
KASKAL - A Journal of History, Environments, and Cultures of the Ancient Near East

Last issue 
Volume 20 - 2023

  • 1 - MASSIMO MAIOCCHI, Legal Regulations at Ebla – Part II: Abduction of an Unmarried Girl (ARET XVI 1 obv. vii 9-ix 13) 
  • 15 - BIEKE MAHIEU, Fifteen Years of Coregency between Abi-ešuh and Ammi-ditana 
  • 43 - OĞUZ SOYSAL, Kleine Beiträge zu den unpublizierten Bo-Texten (II). Zwei fragmente eines mittelhethitischen magischen rituals gegen den westanatolischen feind Kukkulli (Bo 3081 und Bo 6421)
  • 59 - OĞUZ SOYSAL, Kleine Beiträge zu den unpublizierten Bo-Texten (III). Akkadisch-Sumerische fragmente
  • 71 - ENRIQUE JIMENEZ et al. rom the Electronic Babylonian Literature Lab 36–47 
  • 171 - ELI TADMOR, More than a Single Truth: Polyvalence in Gilgamesh’s Dreams of the Meteorite and the Axe 
  • 183 - JEANETTE C. FINCKE, The ‘Man in the Moon’ Revisited: The bašmu in the Sun, the Lion in the Moon and the lumāšu
  • 215 - JON TAYLOR, Form and Formatting of Assyrian Prisms and Cylinders 
  • 233 - KAREN POLINGER FOSTER, Mise en Abyme in Mesopotamian Art 
  • 267 - DAVIDE NADALI, King-Tree or Tree-King? On the Metaphorical Iconographic Interplay in Ancient Assyria 
  • 281 - MICHAEL JURSA, Consecrating Priests for Ištar



Previous issues

  • 1 - PIOTR STEINKELLER, On Prostitutes, Midwives and Tavern-Keepers in Third Millennium BC Babylonia
  • 39 - NOEMI BORRELLI, An Early Old Babylonian Tablet from the Carugo Collection and a Few Remarks on the Role of the šuš3 Officials
  • 47 - LUDOVICO PORTUESE, A Gender-Centered Perspective on Manners and Etiquette for Understanding the Historical Role of the Assyrian Queen
  • 75 - KATHLEEN ABRAHAM – PETER ZILBERG, A Bird-Keeping Agreement from Šā\ir
  • 83 - PAOLA CORÒ, The “Property of Anu”. Exploring the Make-Up of the Temple Property and its Management in Hellenistic Uruk
  • 99 - WAYNE HOROWITZ, Some Thoughts on I##ūru Šikinšu, “The Bird Whose Nature Is” (BM 66611)
  • 105 - ENRIQUE JIMÉNEZ, et al. From the Electronic Babylonian Literature Lab 25–35
  • 203 - FRANCESCO SIRONI – MAURIZIO VIANO, Šiduri and Thetis: A Note on Two Parallel Scenes (Gilgameš OB VA + VB iii and Hom. Il. XXIV 120-132)
  • 213 - DANIEL SCHWEMER, Additional Anti-Witchcraft Texts I (Maqlû)
  • 251 - DANIEL SCHWEMER, Additional Anti-Witchcraft Texts II (CMAwR)
  • 295 - DARYN GRAHAM, Septimius Severus, the Parthian Empire, and the East under Rome’s Aegis
  • 313 - YOUNGJAE LEE, Revisiting Tu-ta-ti and an Edition of an Unpublished Exemplar


