
You can find here below the FAQs to clarify your doubts; should you not be satisfied after reading them carefully, please open a ticket through the link at the bottom of the page.

Please read also the regulations on Minors and Advanced Courses [ITA].

Degree Application

Can I apply for a degree if I have not completed my exams? 

Yes. You can apply for a degree with a maximum of 24 credits missing as long as you do not graduate in advance, or in the second year summer session if you are enrolled in a master's degree, or in the third year if you are enrolled on a bachelor's degree.

I have to report discrepancies in my administrative situation or the lack of a record of some exams or problems with my study plan. How can I go about reporting it?

You will need to attach a file to your notifications (preferably in pdf format) when completing the degree application, on the "attachments" page.

Is it mandatory to complete the Almalaurea questionnaire? 

Yes, it is mandatory to fill in the Almalaurea questionnaire. You will have to attach the receipt of successful submission (in pdf format) during the completion of the degree application, on the "attachments" page.

If I have already completed the questionnaire for a previous application, do I have to do it again?

If you have already submitted the Almalaurea questionnaire in a previous session, access the Almalaurea using your credentials, update the information, and download the receipt that you will need to attach.

Why is my application showing as having been submitted and not confirmed even if the supervisor has accepted it? 

The acceptance of the degree application indicates that the supervisor has taken charge of your thesis work. Confirmation will be signalled after the careers section has checked your student and administrative status.

I have yet to finish my internship. Within what time period must I submit the documentation?  

See the deadlines on the Deadlines page under the heading: "maximum period for exam registration". You will have to contact the relevant offices and submit the required documentation by this date.


What is the deadline for uploading my thesis? 

Consult the deadline on the Graduation Session Expiry page. 

When am I considered a graduate? 

You are officially considered a graduate when your thesis is recorded by your academic supervisor and your degree is conferred and mailed to you at your institutional email address.


How is the degree mark calculeted? What is the maximum mark that can be obtained? 

The degree mark is obtained by summing the final test mark and any bonuses awarded by the Academic Bodies as a weighted average expressed as one hundred and ten.

How are the graduation bonus marks calculated? 

You can consult the Features and Evaluations page of the final exam.

Must I claim any additional bonuses that I may be entitled to? 

No. The count will be done automatically.

Thesis, supervisor, co-supervisor

Does the title page have a standard format? What about the body of the thesis? 

Consult the Guidelines for thesis writing.

I am unable to enter the name of my supervisor. What should I do? 

In the application process there is a special page where you can enter the surname of your chosen supervisor. You will be shown a list of teachers who meet the search criteria entered. Select the name of your supervisor from the list.

Do I have to include the co-supervisor? 

No. The co-supervisor should not be included during the completion of the degree application. For second level degrees, the appropriate campus / department will be entered during the preparation of the calendars.

I do not have a title for the final thesis. What should I do? 

You can enter a temporary title and modify it within the period stated on the Graduation Session Expiry page "Edit title and online abstracts" by selecting the "edit thesis title" button under the heading "attainment title".

Should I enter the Abstract and how many characters in length should it be? Until when is it possible to make changes?  

The abstract must be included only for second level degrees and can contain a maximum of 1500 characters. You can modify it during the stated period.

If my thesis is in a language other than Italian, in which language should I write the abstract? 

Normally the abstract must be written in the thesis language; you can nonetheless consult your supervisor as to which language to use.

How might I find out whether the supervisor has accepted my degree? 

You will need to access your online account, under the heading "Upload degree thesis and check acceptance by supervisor". Here you can check if the supervisor has accepted your degree application. Do not worry if the supervisor has not yet accepted or perhaps refused your degree application, the careers division will request an answer.

You have not found the answer to your question, or you need further information?
Submit a support request specifying the category of your problem and including a short description.

Last update: 27/02/2025