;
      2. proposals modifying the organisational structure of the Doctoral Schools and PhDs.

  4. The Doctoral Student Assembly drafts proposals on all matters of interest to doctoral students. In particular, it makes proposals on the matters referred to in paragraph 3 b) of this article. It performs any other duties assigned to it by the university regulations, by this Statute and by the Regulations.
  5. The Doctoral Student Assembly elects a President from among its members, with a term of two academic years.
  6. Doctoral Student Assembly’s operations and procedures to be used for the election of its members are established by the University General Regulations.
  7. Doctoral Student Assembly’s members are guaranteed access to the data necessary for the performance of their institutional tasks in compliance with the legislation in force.

Article 22 - Student Advocate

  1. An Advocate is established for the students of the University.
  2. A Student Advocate is appointed by the Rector, based on a proposal by the Student Assembly and after consulting the Academic Senate, from among persons of proven professional competence, for a period of two academic years, renewable immediately only once. The Board of Governors establishes the Student Advocate’s emoluments.
  3. The Student Advocate is available to assist students in exercising their rights and to receive any complaints. The Student Advocate is entitled to conduct investigations and reports to the Rector, who acts within his/her jurisdiction in relation to the specific case. Students may contact the Advocate anonymously, and elements that might identify them must remain anonymous. Students are not entitled to access to administrative documents.

Article 23 - Equal opportunities, employee well-being and inclusion Committee

  1. The Equal Opportunities, Employee Well-being and Inclusion Committee promotes initiatives implementing equal opportunities and recognition of gender difference within the meaning of applicable Italian and Community legislation. It ensures respect of the principle of non-discrimination and offers support to victims of violations and oppression. The Committee also ensures that workplace harassment does not occur within the University.
  2. Respecting equal representation offenders, the Committee is composed of:

    • five representatives of the University, of whom three are appointed by the Rector, including the President, and two by the General Director;
    • three members elected by representative trade unions (see Art. 40 and 43 of LD 165/2001;
    • two students.

    The Committee governs its operation by means of regulations approved by decree of the Rector after consulting the Board of Governors.

  3. The Committee’s duties are defined in paragraph 1, and include those provided for by applicable legislation in force, also adapting the name of the body where required by law.

Chapter IV - Management bodies and administrative structures

Article 24 - Nature of Administration

  1. The University shapes its organisation and activities to the general requirements of efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and simplification.
  2. The University autonomously adopts an organisation plan (issued through the Board of Governors) for the services necessary to reach its institutional goals.

Article 25 - General Director

  1. In accordance with the directions provided by the Board of Governors, the General Director is responsible for the overall management and organisation of University services, material resources and technical administrative staff, and for the tasks provided for by the legislation in force concerning management in public administration. The General Director also:

    1. oversees the implementation of programs and objectives, entrusting the relevant Administrative Managers;
    2. participates in the governing bodies of the University in accordance with this Statute;
    3. verifies and oversees the activities of the Administrative Managers and the power to substitute them in their position in case of inaction;
    4. in the context of directives expressed by the Board of Governors, signs University agreements that are not reserved to the Rector and endorses the contracts necessary for management;
    5. adopts acts engaging spending, within the framework of directives expressed by the Board of Governors.

  2. The General Director annually presents an activity report to the Board of Governors, the Academic Senate and to the Evaluation Unit, complete with the reports drafted by managers of the services and structures, including decentralised ones.
  3. Based on a proposal of the Rector after consulting the Academic Senate, the office of General Director is assigned by the Board of Governors to a person with high professional qualifications and multi-year proven experience as a manager, identified through a public selection. The term is for a fixed period of no more than four years and is renewable.
  4. The General Director designates one of the University Administrative Managers to act in his/her stead in case of absence or impediment.

Article 26 - Management duties

  1. As provided for by the legislation on state management, Administrative Managers and staff who are appointed to the role of managers implement the programs approved by the academic bodies for the part under their respective responsibility and in accordance with the General Director’s directives. For this purpose, resources and staff are allocated to them and they exercise independent spending powers for their activities according to the limits assigned to them by the General Director. They evaluate the staff assigned to them in accordance with the principle of merit, and are responsible for the results achieved in terms of efficient use of resources and effective management, with respect to the objectives set and organisational conduct. They report to the General Director on a regular basis, and can offer proposals and opinions.
  2. If lacking staff and for proven and objective service requirements, the General Director may assign executive tasks for a limited time to persons with specific and proven professional experience (not necessarily with management qualifications) in compliance with the rules in force, pursuant to paragraphs 6 and 6-bis of Article 19 of Legislative Decree 165 of 30 March 2001 as subsequently amended.
  3. The duties assigned to Administrative Managers may be called back by the General Director for reasons of necessity and urgency, specifically indicated in the call-back provision.

