Fee Subsidies

You can find here below the FAQs to clarify your doubts; should you not be satisfied after reading them carefully, please open a ticket through the link at the bottom of the page.

Please read also the regulations on Minors and Advanced Courses [ITA].

Reductions for EU or non-EU citizens with tax domicile

Am I entitled to a reduction in tuition fees?

Yes, if you have an ISEE certificate valid for the Right to Education under € 60,000 and you submit the Benefits Application (Richiesta Agevolazioni) and if you meet the requirements to obtain the reductions.

Can I submit the Benefit Application even if I am yet to be fully enrolled in the University course?

Yes, you can present your Benefits Application online through the link on the ISEE and Benefits application webpage, even if you are yet to be enrolled and you have yet to be granted access to the Reserved Area.

What is ISEE? Where can I ask? By what date? 

The ISEE indicator is a tool assessing the effective income and asset situation of anyone requesting financial aid, and is obtained by combining and assessing three factors: income, assets and the composition of the household.
If you are an Italian national or financially independent non-Italian national residing in Italy, you must request your ISEE for financial aid by with the help of a CAF centre or professional tax consultant, or you can fill in the online form by yourself on the INPS website within the scheduled deadlines.
If you are an Italian or non-Italian national residing abroad and/or your income have been earned abroad, you can request an equivalent ISEE (ISEE Parificato) to the CAF CIA (tax office) licensed with the University. Click here for more information. 

How is the fee reduction calculated? 

The reduction is calculated proportionally based on the value of the ISEE valid for the right to education.

What are the requirements to benefit from the ISEE-based entitlements?

To benefit from the ISEE-based entitlements you must not have a degree equivalent to the one you are enrolled in at Ca' Foscari (University Degree, Academy of Fine Arts Degree or Conservatory Degree). You are also required to: 

  1. Enrol in the new academic year within the deadlines;
  2. Request the ISEE certification for benefits for the right to education that applies to the benefits for the right to education for the applicant in question (the certificate must not have omissions/non-conformities);
  3. Fill in and send the benefits application within the deadlines, 
  4. have a certain number of credits registered on your student's record book (libretto).

 For more information please check the page ISEE and benefits applications.               

If I suspend/want to suspend my studies and/or if I resume my studies in the previous academic year(s)? 

Yes, only if you meet all the necessary requirements, including the merit requirements established by the Student Act (ISEE under 30.000€) or by the University provisions (ISEE over 30.000€) for the ISEE-based reduction in tuition fees. For more detailed information please book an appointment with the Financial Aid Office.

How long does it take to obtain the ISEE certification? 

The average time is around ten working days.

Can I receive benefits only for merit? 

Yes, for further details please see the page Further financial assistance.

I have a sibling who is enrolling at Ca' Foscari, are there some benefits?  

Yes, if both of you meet requirements for the ISEE-based reductions of tuition fees. For further details please see the page Further financial assistance.

I am a student with disabilities, am I entitled to any reductions? 

Yes, for all the information visit the page Further financial assistance or visit the Inclusivity services page.

I am a non-EU student, what benefits can I request?

You can request: 

  1. the scholarship for financial aid;
  2. the reduction in tuition fees, only if you have the requirements for submitting the Statement of domicile for tax purposes within the scheduled deadlines;
  3. generic collaborations.     

I am a non-EU student, how can I obtain the status of equivalence with Italian/EU citizens?

You must possess the requirements to submit the Statement of domicile for tax purposes. You will have to submit the form every academic year within the scheduled deadlines. Without this Statement you will not be able to claim any fees reduction based on the ISEE. 

I am an Italian student resident abroad, am I entitled to any benefits? 

You can request:

  1. the scholarship for financial aid;
  2. the reduction in tuition fees;
  3. non-specific collaborations.                     

I am a student whose income has been obtained abroad: what type of ISEE certification should I submit? 

You need to submit an ISEE Parificato (ISEE equivalent) certification. To obtain the equivalent ISEE, students should request an ISEE to the CAF (tax office) licensed with Ca’ Foscari University (the service is free of charge).                

Reductions in tuition fees for non-EU citizens without a Statement of domicile for tax purposes

I am a non-EU student (without fiscale domicile), can I have a reduction in tuition fees? 

No, you will be required to pay the flat tax. Your ISEE equivalent can only be used to apply for the regional scholarship. 

Why cannot I see my ISEE Equivalent in my Benefit request summary? 

If you have obtained your ISEE Equivalent from one of the CAF offices licensed with Ca' Foscari, you will be able to see the amount of your ISEE in the Benefit request summary as soon as it is uploaded in your reserved area. The CAF office will send us your ISEE equivalent within a few weeks from its issuance.

You have not found the answer to your question, or you need further information?
Submit a support request specifying the category of your problem and including a short description.

Last update: 10/03/2025