  • 319 - BERNARDO URBANI – MARCOS SUCH-GUTIÉRREZ, The Tablilla de Caracas: A New Tablet from Umma Concerning Reeds; With Historical Comments on Its Arrival in Venezuela
  • 1 - BIEKE MAHIEU, The Relative Chronology of the Presargonic Period in the King Lists
  • 25 - ERICA SCARPA, All the Kings’ Sons: The Role and Tasks of the dumu-nita en at Ebla (Syria, 24th Cent. BCE)
  • 55 - OĞUZ SOYSAL, Kleine Beiträge Zu Den Unpublizierten Bo-Texten (I) Die Klageschrift Eines Althethitischen Königs (Bo 6109)
  • 65 - MAYNARD P. MAIDMAN, “This Tablet is Nuzi’s”: Towers, Gates, and Preparations for War
  • 89 - CARLO ZACCAGNINI, Pairs of Horses and Single Horses at Nuzi
  • 111 - JUAN-PABLO VITA, The Hittites in the Administrative Texts of Ugarit
  • 127 - RASMUS JOHAN AARSLEV, Fifteen Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Cuneiform Tablets from The National Museum of Denmark 
  • 159 - ENRIQUE JIMENEZ et al., From the Electronic Babylonian Literature Lab 16–24 
  • 257 - VALERIO PISANIELLO – FEDERICO GIUSFREDI, Anatolian Glosses in the Akkadian “Medizinischen Omina”
  • 283 - JEANETTE C. FINCKE, The Appearance of Birds (BM 66611)
  • 297 - Papers presented within the framework of the Project “SHABO. Shaping Boundaries. Ethnicity and Geography in the Eastern Mediterranean Area (First Millennium BC)”
  • 299 - SIMONETTA PONCHIA, Scenarios of Aegean and Greek Presence in the Near East and Identity Construction: A Perspective from the Early Iron Age Syro-Anatolian Sources
  • 323 - SILVIA GABRIELI, Borders, Routes, and Contacts between Mesopotamia and Anatolia: Some Considerations on the Role of Cilicia under the Assyrian Empire
  • 353 - FABRIZIO GAETANO, Border Interactions in Asia Minor: The Lydian Case and the Trojan Case 
  • 379 - LUISA PRANDI, The Thracian Bosporus between Europe and Asia in Fact and Fiction (II/I Millennium BC) 
  • 1 - NOEMI BORRELLI, The Central State and the Provincial Authorities in Late Third Millennium Babylonia: Badari and the Governors of Ĝirsu/Lagaš 
  • 23 - YORAM COHEN, Who’s Who in the “House of Ur-Meme”. Reconfiguring Old Babylon Literature and Ur III Historical Sources
  • 53 - SETH RICHARDSON, The Origin of Foreign Slaves in the Late Old Babylonian Period 
  • 75 - EVA VON DASSOW, Liberty and Duty in Late Bronze Age States 
  • 125 - GIULIA TORRI, On the Social Role of the Hittite ḫilammi- and ḫilammatti-workers in Light of Cuneiform Sources
  • 141 - CARLO ZACCAGNINI, Pomp and Circumstance at Nuzi, on the Eve of the End 
  • 211 - NICLA DE ZORZI, News on Enūma Anu Enlil 47 and its Nuzi Forerunner
  • 223 - GILAD ITACH, A Response to N. Na’aman: A Recently Unearthed Assyrian Road Station (bīt mardīti) near Tel Aphek
  • 231 - ENRIQUE JIMENEZ et al., From the Electronic Babylonian Literature Lab