Article 27- Service Centres

  1. Service Centres provide services that are fundamental or complementary to teaching and research activities, such as library, computer, IT, linguistic, technical, statistical, printing and publishing services.
  2. Service Centres can take decisions with regard to the resources allocated by the Administration or acquired from third parties, in compliance with the accounting principles relating to the University’s single budget under Law 240/2010.
  3. The establishment, organisation and operation of Service Centres are governed by the University General Regulations.

Title III - Organisation of teaching and research structures

Chapter I - Departments and Interdepartmental Schools

Article 28 - Departments: characteristics and functions

  1. Departments are the key structures into which the University is organised in order to perform its research and teaching tasks.
  2. Departments organise and manage:

    1. their specific research activities;
    2. the teaching activities for the Bachelor's Degree and Master’s Degree programmes and Doctoral Schools, and, along with other University structures that may have been created for this purpose, Professional Masters, Advanced Specialisation Courses and Doctoral Courses.

  3. The Departments can make autonomous decisions with regard to the resources allocated by the Administration or acquired from third parties, in compliance with the accounting principles relating to the university single budget under Law 240/2010.
  4. All professors and researchers are assigned to the Departments upon request approved by the Department Board and the Academic Senate. The Departments are also assigned the technical administrative staff necessary for their operation.
  5. Finally, the Departments are assigned the research fellows and Adjunct professors referred to in Article 23 of Law 240/2010, whose research or teaching is in, or is similar to, the relevant scientific- field of the Departments themselves, as well as subject experts, Visiting Professors and Visiting Scholars approved by the Department.
  6. The Departments submit requests for new teaching posts required by the relevant research and teaching development plan to the opinion of the Academic Senate and of the Board of Governors. They also decide on proposals to call faculty in their relevant scientific and disciplinary fields.
  7. The Departments adopt appropriate regulations governing their operation, which must be approved by the Academic Senate by an absolute majority of members after the favourable opinion of the Board of Governors.

Article 29 - Department creation methods

  1. The establishment of a Department is authorised by the Board of Governors after consulting the Academic Senate, based on a detailed scientific and teaching proposal presented by a group of teachers. The Board of Governors then rules on activation after consulting the Academic Senate, taking account of the logistical and instrumental situation of the new structure, as well as the financial resources and technical administrative staff required for its operation.
  2. At least 45 teachers are required to submit the proposed establishment and for the creation of a department. Should the number of faculty of a Department fall below the limit defined by law, the Academic Senate proposes its closure to the Board of Governors.

Article 30 - Department structure

  1. The Department is governed by the Director, the Committee, the Board and the Joint Teachers and Students Teaching Affairs Committee.
  2. In accordance with their operating Regulations, if the complexity of the cultural and scientific areas present in a single department makes it appropriate, and with the favourable vote of the majority of the members of the Department Board the Departments may be organised into Centres, Sections, Laboratories and institutes and. The Department Board may close any of the above with the favourable vote of the majority of members.
  3. The Department operating Regulations may also require the following bodies: a Research Committee coordinating research activities; and Teaching Committees coordinating educational activities, including PhD Courses.
  4. The Department operating Regulations may also provide, in an advisory capacity, for the establishment of a Scientific Council, made up of teachers from outside the University, including foreign ones, to assess its research activities.

Article 31 - Department Board

  1. The Department Board is the Department’s programming and managing body. In particular, the Board:

    1. dictates the general criteria for the use of the funds allocated to the Department;
    2. dictates the criteria for the use of the resources and spaces assigned to the Department;
    3. based on a proposal from the Director, approves the use of the financial resources allocated by the Administration or acquired from third parties;
    4. proposes, in compliance with art. 28, par. 7 above, the Regulations for the Department and other internal regulations. It expresses its opinion on the regulations of the Interdepartmental Schools in which the Department participates;
    5. proposes the teaching posts to be submitted to the opinion of the Academic Senate and to the Board of Governors for resolution;
    6. votes on proposed calls of teachers;
    7. approves the educational programme of the Department and of the Interdepartmental or Inter-university Schools in which the Department participates the assignment of teaching duties to Department faculty and coverage of all courses;
    8. oversees the proper performance and quality of educational and research activities;
    9. approves the three-year reports on faculty’s scientific and teaching activities;
    10. expresses an opinion on leaves for study or scientific research;
    11. promotes the international scope of programmes and research;
    12. approves interdepartmental research programs based on reciprocal agreements between the Departments concerned;

