Change of programme / system / University 

You can find here below the FAQs to clarify your doubts; should you not be satisfied after reading them carefully, please open a ticket through the link at the bottom of the page.

Please read also the regulations on Minors and Advanced Courses [ITA].

Change of programme

I want to change my degree program, is it possible? 

Yes, you can request an internal change within the scheduled deadline. Remember that for the Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree with planned attendance this internal transition can only be done one year after the first, and after checking the availability of places.

I am enrolled in the first year of a Bachelor's or Master's degree course with planned attendance, can I make an internal course change?

No, this is not permitted, even for a course with open access. 

I have taken single courses, will they be recognised during the transition? 

Si, anche gli esami sostenuti come corsi singoli possono essere riconosciuti al fine del passaggio interno.

Change of system

I am studying under the old program, can I make a transition to the new program? 

Yes, credits can also be re-evaluated based on the exams taken, with a subsequent reformulation of the study program. The information can be consulted on the Changing your degree programme, system or University page.

Once I have made the transition to the new program, can I go back to the previous one?

No, the decision is irrevocable. Once accepted, you cannot return to the previous study program. The information can be consulted on the Changing your degree programme, system or University page. 

Change of University

Can I request a transfer even before registering for all the exams? 

No. Exams recorded after the transfer request will be lost.

I have not paid my fees, how might I request a transfer?

You must first be in good standing with the payment of tuition and university fees.

How might I find out if the exams taken will be recognized?  

You must contact the destination University.

What if the transfer is not successful?

If the transfer procedure is not completed at the destination University, the latter will return the documentation to Ca' Foscari, to which you will have to pay the full amount of the university fees and contributions for the new academic year.

Can I submit the documentation before the relevant period? 

No, the request can only be made during the projected period.

Once I've asked for the transfer, for how long subsequently may I take exams? 

Exams can no longer be taken after the transfer request.

Can I make a transfer if I am a part-time student?

Yes, transfer can be requested even if you are a part-time student.

You have not found the answer to your question, or you need further information?
Submit a support request specifying the category of your problem and including a short description.

Last update: 27/02/2025