  • 281 - ALISA POPOVA - BENJAMIN R. FOSTER, Six American Women Scholars in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 1900-1945
  • 303 - PAOLA CORÒ - STEFANIA ERMIDORO, “Firing Holes”: New Perspectives on an Old Question
  • 1 - BIEKE MAHIEU, The Synchronisation within and between the Dynasties of Akkad, Uruk IV, and Gutium
  • 27 - JAN GERRIT DERCKSEN, New Fragments and Joins to Published Emar Tablets
  • 53 - LIVIO WARBINEK, Was the Hittite MUNUSENSI a Dream Interpretress?
  • 75 - ENRIQUE JIMÉNEZ et al., From the Electronic Babylonian Literature Lab 1–7
  • 95 - JEANETTE C. FINCKE, Additions to Already Edited Enūma Anu Enlil (EAE) Tablets, Part VI: the Lunar Eclipse Omen from Tablets 21-22 Published by Rochberg-Halton in Afo Beih 22
  • 133 - NADAV NA’AMAN, A Recently Unearthed Assyrian Road Station (Bît Mardîti) Near Tel Aphek
  • 139 - Papers presented at the International Conference on Scholarship as Literature: Internal Mechanisms of Text Generation and Rhetorics in Scholarly Texts and Series from Ancient Mesopotamia and Neighbouring Cultures
  • 141 - JAY CRISOSTOMO, Creating Proverbs: The Listing Scholarship of the Sumerian Proverbs Collecions
  • 159 - NICLA DE ZORZI, Literature as Scholarship: Some Reflections on Repetition with Variation and the Construction of Meaning in the Šamaš Hymn 112-117
  • 183 - CÉLINE DEBOURSE, Debita Reverentia: Understanding Royal Humiliation in the New Year’s Festival Texts
  • 201 - URI GABBAY, The Production and Transmission of Sumerian Emesal Litanies in Their Historical and Cultic Contexts
  • 221 - ULLA KOCH, Principles of Astrological Omen Composition – Some Challenges or Reverse Engeneering the Astrological Hermeneutics
  • 237 - JUDITH PFITZNER, The Use of ELLUMEBBUM, and NAMRUM in the Sign List Diri
  • 254 - ABRAHAM WINITZER, History as Scholarship in the Early Babylonian Divination Literature (Part 1)
  • 279 - Papers Presented at the VIU 2018-2019 Advanced Seminar in the Humanities on “Literature and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and the Near East”
  • 281 - SZILVIA SÖVEGJÁRTÓ, What Does the Fox Say? Considerations on the Character Type of the Fox in the Sumerian Literature
  • 293 - BEATRICE BARAGLI, Abracadabra Incantations: Nonsense or Healing Therapies?
  • 323 - ALEXANDER JOHANNES EDMONDS, On the Trail of Na’id-ŠîḪU
  • 349 - SOPHUS HELLE, A Literary Heritage: Authorship in the Neo-Assyrian Period
  • 373 - ELLIE BENNETT, “I am a Man”: Masculinities in the Titulary of the Neo-Assyrian Kings in the Royal Inscriptions
  • 393 - ANGELIKA KELLNER, Kings, Officials and Priestesses, Chronographic Lists as Cornerstones of Chronology in Greece and in the Neo-Assyrian Empire
  • 409 - SHANA ZAIA, All that Glitters: Gold in the Royal Ideology of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
  • 431 - SAKI KIKUCHI, Hemerologies and their Transmission in Ancient Mesopotamia: the Case of Hemerologies for the Seventh Month
  • 453 - GIOELE ZISA, Going, Returning, Rising: the Movement of the Organs in the Mesopotamian Anatomy
  • 1 - MASSIMO MAIOCCHI - MANUEL MOLINA, Pre-Ur III Administrative Cuneiform Tablets in the British Museum. I. Texts from the Archives of Gudea’s Dynasty
  • 47 - MAURIZIO VIANO, Continuity and Change in the hazannu Office at Emar
  • 57 - CLAUDIA POSANI, What is Meant by “Evil” in TELL AHMAR 1?
  • 67 - ZOLTÁN NIEDERREITER, Bead (Neck Stone) of Aššur-Iddin, Palace Herald of Shalmaneser, King of Assyria
  • 85 CAROLINA LÓPEZ-RUIZ - FUMI KARAHASHI - MARCUS ZIEMANN, They who saw the Deep: Achilles, Gilgamesh and the Underworld
  • 109 - Proceedings of the workshop “Feasting and Festivals in Ancient Mesopotamia” (Center for Advanced Studies, LMU Munich, 11-12 May 2017)
  • 111 - ELISA ROSSBERGER, What’s inside this Jar? Actual and Iconic Use of Vessels in Early Mesopotamia
  • 139 - CLAUDIA E. SUTER, Feasting and Elite Women in Early Mesopotamia: a Contribution from the Visual Record
  • 55 - MARIA VITTORIA TONIETTI, Music, a Central Aspect of Religious and Secular Festivals: Information from the Ebla Archives
  • 171 - WALTHER SALLABERGER, Festival Provisions in Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia
  • 201 - EVELYN KUTZER, Musical Performances in the Contest of Feasting and Festivals in Mesopotamia in the 3rd Millennium BCE
  • 219 - ANNE LÖHNERT, Feasts and Festivals According to the Texts from the Palace Buildings in Nuzi
  • 243 - BEATE PONGRATZ-LEISTEN, The Social World of Assyrian State Rituals
  • 255 - KOZAD M. AHMED, Feasts and Festivals in Kurdistan, Past and Present


  • 267 - DANIELE MORANDI BONACOSSI – CRISTINA TONGHINI, The Many Facets of Heritage Destruction in Iraq
  • 1 - FUMI KARAHASHI - AGNÈS GARCIA-VENTURA, Overseers of Textile Workers in Presargonic Lagash
  • 21 - CARLO ZACCAGNINI, The last parades of the King of Nuzi
  • 57 - YORAM COHEN – MAURIZIO VIANO, A Land-grant Document from Emar: A (Re-)edition and Discussion of LN-104 (aka Gs-Kutscher 6)
  • 73 - MEINDERT DIJKSTRA, The itkalzi-Ritual: New Joins and Duplicates from Hattuša
  • 89 - JEANETTE C. FINCKE, Additions to Already Edited Enūma Anu Enlil (EAE) Tablets, Part IV: the Lunar Eclipse Omens from Tablets 15–19 Published by Rochberg-Halten in AfO Beih 22
  • 121 - KRISTIN KLEBER, Arabian Gold in Babylonia
  • 135 - STEFANIA ERMIDORO, New Data on the Babylonian Hydraulic Landscape: An Update to the Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes Vol. 8
  • 175 - MARY FRAZER, An Elementary Late Babylonian Scribal Exercise Featuring Nazi-Maruttaš
  • 185 - BIRGIT GUFLER, Deiokes, Ekbatana und das Land der Meder