  2. The following are members of the Department Board:

    1. the Department Director;
    2. the professors and researchers belonging to the Department;
    3. representatives of the technical administrative staff assigned to the Department, the number of whom is indicated in the Department Operating Regulations and which may not be fewer than two;
    4. representatives of students enrolled in Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, specialisation and doctoral programmes belonging to the Department, the number of whom is indicated by the Department Operating Regulations and which may not be fewer than three or more than six. Election rules are established in the University General Regulations.
    5. the Department Executive Officer who participates in the meetings in an advisory and recording capacity;
    6. a representative of adjunct professors, research contract holders and subject experts, who have no voting rights and are identified as established in the University General Regulations.

  3. In all matters relating to the functions and activities of the teaching staff, and in particular in matters relating to paragraph 1 e), f), g), i) and l) of this article, the Department Board takes resolutions in the composition limited to teachers, in the corresponding and higher classification.
  4. The Department Board is convened by the Department Director. It is convened at least once every three months or at the request of at least two-thirds of its members.
  5. The minutes of the Department Board are signed by the Department Director and the Department Executive Officer.

Article 32 - Department Director

  1. The Department Director represents the Department. He/She convenes and chairs the Council and the Committee, oversees the implementation of their resolutions and performs all the duties not expressly assigned to the Department Board.
  2. The Department Director is elected by members of the Department Board among full-time full professors with an open-ended contract, by an absolute majority of those eligible to vote in the first round, and by an absolute majority of voters in successive rounds, provided at least one-third of eligible voters participate in the second round. The procedures for submitting nominations and electing the Director are laid down in the General Regulations of the University.
  3. If full professors are unavailable, a full-time associate professor from the Department may be step as as a candidate to the role of Department Director.
  4. The Department Director is appointed by a decree of the Rector for a term of three academic years and is immediately renewable once.
  5. The Department Director may request a reduction in his/her teaching obligations from the Rector at the beginning of the academic year.
  6. The Department Director appoints a Vice Department Director from among the full-time full or associate professors with an open-ended contract from the Department, who replaces him/her in case of absence or impediment. The Department Vice Director is appointed by a decree of the Rector.
  7. In the event of necessity and urgency, the Department Director may adopt measures assigned to the Department Board, submitting them for ratification at the first upcoming meeting.
  8. The post of Department Director is incompatible with that of Rector, Deputy-Rector, Rector's Delegates, Teaching Committee Coordinator, Head of the Specialisation School, Head of Interdepartmental and inter-university Schools. It is also incompatible with the institutional duties of the University Libraries System.

Article 33 - Department Committee

  1. The Committee assists the Department Director in the performance of his/her duties, performs any duties assigned to it by the University Regulations and those delegated to it by the Department Board.
  2. Members by right of the Committee are the Department Director, who calls and chairs it, the Department Vice Director, the Department Head’s delegates who chair the Research Committee and the Teaching Committee, where constituted, and a number of teachers determined in the Department Operating Regulations.
  3. The Department Board may delegate specific duties to the Committee, according to the methods and within the limits determined by the Department Operating Regulations.
  4. The Committee is convened and chaired by the Department Director. The Department Executive Secretary participates in the Committee, with advisory and recording duties.
  5. The Committee’s term is three academic years and expires with the end of the Department Director’s term.

Article 34 - Department Executive Officer

  1. The administration, coordination and direction of technical administrative staff is performed by the Department Executive Officer, who is chosen from University staff with a fixed-term mandate in writing assigned by the General Director after consulting the Department Director. It can be renewed with the same formalities.
  2. After consulting the Department Director and Executive Officer, the General Director may assign in writing the post of Department Vice Executive Officer to a member of Department staff.
  3. The Department Executive Officer implements the resolutions taken by the Department bodies, and:

    1. assists the Department Director in activities aiming to improve the Department’s operation;
    2. coordinates management, administrative and accounting activities, research and education services, communication and fund raising, assuming responsibility for them within the limits of his/her office;
    3. coordinates and assesses the performance of the Department technical administrative staff, of whom he/she is a hierarchic superior. On matters regarding technical/scientific staff, he/she will consult also the Department;
    4. attends and serves as secretary at Department Board and Committee meetings, drafts and signs the minutes together with the Department Director, in accordance with the University rules and regulations.

