Fee Installments
You can find here below the FAQs to clarify your doubts; should you not be satisfied after reading them carefully, please open a ticket through the link at the bottom of the page.
Please read also the regulations on Minors and Advanced Courses [ITA].
1st Installment
I have to register for the new academic year: when do I have to pay the first installment?
You will find all the information you need on the Installments page.
What happens if I do not pay the installment by the due date?
Beyond the planned fee you will have to pay a default charge. You will find all the necessary information on the Installments page.
I will graduate in the fall/extraordinary session; do I have to pay the fees for the new academic year?
If you graduate in the fall session or in the extraordinary session, the payment of the first installment of the current year is not required.
I graduated in the fall/extraordinary session, when will I receive the refund of the fees paid for the new academic year?
The reimbursement/refund of the paid tuition fees, with the exception of the regional tax and stamp duty, will be automatically authorized in July on your CartaConto, which must have been activated.
I won a scholarship last year, is it correct that the first installment of the new academic year is paid in full?
Yes, this is the case if you sign up for the first supplementary year.
I won a scholarship last year, but I do not meet the criteria to apply for it again this year, how can I pay the first instalment of the full amount?
Report it to the Financial Aid Office sending a request through the link at the end of the page.
I paid the first installment but I am entitled to a reduction, when will I receive a refund?
The reimbursement is made in July on the CartaConto Ca'Foscari, prior to verifications of the requirements set by the University's administrative rules.
Is it possible to pay tuition fees in smaller installments?
No, the fees due for the academic year are already divided into installments.
How can I have a reduction on the first installment?
You have to fill in the Benefits Application (Richiesta Agevolazioni) in your Reserved Area, obtain an ISEE certificate valid for the right to study and, if you are a student with non-EU citizenship and meet the requirements, fill in and send the fiscal domicile declaration to Financial Aid Office.
We are two siblings who intend to enroll in Ca' Foscari, do we have any reductions on the first installment?
No. The reduction is applied at the end of April (prior to verifications) with the calculation of the third installment.
Is it possible to apply for both the first installment fee reduction and the regional scholarship?
Yes, by selecting the appropriate items of the Benefit Request that you can fill in directly from your Personal Area.
If I enroll in a bachelor or master's degree program and I already hold an equal qualification can I obtain the benefits for the right to study?
No, you will not be able to get any benefits as the provisions of the right to education can only be awarded for the first time you obtain a bachelor/master's degree.
I see in my Reserved Area that the bank repayment of the first installment has been paid but I do not see any payment on the CartaConto Ca' Foscari, what should I do?
It is necessary for you to have activated the CartaConto Ca' Foscari before the release of the scholarship ranking list, otherwise the payment is postponed by a few months.
Is it possible to use the 'Carta del Docente' to pay the installment?
Yes, for further information consult the 'Carta del Docente' page.
How can I check my situation concerning payment of the fees?
To check payments you need to access your Reserved Area and select "payments".
Can I still take the exams if I am not paying fees?
No, you cannot enroll for and take exams.
2nd Installment
By what date do I have to pay the 2nd installment?
Find all the information you need on the Installments page.
What happens if I do not pay the 2nd installment within the scheduled deadline?
In addition to the planned fee you will have to pay the penalty fee for late payment. You will find all the information you need on the Installments page.
I paid the second installment but I am entitled to a reduction, when will I receive a refund?
The refund is made in July on the CartaConto Ca' Foscari, prior to verification of the requirements set by the University's administrative provisions.
Is it possible to use the 'Carta del Docente' to pay the installment?
Yes, for further information consult the 'Carta del Docente' page.
3rd Installment
By what date do I have to pay the 3rd installment?
You will find all the information on the Installments page.
What happens if I do not pay the 3rd instalment within the scheduled deadline?
In addition to the planned fees you will have to pay the default charge. You will find all the information you need on the Instalments page.
Is it possible to use the 'Carta del Docente' to pay the installment?
Yes, for further information consult the 'Carta del Docente' page.
Unsettled payments
What happens if I do not pay my tuition fees?
If you do not pay one or more invoices related to a.y. 2023/2024 tuition fees (installments and/or penalty fees) by 30 September 2024, you will not be able to:
- enroll in your next academic year;
- carry out any career steps (ex. change your course of study, transfer to another University, etc.);
- take exams and have all your academic activities recognized, internships included;
- participate in mobility programs and other educational activities organized by the University;
- use Moodle;
- use the University Library Services
Submit a support request specifying the category of your problem and including a short description.
Last update: 12/02/2025