  • 209 - ROCÍO DA RIVA, Il re Nabopolassar, la storiografia classica e la leggenda sulla distruzione dell’Assiria
  • 1 - EDUARDO TORRECILLA, Divine Names in the Tall Hadidi/Azû Texts
  • 15 - SCOTT B. NOEGEL, On the Wings of the Winds: Towards an Understanding of Winged Mischwesen in the Ancient Near East
  • 55 - JEANETTE C. FINCKE, Additions to already Edited Enūma Anu Enlil (EAE) Tablets, Part V: the Lunar Eclipse Omens from Tablet 20 Published by Rochberg-Halton in AfO Beih 22 with an excursus on šurinnu (šu.nir)
  • 75 - BENJAMIN DEWAR, Sitting on Top of the World: the Structure and Narrative of the Throne-Base Inscriptions of Ashurnasirpal II and Shalmaneser III
  • 91 - YIGAL BLOCH, From Horse Trainers to Dependent Workers: The šušānu Class in the Late Babylonian Period with a Special Focus on Āl-Yā~ūdu Tablets Papers Presented at the VIU 2015-2016 Seminar in the Humanities on “Literature and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and the Near East” 
  • 119 - Foreword by L. Milano
  • 121 - ARMANDO BRAMANTI, The Scepter (ĝidru) in Early Mesopotamian Written Sources
  • 153 - GINA KONSTANTOPOULOS, Through the Guts of a Beggar: Power, Authority, and the King in Old Babylonian Proverbs
  • 169 - AINO HÄTINEN, “I Am a Fully Laden Boat!” A Mesopotamian Metaphor Revisited
  • 187 - MADDALENA RUMOR, There’s No Fool Like an Old Fool: The Mesopotamian Aluzinnu and its Relationship to the Greek alazÛn


  • 211 - SOPHUS HELLE, Babylonian Perspectives on the Uncertainty of Death: SB Gilgamesh X 301-321
  • 1 - ANNUNZIATA ROSITANI, Some Old Babylonian DocketsDealing with Sheep and Goats
  • 31 - MAYNARD P. MAIDMAN JEN, 800-833: The Text Editions
  • 155 - ELENA DEVECCHI, Missing Treaties of the Hittites
  • 183 - CAROLINA FERRANDI, The Ritual of Palliya, King of Kizzuwatna (CTH 475). Some Addenda to its Textual Reconstruction
  • 199 - MICHELE CAMMAROSANO, Foreign Gods in Ḫatti. A New Edition of CTH 510
  • 245 - SIMONA LAMANTE - JÜRGEN LORENZ, KUB 27.68+ ein Inventarzum Kult von Nerik
  • 267 - JEANETTE C. FINCKE, Additions to Already Edited Enūma Anu Enlil (EAE) Tablets, Part III: A New Copy from Babylonia for the Tablet on Planets (MUL.UDU.IDIM) of the Omen Series
  • 281 - CLAUDIA POSANI, Osservazioni sull'uso dei nomi propri scribali nelle iscrizioni reali neo-ittite
  • 291 - MARC VAN DE MIEROOP, Metaphors of Massacre in Assyrian Royal Inscriptions
  • 319 - SILVIA SALIN, When Disease "Touches", "Hits", or "Seizes" in Assyro-Babylonian Medicine
  • 337 - KRISTIÁN SIMKÓ, On the Meaning and Cultural Setting of the Phrase lā kišitti šamme amme
  • 349 - TIM CLAYDEN - BERNHARD SCHNEIDER, Assurbanipal and the Ziggurat at Nippur
  • 383 - KATSUJI SANO, Die den Assyrerkönigen übersandten ausländischen Frauen mit Mitgift in Neuassyrischer Zeit
  • 391 - ARMANDO BRAMANTI, Another Brick in Nebuchadnezzar's Wall. A Catalogue of the Cuneiform Texts in the Collections of the National Museum of Oriental Art in Rome
  • 401 - OLGA V. POPOVA, The Royal Family and its Territorial Implantation during the Neo-Babylonian Period
  • 411 - JULIEN MONERIE, More than a Workman? The case of the ēpeš dulli tīdi ša bīt ilāni from Hellenistic Uruk