  4. The office of Department Executive Officer may be revoked by the General Director after consulting the Department Director before expiry of the term with a written and reasoned statement, due to organisational changes or as a consequence of ascertained negative results.

Article 35 - Interdepartmental Schools

  1. For the coordination of interdepartmental educational activities, the Departments may propose the establishment and opening of special Schools that must involve at least two Departments.
  2. Interdepartmental schools have the following bodies:

    1. the Director;
    2. the Teaching Committees of the individual programmes and the Teacher Boards of PhD programmes, Master’s programmes and University Specialisation Schools, where present;
    3. a Committee, convened and chaired by the School Director, composed of the Directors of the Departments creating the School or their delegates, of the coordinators of the Teaching Committees present in the School and of representatives of the students, in the number indicated in the School Regulations referred to in paragraph 7 below and elected according to the procedures established by the University General Regulations;
    4. a Joint Teaching Affairs Committee.

  3. The institution and activation of Interdepartmental Schools are proposed by an absolute majority of members of the Department Boards involved. The institution and activation and/or participation in an Interdepartmental School commits the Departments involved to provide the resources necessary for the School’s offer.
    The institution and activation of Interdepartmental Schools must be approved by the Board of Governors after consulting the Academic Senate.
    Interdepartmental Schools are established and activated proportionately to the total number of University structures, this number cannot be greater than 12, within the meaning of Article 2, paragraph 2 d) of law 240/2010.
  4. The election of the Coordinators of the Teaching Committees belonging to the Interdepartmental Schools and the election of the members of the Teaching Committees of the curricula are governed by the University General Regulations.
  5. The Director of an Interdepartmental School is elected by the School Committee from among full-time full professors of the Departments constituting the School, Department Directors excluded, with an absolute majority of the voters in the first round. In the event the Director is not elected, a run-off is held between the two candidates with the highest number of votes. In the event of a tie, successive rounds of voting are held. The procedures for the submission of nominations and the election of the Director are established by the General Regulations of the University.
  6. The Director of an Interdepartmental School is appointed by a decree of the Rector for a term of three academic years and is immediately renewable once.
  7. After consulting the Department Boards constituting the School, the School Committee submits the School’s Regulations for the approval of the Academic Senate after consulting the Board of Governors.
  8. Interdepartmental Schools submit the curriculum statement to the Departments constituting the individual Schools. The curriculum statement is approved by the individual Department Boards, which decide the teaching responsibilities for their faculty.
  9. The Schools coordinate the educational activities planned by the Teaching Committees of the Course programmes, Master’s programmes and Specialisation Schools, and organise cultural, training and orientation activities for students, with particular attention to international aspects.
  10. After three years of membership, the individual Departments may decide to withdraw from a School by a resolution taken by an absolute majority of members of the Department Board.
  11. Deactivation of Interdepartmental Schools is proposed by the Department Boards involved, with an absolute majority of the members of each Department and with the majority of the Departments constituting the School. The Board of Governors votes on the deactivation proposal after consulting the Academic Senate. The School is deactivated if fewer than two Departments participate in it.

Article 36 - Teaching Committees

  1. Teaching Committees organise the activity of one or more Course programmes, that can be of different reference classes, provided they are homogeneous from a scientific and cultural point of view.
  2. Teaching Committees may be established independently within a Department or an Interdepartmental School.
  3. Teaching Committees are appointed by the Department Boards concerned in accordance with University Teaching Regulations. Based on the number of course programmes and reference classes referred to in paragraph 1 above, they are formed by between five and nine teachers, one of whom serves as Coordinator. The Coordinator must be a full or associate professor appointed by the Department Board.
  4. Teaching Committees and their Coordinators hold office for three academic years.

Article 37 - Joint Teaching Affairs Committees

  1. Joint Teaching Affairs Committees constitute a permanent observatory of teaching, guidance, tutoring and placement. They monitor the curriculum, the quality of teaching and the services provided to students by teachers. They identify indicators to assess the results of the curriculum, the quality of teaching and the service provided to students, and submit them to the Evaluation Unit. They express opinions on the activation and deactivation of Course programmes.
  2. The Committees are composed of at least four teachers appointed by the Department Board or by Interdepartmental School Committee, and by at least four students representing the various Course programmes offered by a Department or coordinated by an Interdepartmental School, elected in accordance with the rules established by the University General Regulations. The Department Board or Interdepartmental School Committee appoints the Commission President from among the teachers designated by them.
  3. The Committee is convened by the President at least twice a year.

