Registration and password recovery

You can find here below the FAQs to clarify your doubts; should you not be satisfied after reading them carefully, please open a ticket through the link at the bottom of the page.

Please read also the regulations on Minors and Advanced Courses [ITA].

New registration

Why is it necessary to get registered?

A registration is needed to create your profile and insert your personal and contact details.

I entered my tax code but the system tells me that it does not match my personal data, what should I do?

Verify that you have correctly entered your personal details, in particular the place of birth.

I am an Italian citizen but I was born abroad, how do I enter my personal data?

Select "Italy" in the "Primary Citizenship" section and the country of birth in the "Country" section.

I tried to register but the system tells me that my data is already present, what should I do?

If you have already been a student at Ca' Foscari access the Online Area with the registration number and password you used previously.

Access to your Personal Area

Which credentials are needed to access my Personal Area?

The credentials you need depend on your status:

  • If you are a student at Ca' Foscari, you can use your matriculation number and your password;
  • If you have been a student at Ca' Foscari, you need to access it using your SPID or CIE (Electronic identity card) account;
  • If you have never been a student at Ca’ Foscari, you need to access it using your SPID or CIE (Electronic identity card) account;
  • If you cannot request a SPID account (because you are underage or do not hold the necessary documents), after registering, you can request your credentials on: You can calculate your Tax Code on:

How can I request a SPID account?

More information on how to request a SPID account is available on

Password recovery

I have a I.D. number but I do not remember the password, how can I recover it?

Find information on the Password recovery [ITA] page.

I tried to recover my password via SMS but I'm having problems, what should I do?

Download the following guide where you can find the information you need.

You have not found the answer to your question, or you need further information?
Submit a support request specifying the category of your problem and including a short description.

Last update: 27/02/2025