Papers presented at the VIU 2013-2014 seminar in the Humanities on "Literature and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and the Mear East"

  • 449 - Foreword by L. Milano
  • 451 - AINSLEY HAWTHORN, "You Are Just Like Me": The Motif of the Double in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Agushaya Poem
  • 467 - SIMONE PITTL, Some Considerations on Disabled People in the Sumerian Myth of Enki and Ninma
  • 485 - SELENE WISNOM, Stress Patterns in Enūma Eliš. A Comparative Study
  • 503 - PATRICK MICHEL, Élites mésopotamiennes et idéologie séleucide: Considérations sur la pratique de l'évergétisme et du culte royal
  • 519 - M. WILLIS MONROE, Organizational Structure of Knowledge in Cuneiform Sources
  • 1 - RAN ZADOK, Hīt in Sūhu
  • 23 - STEFANO SEMINARA, Death, Leichenhügel und Zauberkreise: Die gestaltende Kraft der Sprache in den Königsinschriften Ur-Nanšes
  • 47 - GIANNI MARCHESI, From Sumerian Grammar to Tilmun's Taxes: Interpreting é GÚ kar-ra kalam-ma-ka in the Enki and Ninsikila Myth
  • 57 - JOSUÉ J. JUSTEL, Women and Family in the Legal Documentation of Emar (With Additional Data from Other Late Bronze Age Syrian Archives)
  • 85 - AMIR GILAN, The Hittite Offering Lists and Related Texts (CTH 610-611) as Historical Sources
  • 103 - JEANETTE C. FINCKE, Additions to already Edited enūma anu enlil (EAE) Tablets, Part II: The Tablets Concerning the Appearance of the Sun Published in PIHANS 73, Part I
  • 141 - TERRI TANAKA, Dress and Identity in the Old Assyrian Sargon Legend
  • 159 - JAMIE NOVOTNY, The Sîn-šarra-iškun Stone Block Inscription in the Aššur Site Museum: A Revised Edition and Notes on the Nabû Temple at Aššur
  • 171 - STEPHANIE DALLEY, Itineraries of Nakht-Hor and Alexander in Assyria
  • 183 - PAOLA CORÒ, Identifying Women in Hellenistic Uruk: A Matter of Perspective?
  • 1 - MASSIMO FORLANINI, How to Infer Ancient Roads and Itineraries from Heterogeneous Hittite Texts: The Case of the Cilician (Kizzuwatnean) Road System
  • 35 - ALESSANDRA GILIBERT, Death, Amusement and the City: Civic Spectacles and the Theatre Palace of Kapara, King of Gūzāna
  • 69 - REINHARD PIRNGRUBER with a contribution by SVEN TOST, Police Forces in First Millennium BC Babylonia and Beyond
  • 89 - JEANETTE C. FINCKE, Additions to the Venus Tablets of the Omen Series enūma anu enlil (EAE) Published in BPO3 as Group F
  • 111 - GIULIA TONON, La costituzione del dominio lagide in Egitto: il caso di Tolomeo Soter

The Hurrian texts from Ortaköy/Šapinuwa

  • 129 - Foreword by Aygül Süel
  • 131 - STEFANO DE MARTINO - LEYLA MURAT - AYGÜL SÜEL, The Eleventh Tablet of the itkalzi Ritual from Šapinuwa
  • 149 - GERNOT WILHELM - AYGÜL SÜEL, The Hittite-Hurrian Offering Ritual for Tašmišarri Or.97/1
  • 169 - MAURO GIORGIERI - LEYLA MURAT - AYGÜL SÜEL, The kaluti-List of the Storm-god of Šapinuwa from Ortaköy (Or.90/175) and its Parallels from Boğazköy

Papers presented at the VIU 2011-2012 seminar in the Humanities on "Literature and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and the Mear East"

  • 185 - Foreword by L. Milano
  • 187 - MARY FRAZER, Nazi-Maruttaš in Later Mesopotamian Tradition
  • 221 - VIOLETTA CORDANI, What Kind of Hero? Aspects of Heroic Kingship in Hittite Literature
  • 235 - ENRIQUE JIMÉNEZ, "The Creation of the King": A Reappraisal
  • 255 - CHRISTOPHER METCALF, Babylonian Perspectives on the Certainty of Death
  • 269 - SAANA SVÄRD, Female Agency and Authorship in Mesopotamian Texts