Chapter II - Other teaching and research structures

Article 38 - Doctoral courses and schools

  1. Doctoral programmes are established and activated on a proposal of the Departments and with a resolution of the Board of Governors following consultation of the Academic Senate. Their aim is to provide high research training and to thereby provide the skills necessary to carry out highly qualified research and professional activities at the international level.
  2. Doctoral programmes can be managed within the Departments or Doctoral Schools, including at the national and international inter-university levels, or the University Doctoral School.
  3. The University may establish a University Doctoral School to coordinate doctoral programme activities.
  4. For any other regulation governing the structure and operation, see the appropriate PhD Regulations.

Article 39 - University Schools

  1. The University may establish and activate University Schools coordinating educational activities other those of Bachelor's and Master's Degree programmes.
  2. University Schools can coordinate PhD programmes, Professional Master’s programmes or other activities linked to permanent education or summer courses.

Article 40 - Ca' Foscari International College

  1. Ca' Foscari International College is an honours university college established by the University for particularly deserving students. It delivers a human, academic and professional education while also providing accommodation.
  2. The College offers Bachelor's and Master’s Degree programmes within various Course Programmes. The College’s activities are carried out with special training and guidance of teachers and tutors, with extra seminars and courses taught by internationally renowned faculty.
  3. The College’s operation is governed by specific Regulations approved by the Academic Senate following a favourable opinion of the Board of Governors.

Article 41 - Specialisation Schools

  1. Specialisation Schools are educational structures—including inter-university ones—that oversee the performance and organisation of educational activities aimed at training specialists in specific professional sectors.
  2. Specialisation Schools are established and activated by a resolution of the Board of Governors following consultation of the Academic Senate, on a proposal from one or more Departments or other universities.
  3. The bodies of Specialisation Schools are:

    1. the School Board;
    2. the Director of the School.

  4. The School Board is composed of no fewer than three full professors of the University and the Director of the School. They are elected by the Council or by the Department Boards involved in accordance with the rules established by the University General Regulations.
  5. The Director is appointed by a decree of the Rector. He/She chairs the Council and oversees the School’s educational activities for a term of three academic years immediately renewable once.

Article 42- Inter-university Research Centres

  1. Inter-university Research Centres may involve one or more Departments of University Ca’ Foscari of Venice with one or more departments of other universities for research activities on the basis of multi-year projects.
  2. The institution and activation of Inter-university Research Centres are proposed by the Departments concerned and approved by the Board of Governors after consulting the Academic Senate.
  3. The constituting resolution indicates the organisational structures, staffing, resources provided by the promoting Departments and the resources that need to be found for the Centre’s operation. The same resolution establishes the administrative and accounting regulations, the duration and conditions for renewal.

Title IV - Common rules

Chapter I - Collegiate Bodies

Article 43 - Operation of collegiate bodies

  1. For the meetings of collegiate bodies to be valid, the presence of at least the absolute majority of those eligible to vote is required, except where a different structural quorum is required for certain topics by this Statute, by other University regulations, or by law. Members of collegiate bodies who are absent with a justification contribute to lowering the structural quorum, subject to the provisions of the General University Regulations.
  2. The number of participants present at the meeting may not, however, be less than the absolute majority of those entitled to vote.
  3. The resolutions of collegiate bodies are validly adopted by an absolute majority of those present, except when the University Statute or University General Regulations expressly provide otherwise for certain topics. In the event of a tie, the president has the casting vote.
  4. Voting shall be by open ballot. In the event that the resolution concerns specific people and involves discretionary assessment of fact concerning people, a secret ballot is allowed. For the secret vote, guaranteeing confidentiality while voting and in the recording of the minutes is sufficient, in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations of the University.
  5. The resolutions of collegiate bodies are immediately enforceable. The minutes are generally approved at the next meeting, unless approved during the meeting.
  6. The vote of a collegiate body against a proposal by the President does not imply the resignation of the latter.
  7. The Secretary of the collegiate bodies takes the minutes of meetings and may be assisted by technical administrative staff at the appropriate level.

