Suspension, resumption, withdrawal and loss of student status

You can find here below the FAQs to clarify your doubts; should you not be satisfied after reading them carefully, please open a ticket through the link at the bottom of the page.

Please read also the regulations on Minors and Advanced Courses [ITA].

Suspension and resumption

What is the difference between suspension and resumption of studies?

You can suspend studies only for some particular reasons described in detail on the site; in all other cases you will need to submit an application for the resumption of studies. The various methods are available on the Suspension and Resumption page.

I have not attended for a long time. How can I finish my studies? Will my exams be lost? 

To resume your course of study from where you left off you will have to submit an application for the suspension or resumption of studies. Your exam results will not be nullified. Your study career will pick up where it left off. All the information can be found at Suspension, resumption, withdrawal, loss of student status.

For how long can I suspend studies? 

Suspension cannot be less than one academic year.

Is it possible to sit exams during the suspension period?

No, it is not possible to sit exams during suspension.

Can anyone request suspension from studies? 

No, there are certain specific reasons for which suspension can be granted. You can find all the information on the criteria and methods of a request at Suspension, resumption, withdrawal, loss of student status.

I have paid my fees but requested suspension from studies, is it possible to have a refund?  

In the event that you have already paid the university fees for the academic year in which you apply for suspension, no reimbursement will be paid, with the exception of cases of serious and prolonged illnesses for which a case by case assessment will be made, in proportion to the period of the academic year for which the suspension is requested.

If I follow singlel courses during the suspension period, will they be counted?

No, no study can be done during suspension, including single courses. 


If I withdraw, do I forfeit my exams?

No, exams are not lost. You can request a certificate for the exams taken for cases where they may be recognised on another degree course.

Is there a deadline or can withdrawal be done at any time?

You can withdraw at any time as long as you are up to date with the payment of university fees for the current year. Information can be found at Suspension, resumption, withdrawal, loss of student status.

I am a scholarship winner and I decided to withdraw from my studies, do I have to return my scholarship money? 

Yes, you will need to return the scholarship amount and will have to pay any outstanding fees.

I paid the first installment but I decided to withdraw from my studies, can I receive a refund for the first installment? 

No, you do not have the right to reimbursement for the first installment unless you are newly enrolled on an open study course and then you withdraw within five working days of payment of the first installment. On the withdrawal page you can check the amount due according to your registration and the period in which you request the withdrawal from studies.

Loss of student status

What is the difference between withdrawal and loss of student status?

Withdrawal is a voluntary act by which a student decides to end their studies; forfeiture is the loss of student status after a set number of years without having completed your studies.
Information can be found at Suspension, resumption, withdrawal, loss of student status.

I enrolled more than 10 years ago but have not continued my studies. Have I loss my studies? 

If you matriculated between the academic years 1989/90 and 2014/15 you are not subject to lose your studies. 

You have not found the answer to your question, or you need further information?
Submit a support request specifying the category of your problem and including a short description.

Last update: 27/02/2025