  • 281 - YORAM COHEN, Problems in the History and Chronology of Emar
  • LAITH M. HUSSEIN, Bauplanung und Administration in altbabylonischer Zeit: Ein Tonbullen Archiv aus Tell Harmal (Šaduppûm)
  • SIR GAVAZ, Involving the Whereabouts of the Tahurpa City
  • JÜRGEN LORENZ - ILKNUR TAŞ, Zwei neue Anschlüsse zu Hethitischen Beschwörungsritualen
  • MARIA ELENA BALZA, Two Cylinder Seals from Kavusan Höyük (Turkey)
  • JEAN-JACQUES GLASSNER, Le devin, la droite, la gauche et la manipulation du foie de la victime
  • SEBASTIAN FINK, Die Frage nach der Gerechtigkeit Gottes im Alten Orient
  • CORNELIA WUNSCH - F. Rachel Magdalene, A Slave is not Supposed to Wear such a Garment!

Decoding Gilgamesh: proceedings of a conference Held on 12th-14th April 2010 at St John’s College, Cambridge:

  • MARTIN WORTHINGTON, Introductory Note
  • PETER DE VILLE, Gilgamesh: Some Suggestions for Literary Interpretation
  • A.R. GEORGE, The Mayfly on the River Individual and Collective Destiny in the Epic of Gilgamesh
  • JANE GILBERT, Repetition and the Death Drive in Gilgamesh and Medieval French Literature
  • JOHANNES HAUBOLD, Visualisation in Homer and Gilgamesh
  • RICHARD NORTH - MARTIN WORTHINGTON, Gilgameš and Beowulf: Foundations of a Comparison
  • CHRISTIAN ZGOLL, From Wild Being to Human to Friend. Reflections on Anthropology in the Gilgamesh Epic and in Homer’s Odyssey
  • 1 - THOMAS E. BALKE, Die Religiösen ‘Titel’ PA4-PA4 und NI-A-A im Präsargonischen Onomastikon
  • 11 - KLAUS WAGENSONNER, New Light on ‘Sîn-iddinam and Iškur’
  • 43 - NICLA DE ZORZI, The omen series Shumma izbu: internal structure and hermeneutic strategies
  • 77 - MAYNARD P. MAIDMAN, Nuzi, the Club of the Great Powers, and the Chronology of the Fourteenth Century
  • 141 - VIOLETTA CORDANI, Dating The Ascension To The Throne Of Šuppiluliuma I
  • 161 - ITAMAR SINGER, The Historical Context of two Tell Nebi Mend/Qadeš Letters 
  • 177 - JOHANNES HACKL, Bojana Janković, Michael Jursa, Das Briefdossier des Šumu-ukīn
  • 1 - MONICA ARRIVABENI, Early Bronze Age Settlement in the Tell Leilan Region: A Report on the Ceramic Material of the 1995 Survey
  • 51 - LICIA ROMANO, Who was Worshipped in the Abu Temple at Tell Asmar?
  • 67 - ITZHAQ SHAI - Joe Uziel, The Whys and Why Nots of Writing: Literacy and Illiteracy in the Southern Levant during the Bronze Ages
  • 85 - MARCO MARIZZA, La papponimia nel mondo ittita. Casi accertati e casi presunti
  • 99 - Papers Presented at the VIU 2008-2009 Seminar on “Literature and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and the Near East”
  • 101 - CHRISTIAN W. HESS, Towards the Origins of the Hymnic Epic Dialect
  • 123 - MARTIN WORTHINGTHON, mamma(n) ... ul and Its Alternatives in Babylonian Literature
  • 143 - ALEXA BARTELMUS, Restoring the Past. A Historical Analysis of the Royal Temple Building Inscriptions from the Kassite Period 
  • 173 - LUISA BARBATO, Rethoric of Landscape in the Assyrian Royal Inscriptions from Sargon II to Ashurbanipal
  • 197 - ANGELA R. ROSKOP, Deluge, War, and Dios Boulê : Making Sense of Cross-Cultural Affinities in the Biblical Flood Story