Article 44 - Renewal of collegiate body members

  1. Faculty and technical administrative staff appointed or elected to the collegiate bodies provided for by the Statute remain in office for three years as stated in the relevant Statute and General Regulations articles
  2. Student representatives in the collegiate bodies provided for by the Statute are renewed every two years as stated in the relevant Statute and General Regulations articles.
  3. Members appointed or elected to collegiate bodies of the University and of individual structures may be renewed consecutively only once.
  4. Office holders and members of collegiate bodies remain in office after the expiry of their term for no more than 45 days, starting from the day of expiry of their term.
  5. During the extension period listed in the previous paragraph, the expired bodies may adopt only ordinary administration resolutions, urgent acts and acts that cannot be postponed, specifically indicating the reasons for the urgency.

Article 45 - Forfeiture and incompatibility

  1. Except for justified reasons, the absence of the office holder results in the forfeiture of the office if the absence persists for a continuous period of more than three months for single members, and for three consecutive sessions for collegiate bodies In the event of forfeiture or termination, office holders of monocratic bodies will be replaced in their functions by the Deputy or, failing that, by the Dean, pending the completion of the procedures for the election of the new person in charge of the monocratic body
  2. Professors with a fixed-term contract may not exercise all of the academic duties provided for by the Statute and are disqualified from said positions if held upon the occurrence of this status.
  3. Members of the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors may not:

    1. hold other academic positions except for Rector limited to the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors, and for Department Directors, limited to the Senate;
    2. be members of other University bodies except for the Department Board, Student Assembly and Doctoral Student Assembly;
    3. serve as Director or President of Specialisation Schools or serve on the Board of Governors of Specialisation Schools;
    4. hold any political office for the duration of their term or hold the office of Rector or be a member of the Board of Governors, the Academic Senate, the Evaluation Unit, or the Audit Committee of other Italian state, non-state or internet universities;
    5. perform duties relating to the programming, financing and evaluation of university activities at the Ministry of University and Research, or at the National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR);
    6. hold an executive office in trade unions or trade associations, or in organisations with which the University maintains commercial relationships.

  4. Candidature for academic positions is reserved to full time and associate professors having seniority at least equal to the duration of the term of office.
  5. The electorate for the researchers' representations shall be attributed to those who are also in service at the time of appointment.
  6. The passive electorate for the representatives of the technical and administrative staff is attributed to those who are in service at the time of appointment and ensure a number of years of service at least equal to the duration of the mandate.
  7. Candidature for student representatives in the Academic Senate, the Board of Governors, Evaluation Unit, Department Boards, Inter-departmental School Committees and Department Joint Teaching Affairs Committees may be students enrolled for the first time in a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and doctoral studies at the University, and who are not more than one year “fuori corso”,i.e. behind in their course schedule.

Article 46 - Remuneration for the office

  1. Holders of several offices for which an allowance is provided must opt for only one of them.
  2. The justified absence of the holder of an office for a continuous period of more than three months results in the suspension of the allowances and its assignment to the deputy, where one exists, until the office holder returns to service.

Chapter II - Regulations

Article 47 - Statute

  1. The initiative to amend the Statute lies with the Rector or at least one third of the members of the Academic Senate or the Board of Directors.
  2. Amendments to the Statute shall be approved, subject to the favourable opinion of the Board of Directors, by the Academic Senate with the favourable vote of the absolute majority of its members.
  3. Amendments to the Statute, subject to legal controls, shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following their publication in the Official Gazette.

Article 48 - Regulations

  1. The University General Regulation governs the organisation and functioning of the University as a whole and the procedures for electing the governing bodies and the representatives in the collegiate bodies provided for by the Statute. They are adopted by the Academic Senate by an absolute majority of its members, subject to the mandatory opinion of the Board of Directors.
  2. The University Educational Regulation regulates all the courses for which the University issues university degrees and of all the educational activities envisaged by the Statute. It establishes the general criteria for setting out the Regulations of teaching structures. It is voted in by the Academic Senate by an absolute majority of its members, subject to the favourable opinion of the Board of Directors.
  3. The Rules for Administration, Finance and Accounting regulate the management criteria, the related administrative and financial procedures and the related responsibilities, so as to ensure the prompt and efficient management of payments and the respect of the budget balance; they also regulate the administration of assets, the forms of internal control on the efficiency and on the overall management results both of the University and of the individual cost centre. The Regulations are approved by the Board of Directors by an absolute majority of its members, subject to the favourable opinion of the Academic Senate. The remaining Organisation and Accounting Regulations are approved by the Board of Directors by an absolute majority of its members.
  4. The Regulation implementing the rules on the administrative procedure and on the right of access to administrative documents establishes how to carry out administrative processes and how to access administrative documents.
  5. The University Regulations on teaching and research are approved by the Academic Senate, subject to the favourable opinion of the Board of Directors, by an absolute majority of its members.
  6. The University Staff Regulations, including those concerning labour relations, are be approved by the Board of Directors by an absolute majority of its members, subject to the opinion of the Academic Senate.

Article 49 - Formation of Regulations - Opinions and Publication

  1. Initiative for the establishment and modification of Regulations is the responsibility of the Rector, the General Director or at least one-third of the members of the collegiate board responsible for approving or issuing an opinion on them.
  2. Opinions on University Regulations requested from bodies or structures must be delivered within thirty days of receipt of the text, after which the final decision shall be in any case taken.
  3. The approval of the University Regulations is the responsibility of the Academic Senate and/or the Board of Directors, by an absolute majority of its members, depending on their respective areas of competence.
  4. The University Regulations, except when subject to legal controls, are issued by decree of the Rector after approval of the competent Bodies, and shall enter into force, except for reasons of urgency or deferral, on the seventh day following their publication on the official university bulletin board. The Regulations are also published on the University website.

Article 50 - Code of Ethics and Conduct

  1. The Code of Ethics and conduct establishes the fundamental values of the university community, promotes recognition and respect for individual rights and the acceptance of duties and responsibilities toward their home institution, and defines the rules of conduct within the community. The rules contained therein aim to prevent any form of discrimination and abuse, and to govern cases of conflict of interests or intellectual property.
  2. They are approved by the Academic Senate by a majority of members after consulting the Board of Governors.
  3. Without prejudice to the prerogatives and responsibilities relating to disciplinary proceedings, proven violations of the Code of Ethics and Conduct lead to the imposition of penalties provided in it.
  4. In respect of the adversarial principle, the verification of the infraction and the decision regarding the penalty to be imposed are the responsibility of the Academic Senate, on proposal of the Rector.
  5. In cases where the conduct includes not only an ethical offence, but also a disciplinary offence, the disciplinary bodies responsible for disciplinary proceedings pursuant to Article 10 of Law 240/2010 shall be competent.

Article 51 - Sustainability planning and reporting

  1. The University has operational plans to define sustainable development objectives with particular reference to climate change mitigation and adaptation actions and actions to reduce inequalities, with specific attention to achieving gender equality. The University also undertakes to periodically publish documents to monitor and report on the actions undertaken and the results obtained.
  2. Sustainability planning and reporting documents are approved by the Board of Directors, after consultation with the Academic Senate

Title V - Final provisions and transitional rules

Article 52 - Interpretations

  1. In the Statute:

    1. “professors” refers to temporary (straordinari), full (ordinari), associate (associati) and non-tenured professors (a tempo indeterminato);
    2. “faculty”, “teaching staff” and “teachers” refer to temporary, full and associate professors and non-tenured professors as well as researchers with an open-ended or fixed-term contract
    3. “researchers” refers to researchers with an open-ended or fixed-term contract, as well as old-system “assistenti”;
    4. “students” refers to those enrolled in Bachelor's Degree and Master’s Degree programmes, Specialisation Schools, PhD and Professional Master’s programmes, Summer Schools, and Inter-university Schools at University Ca’ Foscari of Venice;
    5. “technical administrative staff” refers to non teaching staff of the University, including contract staff and Foreign Language Assistants, technologist from all functional areas and categories including management;
    6. “staff” refers to teaching staff, technical administrative staff, contract staff and Foreign Language Assistants;
    7. “Academic posts” refers to the Rector, Deputy-Rector, member of the Board of Governors and Academic Senate, Department and School Directors;
    8. “CFU” refers to university credits (ECTS).

  2. In the Statute, the expression “is immediately renewable only once”, used for elected three-year terms or subject to appointment, means that the term of office may not exceed six years out of nine years.

Article 53 - Referral rule

  1. All University Regulations must be modified according to the new Statute within 12 months from the publication of the new Statute in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana (Official Gazette). Otherwise the regulations apply mutatis mutandis.

Last update: 12/02/2025