  • 219 - MASSIMILIANO MARAZZI, Scrittura, percezione e cultura: qualche riflessione sull’Anatolia in età ittita
  • 1 - MINNA LÖNNQVIST, Archaeological Surveys of Jebel Bishri. The Preliminary Report of the Finnish Mission to Syria, 2005-2006
  • 43 - WOLFGANG HEIMPEL, Blind Workers in the Ur III Texts
  • 49 - MASSIMO FORLANINI, Upper Mesopotamia in the middle of the 17th Century B.C.  according to the Hittite texts
  • 77 - FRANCESCO FUSCAGNI, An unpublished Hittite Fragment of Evocation Ritual: 894/Z
  • 85 - NICLA DE ZORZI, Bird Divination in Mesopotamia. New Evidence From BM 108874
  • 137 - DAVIDE NADALI, Sieges and similes of Sieges in the Royal Annals: The Conquest of Damascus by Tiglath-Pileser III
  • 151 - RADOSŁAW TARACSEWICZ, Bird Breeding in Babylonian Sippar        
  • 215 - STEFAN ZAWADZKI, A Document concerning Sale of an Ass from Persian Sippar


  • 223 - FUMI KARAHASHI, Argument Structure of Sumerian Verbs: Causative alternation
  • 237 - FREDERICK MARIO FALES, Art, Performativity, Mimesis, Narrative, Ideology, and Audience: Reflections on Assyrian Palace Reliefs in the light of recent studies    
  • 1 - CLAUDIA E. SUTER, Who are the Women in Mesopotamian Art from ca. 2334-1763 BCE?
  • 57 - MARTIN BOMMAS, Die verstorbenen Könige im kulturellen Gedächtnis des Alten Ägypten
  • 73 - MARIA EMANUELA ALBERTI, Murex shells as Raw Material: the Purple-dye industry and its By-products. Interpreting the Archaeological Record
  • 91 - Papers Presented at the Verona Workshop (2007) on “Administration and Ideology in the Ancient Near East”
  • 93 - WALTHER SALLABERGER, Rechtsbrüche in Handel. Diplomatie und Kult ein memorandum aus Ebla über Verfehlungen Maris (ARET 13,15)
  • 111 - HAGAN BRUNKE, The nakabtum. An Administrative Superstructure for the Storage and Distribution of Agricultural Products
  • 127 - PAOLA PAOLETTI, Elusive Silver? Evidence for the Circulation of Silver in the Ur III State
  • 157 - Papers Presented at the VIU 2006-2007 Seminar on “Literature and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and the Near East”
  • 159 - JEFFREY L. COOLEY, Inana and Sukaletuda: a Sumerian Astral Myth
  • 173 - ALEXANDRA KLEINERMAN, Money, Memory and Miscellany: understanding the presence of historical elites in early second millennium pedagogical composition
  • 187 - GIULIA F. GRASSI, Belshazzar’s Feast and Feats: the Last Prince of Babylon in Ancient Eastern and Western Sources
  • 211 - MARTIN LANG, Floating from Babylon to Rome. Ancient Near Eastern Flood Stories in the Mediterranean World
  • 233 - ERIK VAN DONGEN, The Study of Near Eastern influences on Greece: towards the Point
  • 1 - ANNA BRUSTOLON - ELENA ROVA, The Late Chalcolithic Period in the Tell Leilan Region: A Report on the Ceramic Material of the 1995 Survey
  • 43 - FRANCESCA DE LILLIS FORREST - LUCIO MILANO - LUCIA MORI, The Akkadian Occupation in the Northwest Area of the Tell Leilan Acropolis (with an Appendix on The Epigraphic Finds from the “Tablet Room” of the Leilan IIb3 Akkadian Building and from Later Akkadian Layers)
  • 65 - ELENA SANTAGATI, Girsu “Messenger Texts” Kept in the British Museum
  • 83 - CRISTIANA MOLFESE, Prime manifestazioni dello “stile internazionale” nel Medio Bronzo? Il caso dei sigilli e degli avori
  • 115 - EMANUELE M. CIAMPINI, Two New Coffin Sides from the Tomb of Henib
  • 121 - JARED L. MILLER, Mursili II’s Dictate to Tuppi-Teššub’s Syrian Antagonists
  • 153 - MARCO MARIZZA, The office of GAL GEŠTIN in the Hittite Kingdom
  • 181 - FRANCESCO FUSCAGNI, Una nuova interpretazione del rituale CTH 423 alla luce di tre nuovi duplicati
  • 221 - GABRIELLA STIVALA, L’apporto della lingua hattica alla tradizione cultuale ittita: due casi di canti strofici
  • 245 - MAURIZIO VIANO, Problemi di datazione di alcuni testi legali di Emar
  • 261 - PAOLA CORÒ, Again on an Achaemenid Contract from the Egibi Archive in Trieste (Italy): Collations to Inv. 138
  • 267 - GIULIA FRANCESCA GRASSI, L’onomastica di Dura-Europos: alcune considerazioni d'insieme


  • 297 - CLAUS AMBOS, Ricostruire un tempio per nuocere al re: rituali mesopotamici di fondazione, il loro posto nel culto e il loro impiego come arma politica
  • 1 - ELENA ROVA, The Eagle and the Snake. Remarks on the Iconography of Some Archaic Seals
  • 31 - BARBARA GILLI, Le rappresentazioni dei vasi per gli oli sacri a Saqqara nella VI dinastia
  • 69 - ANDREA BEMPORAD, Considerazioni sulla fine dell’impero ittita
  • 81 - CHICAKO E. WATANABE, Pictorial Narrative in Assyrian Art: The “Continuous Style” Applied to the Battle of Til-Tuba
  • 105 - FREDERICK MARIO FALES, Treading the (Military, Commercial, And Cultural) Itineraries of The Ancient Near East (Udine, September 1-3, 2004) – An Introduction
  • 109 - MICHAEL PORTER, Iter Itinerarii
  • 127 - MICHAEL P. STRECK, Travels in the Ancient Near East
  • 137 - CHRISTOPH GERBER, “… To Find the Key” – Ein Itinerar zum Verständnis der Stratigraphie der Fürstengräber von Alaca Höyük
  • 147 - MASSIMO FORLANINI, Étapes et itinéraires entre Assur et l’Anatolie des marchands paléo-assyriens: nouveaux documents et nouveaux problèmes
  • 177 - DAVID SEVALIE, Les itinéraires de la communication à Mari sous le règne de Zimrî-Lîm
  • 203 - Minna Lönnqvist, Archaeological Surveys of Jebel Bishri. The Preliminary Report of the Finnish Mission to Syria, 2000-2004
  • 241 - CINZIA PAPPI, The Jebel Bishri in the Physical and Cultural Landscape of the Ancient Near East
  • 257 - LEONARDO GREGORATTI, Vespasiano, Marco Ulpio Traiano padre e la costituzione del limes orientale


  • 275 - AAGE WESTENHOLZ, Does Assyriology Have a Future?
  • 1 - MARTA BISELLO, Ruolo del repertorio iconografico nei diversi generi artistici della Mesopotamia protodinastica
  • 43 - MASSIMO MAIOCCHI, Sul valore ponderale del siclo “DILMUN” nei testi di Ebla
  • 55 - GIUSEPPE VISICATO - Aage Westenholz, An Early Dynastic Archive from Ur Involving the lugal
  • 79 - ELENA SANTAGATI, Un registro neo-sumerico di arretrati di orzo e crusca
  • 91 - BENDT ALSTER, Groats Dropping on the Widow: HS 1461. Studies in Bilingual Proverbs 1
  • 97 - MARKHAM J. GELLER, Catalogue of Late Babylonian Ur Texts Excavated by Hall
  • 101 - DAVID SEVALIÉ, Mari e Hazakkanum: analisi dei rapporti politici
  • 133 - MARCO MARIZZA, Un frammento ittita di difficile definizione tipologica: KUB XXIII 83
  • 147 - DANIELA CRASSO, Ankuwa in Hittite Written Sources: Preliminary Observations
  • 159 - SALVATORE GASPA, Schemi narrativi nelle Summary Inscriptions di Tiglatpileser III: il resoconto delle campagne babilonesi come caso di studio
  • 199 - CYNTHIA JEAN, Des chiens de Ninkilim aux criquets syriaques:ou le succès d'une métaphore en Mésopotamie


  • 209 - FRANCIS JOANNES, L’économie et la société en Babylonie au Ier millénaire avant J.-C.
  • 1 - LUCIO MILANO, Weight Stones from Tell Beydar / Nabada
  • 9 - LUCA MARIGLIANO, Creature fantastiche nell’arte mesopotamica del terzo millennio a.C.: esempi iconografici di ibridi uomo-animale
  • 31 - STEFANO DE MARTINO, König, Gott und Feind in den althethitischen historiographischen Texten
  • 45 - LORENZO D'ALFONSO, Gli Ittiti sul Medio Eufrate alle prese con la fonetica semitica (XIII sec. a.C.)
  • 59 - ROSANNA TOGNON, Il testo oracolare ittita KUB V 7
  • 83 - FREDERICK MARIO FALES, Rileggendo gli inventari di Qatna
  • 129 - NICOLETTA BELLOTTO, L’adozione con matrimonio a Nuzi e a Emar
  • 139 - SIMONETTA PONCHIA, Mountain Routes in Assyrian Royal Inscriptions


  • 179 - AAGE WESTENHOLZ, How Do We Understand Ancient History,and Why Study It at All?